
Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture

Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture

translation by Kenny Ho

Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture wises all people,

Point out right decree benefit all souls,

Teaching people to be aware and awake,

Avoid falling to hell but enter heaven.

Do good deeds accomplish virtues can transform poor to rich,

Change from poverty to prosperity and no more suffering,

Felicity, long life, and glory given by heaven,

Generations of descendents are well accomplished.

Reading the right decree and tell to the others,

Give to others and to circulate shows good morality,

Believe and respect this classical virtuous book,

All deities and saints will protect all these.

The respectable Dian-Bi-Ni-Ma

Why there exist Jade Calendar?

By Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva, the teacher of all souls in Hells, in his birthday, all ten hall king of hells and other deities of Hells came to congratulate him and paid him respect with closed palms.
Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva talks with great mercies: I used the will power of my mercies to save the souls in Hells. But unfortunately, too few people are doing good deeds, and too many are doing bad deeds. After this one has left the hell, the other ones come, the saving process would never end. What method shall be used to let living people deeply believe in karma, repent their sins, stop all the wrongdoings, and strive to do good deeds, also change their mind toward Tao, then gradually break away from the reincarnation cycle of birth and death? One way is to stop the causes of entering hell; another way is to let the descendents of souls in hell do many alms deeds, and let these souls enter heaven earlier.
At that moment, all ten hall king of hells closed their palms with respect and reply with one voice: Research showed the cause for living people do more bad deeds than good deeds, nothing more than the view of wrong and evil.
The wrong view is: they believe after humans die, everything disappears; the explanation of self-will on stop and disappear; or else, insisting on self misunderstood; humans always be born as humans; and animals always be born as animals are common mistaken views. Therefore, some people conduct selfish sins without any restrain; some treats other livings as their natural sacrifices. It causes the strong ones eating the weaker ones, killing and fighting, etc. all kinds of bad causes and bad results.

The people with evil views, follow their selfish instinct by lying to their own heart and disobey the decree of heaven, promote many evil speeches; some teach other stealing and immorality; or deny karma, spirit, and leading other into evil situation; stop others enter virtuous place, create disasters that caused by sins in group.

Now we prepare to let some living human with good virtue, lead him enter Hells to observe on site, record all the gruesome situations in Hells, to complete the book of Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture. After he return to earth, widely spread this book to wise all the living humans.

If someone know his sins, repent sincerely, and never do it again, also strive to do good deeds, then his sins will be allowed to be lightened, decrease punishment; or use his good deeds to cancel out their sins and exempt from punishment.

If someone with heart to embrace the whole world, spread good virtuous lessons, all his previous sins will be even more lightened; sins canceled out from good deeds, and exempt from punishment. If he still has extra good deeds left, naturally he will receive felicity very quickly. If one step further he can convert to Buddhism, respect Buddha, Decrees, and Monks these Three Treasures, strive with effort in discipline, then everyday every 24 hours, all deities and saints will protect and take care of him; all God of Lucks will also protect and take care of him. When he alive, no misfortune will bother him; he will certainly enter the World of Ultimate Bliss after death.

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva said: Let’s do it this way, let’s do it this way! Very good! Very good!

On the third day of eighth lunar month, ten hall kings of hells and all the deities, hand over the prepared suggestion to Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor said: Excellent! Excellent! Later on all the deities and saints observe humans: if someone take vows to do good deeds, when he alive, repent and correct one sin, and able not to make that mistake again, then he is allowed to redeem two of his punishable sins.

If someone repent and correct with striving effort reached five counts, then all his sins will be exempted. Man shall reincarnate in wealth family, woman can be born as man.

If someone corrected his sins over five counts, then allow him to pass his felicity to his ancestors, save the souls of his deceased relatives disembroil from suffering.

Hurry up, all the presented rules and methods, organize and record in Jade Calendar; inform all the underworlds, let the city deity, earth deity, door deity, kitchen deity, and all spirits knows. Now follow this decree, all shall respectfully follow.

Content of Jade Calendar

Detail description of causes for punishment by Ten Hall Kings of Hells

First Hall of hells, King Qin-Guang

The responsibility of King Qin-Guang is in charge of the length of life expectancy of living humans, and the book for the birth and death; also he is the central management for the souls in Hells.

This Soul Judgment Hall located in the middle of the Big Ocean, outside the Flaming Stone, west of Yellow Spring Dark Road.

When virtuous people die, some will be led to Heaven or World of Ultimate Bliss.

If men or women with equal virtue and sins, after their death, they will be sent to Tenth Hall and send back to become human again. Some men will be born as women; some women will be born as men. Each will accord to their sins and conjuncture during their lifetime, and send to accept his karma.

For the people who conduct more sins then virtues, will lead to the high platform on the right side of the Hall, called Karma Mirror.

Karma Mirror is 8 feet height, can be embraced by ten people. It hangs facing east side, with words across on top: No good humans in front of Karma Mirror.

The souls with many sins will be led to front of mirror and see the image of himself doing bad deeds during his life; also see the images of himself being punished in hell. At this moment one will realize: even 100 tons of gold can not bring in here, for the entire life, only sins accompany him to hell.

After seeing the Karma Mirror, all souls will send to Second Hall, then distribute to each hell applying torture, to make various kind of punishment. The details of punishment and cause of sins are listed in the following:

1. The punishment for suicide persons:

For ones do not think about they were born by heaven and earth, body fed by parents, which is extremely precious and have obligations as heavy as mountain. The obligations from parents, all livings, and government, and Three Treasures were not repaid. Without receiving the edict to die, ones presume kill themselves by hanging, suicide, take poisons, jump into waters, etc. Unless they scarify their lives with honorable causes such as allegiance, piety, chastity, and fealty, which will become saints after death. The others killed themselves due to resentment, or committed crime been discovered and felt embarrassment, but their sins have not yet reached the level of capital punishment. Some tried to set up false death and make blame to others but became reality. All the above souls will be brought by door deity or kitchen deity, to take them directly to this Hall, and place in the Field of Starvation and Field of Thirst.

These suicide souls, on each 11th and 12th day of 12 day cycle, they will feel the exact pain during the time of their death. They will repeat the same the feeling as before. Some after 70 days, some after one or two years, their souls will be brought back to the place they die, to feel the pain of regret and torture. They will not be allowed to be fed and gifts from other people who come pay their respect.

If the suicide souls have self awareness and repent, behave themselves, not to show their spirit to scare people; and not to search for body for replacement. Waiting for the suffered people caused by these souls, have relieved their suffering, then the Door Deity or Kitchen Deity will still bring these souls back to this Hall and transfer to the Second Hall. Their virtues and sins will be re-examed and increase their penalty, then send to other Halls, distribute to Hells for more punishment.

If these souls tried to show their spirit to scare people or search for body for replacement, or use these language to scare and trick others; although not serious enough to make other people die; then all their good deeds they have done before will not be used to reduce their punishment.

If these suicide souls would not behave themselves and use their spirit image to scare people and caused death; they will be taken by green face bucktooth daemons to each hell for punishment. After 100 days, will send to the Hell of Incessant Suffer, body will be hooked by chains forever, never have chance to enter heaven.

2. Punishment for omitting words while reading sacred scriptures

For those Buddhist monks and Taoist monks who get paid to read sacred scripture for others, but omitting words or pages; will bring to this Hall, then assign to Scripture Reading Hall. Each will send to a small dark room in the scripture library, All their missing words and sentences will have to write clearly and make up all the readings precisely.

This place has oil lamps, with dozens liter of oil, but only use very thin thread for burning, sometimes bright, sometimes dark, so they can not make up their all their writings within short time.

3. Punishment for monks who are greedy for the contributor’s money

For monks who suppose to live in purity and chastity, but became greedy, taking money from contributors for their comfortable life style, will also have to make up their sacred scripture here.

4.The benefit for people who cultivate virtue sincerely, and spread the decree of Buddhist:

For the common people who cultivate virtue at home or monks, who give their whole heart respectfully while reading the scriptures. Even if they made some mistakes or omitting whole readings; however the importance is on their sincere dedication, not on the word itself. For such people who cultivate virtue sincerely, Buddha had give orders that no need to make them up, but on each first day of the month, record their virtues in their book of merit.

For humans on earth on each first day of second lunar month, if they face west and pray with sincere, learn the purity of Buddha and his virtue of benefiting all living creatures. They constantly think and behave align with the virtues of Buddha, also read scriptures, restrain themselves with virtue, make vow to do great deeds, pray to conduct their virtue as if they are in heaven. They also make vows to be active in cultivate virtue; striving in spreading the decree of Buddhism, benefit all souls. Then when they die, they will be lead by Buddha and go straight to heaven.

Second Hall, King Chu-Jiang

King Chu-Jiang commands the Great Hell of Lasting Suffering under the Big Ocean, south side under the Flaming Stone.

This hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also has 16 small hells:

First called Black Cloudy Sand Small Hell.

Second called Urine and Feces Mud Small Hell.

Third called Tongue Raking Small Hell.

Fourth called Hungry Ghost Small Hell.

Fifth called Firing Thirst Small Hell.

Sixth called Pus and Blood Small Hell.

Seventh called Copper Ax Small Hell.

Eighth called Multiple Copper Ax Small Hell.

Ninth called Iron Vase Small Hell.

Tenth called Whipping Small Hell.

Eleventh called Stomach Piercing Small Hell.

Twelfth called Grey River Small Hell.

Thirteenth called Chopping Small Hell.

Fourteenth called Sword Leaves Small Hell.

Fifteenth called Fox and Wolf small hell

Sixteenth called Icy Coldness small hell

For someone who committed the following offenses:

1. Deceive youth.

2. Unlawfully occupy other’s property.

3. Injure other’s ear, eyes, hands or feet.

4. Introduce others to unknown doctor or medicines to gain immoral profit.

5. Slaving servants, whom already reached adulthood but unwilling to let them free.

6. During marriage negotiation, in order to gain other’s fortune, by hiding one’s own age, to deceive this marriage.

7. Before two families reached marriage agreement, one already knew either side has serious illness, or an ill-fated low quality person. But in order to earn the commission, one that blind his/her heart, cover up all these truth to either family, and lead to suffering of others.

All the statement of the above bad deeds, will be exam in detail on the number of incidents, length of time, the suffering that caused, and the seriousness of such incident.

If it exists, then will order twisted face red haired daemons to push them into big hell for suffering. Also, according to the magnitude of their offenses, they will be sent to small hells for punishment. After the period of punishment has ended, then turn to Third Hall, for heavier penalty, and send to such hell for punishment.

The earth humans with following good merits:

1. Often tell others the content of Jade Calendar, to make other aware.

2. Print Jade Calendar for free distribution.

3. When see someone sick, then introduce good doctor or give good medicine for free, and wish other get well soon.

4. When see poor and misfortune people, cook meal for them or give charity to others.

If all the above mentioned virtuous people can repent and reform their past wrongdoings, then will specially allowed to cancel their sins with merits. The remaining sins will be forgiven. On the day of their death, will hand over to Tenth Hall, and send to reborn in precious human realm.

If ones can cherish all living creatures, not to kill any lives; warn and guide children not to kill insects.

On each first day of third lunar month, make vows and oath not to kill or release capture animals.

When the above virtuous people die, no need to enter any Hell, immediately transfer to the Tenth Hall, then release to better places.

Third Hall, King Song-Di

King Song-Di commands the Great Hell of Black Ropes under the Big Ocean, under the southeast of Flaming Stone.

This hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also has 16 small hells:

First called Salt Cooking Small Hell.

Second called Tendon Taking Small Hell.

Third called Rib Piercing Small Hell.

Fourth called Copper Iron Face Scraping Small Hell.

Fifth called Fat Scraping Small Hell.

Sixth called Heart and Liver Clamping Small Hell.

Seventh called Eyes Gauging Small Hell.

Eighth called Skin Shoveling Small Hell.

Ninth called Foot Amputation Small Hell.

Tenth called Nail Pulling Small Hell.

Eleventh called Blood Sucking Small Hell.

Twelfth called Inverting Torture Small Hell.

Thirteen called Shoulder Bones Splitting Small Hell.

Fourteenth called Eating Maggot Small Hell.

Fifteenth called Knee Pounding Small Hell.

Sixteenth called Heart Cutting Small Hell.

People who made the following offences while they are alive:

1. Did not believe they receive big favor from the country and the public officials, but only think of themselves as most important. While being a government official with ranking, not allegiance to their administrator, but with betrayal, and not caring the life of other people.

2. While executing public duties, put their personal interest ahead of virtue, lacking the heart to love country and people.

3. Being a husband not performed his obligation. Being a wife not kind to her husband.

4. Being an adopted son, after receiving long years of favor from foster parents, but right after received heritage, immediately forgot his obligation and return to his original parents.

5. Servant or trustee who belie or betray.

6. Employee or soldier who betray his administrator or officer.

7. Working for employer but gang with other employees to cheat the employer.

8. Being sentenced to jail but escape, or guilty person escapes during transportation that causes suffering for families of prison guards. After long period of time, did not repent to the suffered people and compensate their loss. Although have done many good deeds, still need to send to hell and suffer various punishment.

9. For ones one’s own Feng-Shui sake, hindering others to burry dead body, caused the deceased ones unable to get burry to the ground.

10. When digging graves, saw the earth has other buried coffin or corps, but did not stop and change the location, which damaged other’s corps.

11. An employed manager who steeling for himself, or omit to report money or food, and take advantage of others.

12. Not cleaning the tombs of ancestors, after a long time, got lost.

13. Solicit others to commit crime. Make trouble purposely for others, deceive others to sue in court and hurt other’s relationship.

14. Write anonymous letter to detract others.

15. Made up false articles to ruin other’s reputation.

16. Forge marriage rejection letter, to help others relieve from marriage agreement.

17. Forge contract or letter for the purpose of deceiving for money.

18. Forge other’s signature footnote or stamp for the purpose of changing accounting ledger and cause trouble for others.

For the above offensives, after examine the magnitude of incident, will send Big Power Daemon push to big hell for suffering. Then they will be sent to small hell for punishment.

After the period of punishment has ended, then the soul will turn to the Fourth Hall for heavier penalty, and send to such Hell for punishment.

On each eighth day of second lunar month, make vows not to commit the above offenses. When the above virtuous people die, no need to enter any Hell for suffering, will be allow to transfer to better places.

Fourth Hall Wu-Guan (five senses) King

Wu-Guan King commands the Closing Hell under the Big Ocean, under the east of Flaming Stone.

This Hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also has 16 Small hells:

First called Water Splashing Small Hell.

Second called Bamboo Spike Kneeling Small Hell.

Third called Boiling Water Small Hell.

Fourth called Face Smacking Pus Dripping Small Hell.

Fifth called Thew Breaking Bone Scraping Small Hell.

Sixth called Three Blades Scratch Skin Small Hell.

Seventh called Skin Pealing Small Hell.

Eighth called Mountain Peak Huddling Small Hell.

Ninth called Iron Cloth Small Hell.

Tenth called Burning Wheels and Carts Small Hell.

Eleventh called Eye Shooting Small Hell.

Twelfth called Dust Gagging Small Hell.

Thirteen called Force Drinking Bitter Medicine Small Hell.

Fourteenth called Oil Tripping Small Hell.

Fifteenth called Sword Trees Small Hell.

Sixteenth called Gravel Burring Small Hell.

For people who committed the following offenses will send to this place:

1. Tax evasion.

2. Refuse to pay rent.

3. Using forged scale to gain advantage from others.

4. Mix fake medicine as genuine one to make others get sicker.

5. Sell wetted rice to others.

6. Use fake money to buy items, or deduct oddment unpaid.

7. Sell items that cause seduction and vanity such perfume, powder, silk products.

8. When see cripple or handicapped old man or children do not let them go first or let them sit first.

9. Deceive ignorant people, old people, children, or hard working peddlers.

10. Take Obligation to deliver letters for others but delay and caused trouble.

11. Stealing the bricks or stones on street, or lights for evening travelers, and caused traffic accident.

12. Poor people who do not behave themselves, greedy for unexpected fortune.

13. Rich people who do not care for old and poor, not do charity works.

14. If someone came to borrow money, first agreed, but regret afterward, and caused great trouble for others.

15. With useful medicine at home, but when see other sick, be too penny-pinching to provide to others.

16. Obtain very useful medical prescriptions but kept for oneself, not spread to others.

17. Dump leftover foods and other abridge on the street, hindering traffic and pedestrians.

18. Owns animals without good purpose, and let their waste products hinder the pedestrians and environment.

19. With land not utilizing, not lent to others for farming, let it became waste land purposely.

20. Make damage to other’s wall.

21. Use spell to make spirit scaring people.

22. Forge scary words to scare other people.

For the above offensives, after examine the magnitude of incident, will send daemons push them to Big Hell for suffering. Then they will be sent to Small hell for punishment.

After the period of punishment has ended, then the soul will turn to the Fifth Hall for heavier penalty, and send to such Hell for punishment.

On each eighteenth day of second lunar month, make vows not to commit the above offenses, no need to enter this Hell for suffering.

If one can hand copy the entire Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture or add the karma examples from past to now at the back of this Scripture, to persuade people to cultivate kind deeds, and pass on to the next generations, to make the readers repent and reform since, then all these kind deeds will eventually add to the accumulation of merits secretly.

Fifth Hall, King Yan-Luo

King Yan-Luo said: I was the supervisor of First Hall before, because I was too mercy to wrongly death people by releasing them back to the human realm, to regain their innocence. Therefore I was demoted to Hell of Great Wailing under the Big Ocean, under the northeast of Flaming Stone. Also supervising 16 Heart Stabbing Small Hells.

All the guilty souls came to the hell had been through the previous hells, and suffered many years. The ones been verified that did not commit great sins on the previous hells, will send to this Hell every seven days after their death.

Even if these souls could not be found any sins committed, their corps must decay by the fifth of seven cycle days.

All these guilty souls would say: We still have kind deeds waiting to be completed on earth.

Some say they want to repair or build temples, bridges, roads; make irrigation ducks, digging wells, or unfinished writing of virtuous books or chapters; or wanted to set free the captured animals but the number has not yet reach target; wanted to take care of parents or funeral affairs not yet complete; or not yet payback favor from others.

For the above incidents, they plead to return to earth. Since all of them had made oath to be a kind person.

After I heard them, say: When you were humans on earth, you had done many bad deeds, the deities and daemons know it very clearly. Now the situation is like a boat in the middle of the river, found leaking, but it is too late to fill the hole. Therefore if there is no souls with hatred in the underworld; there will be much less hatred humans on earth. On earth, the numbers of people who really cultivate kind virtues are so rare.

Now the guilty souls that come to this hall, after seeing the Karma Mirror, will eventually know him as bad kinds. No need to say much! Bull Head and Horse Face daemons send them to the high platform of Hometown Viewer.

The high platform called Tower Hometown Viewing.

The Tower of Hometown Viewing is half circle shape, facing east, west, and south. The curvature of this platform is 40.5 kilometer; back of the viewer is flat, looked like a bowstring.

On north side, there is a wall formed by Sword Trees. The platform is 163 meters height. The rise of this platform is made of knife, has 36 levels.

Kind people no need to climb this platform; people with half merits and half sins have already send to reincarnation.

Only guilty souls with many bad deeds will need to take a look from this viewer.

As if the hometown of the guilty souls is in front of their eyes; they can hear and see all the spoken words and actions of their relatives and friends.

Seeing all the old and young ones, do not follow the instructions of the person before his death.

Seeing all the decision he made before has been altered, changing one by one.

All the earned property has been removed.

Her husband has remarried to other woman; wife has remarried to other man.

Originally well organized accounting ledger has been messed up and money stolen.

All the money owed by the deceased have to be repaid to the penny; the people who owed money to the deceased, since lack of evidence, they would never payback; they use meanness to cover it up.

All the faults and crimes were blamed to the deceased.

All of their parents and other relatives were hating and judging them.

All their children are very selfish; friends loose credibility.

Few relatives and friends for the sake of missing the deceased, just cry for a moment at the coffin; after they leave, they start laughing.

All the committed offenses, the bad fates gradually showed up.

Son committed crime and goes to jail; or gang with bad friends and become a bad person. Daughter caught strange disease; or been raped.

Business fall apart; house been burned down. Various properties been used up quickly.

Actually, for bad deeds return to oneself, not only for the deceased souls. Some people during their lifetime would also see these bad fates with their own eyes.

After the guilty souls seen the above images, will send to the Hell of Great Wailing. After examine the detail of offenses they had committed, they will send to Heart Stabbing Small hells for suffering.

Inside each small hell, the ground is buried with dangerous wooden palings; the chain made of snake shape copper; dogs made of cast iron that makes hillock, also tides bodies and press down hands and legs. Then use a small knife, cut open the chest and abdominal, hook out the heart, cut it piece by piece, give the heart to snakes, the intestines to dogs.

When reach the end of suffering period, the hurting skins recovered, and then send to the following Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell for more suffering:

First Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones who disrespect deities and daemon, having doubt on karma

Second Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones who kill other living creatures.

Third Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones who committed offenses before they completed the kind deeds, which they vow to do.

Forth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small hell is for ones who associating evil, conduct wrongdoings, doing opposite to the virtuous acts; study witchcraft, dreaming of living long life.

Fifth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones who take advantage of kind people and afraid of evil people, hate others and wish them to die early.

Sixth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones who take vanity and gossips seriously; blame fault to others.

Seventh Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for rappers; one that set women up to loose their virginity; induce women to obey the fornicating intention; whether with bad intension of not, indulge in fornication.

Eighth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell for ones that doing things which only benefit themselves, but make others suffering.

Ninth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell for greedy and unwilling to donate ones; unwilling to do charity; indifferent to other’s life and emergency.

Tenth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell for ones that steal or rob other’s property; purposely unwillingly to repay debts they owed.

Eleventh Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell for ones who disregard favor from others; without fealty; take revenge on hate.

Twelfth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones that like to fight, addicted to gambling, like to win that cause trouble and suffering to others.

Thirteenth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones that deceive and seduce public for their fame and fortune.

Fourteenth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones that did not act on their own hand but solicited other to make damage to others.

Fifteenth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones that jealous others with kind virtue and capable of doing kind deeds.

Sixteenth Heart and Intestine Cutting Small Hell is for ones that obduracy and never want to reform; wrongly accuse other people.

For the earth humans who committed the following offenses shall enter this hell:

1. Disbelieve karma; hinder other to do kind deeds.

2. Make excuse to go to shrine or temple, but instead discussing gossips of others.

3. Burning virtuous books or articles.

4. Praying deities or Buddha but eat meats.

5. Dislike others reading mantras.

6. During the period of performing Buddhist affairs, not been vegetarian, no self-restrain on rules of cleaning body, mouth and thought.

7. Calumniate people who study Buddhist and cultivate Taoism.

8. The literate ones that reluctant to read the stories and articles of karma to other illiterate people.

9. Digging other’s grave, filled with earth and destroy its evidence.

10. Set fire to burn the forest; not careful with fire prevention, caused fire in neighboring houses.

11. Use arrow or guns to kill animals.

12. Induce or force sick or weak people for physical race, to make them insecure or cause injury.

13. Throw stones or pile across wall that causes injury to pedestrians.

14. Use poison in the river to kill fish.

15. Place traps to kill birds and animals, or spill poisons on grass land.

16. Not burry dead cat or snakes to the ground deep enough, cause others die when digging them out.

17. Digging the earth in cold winter and cause death to the worms and insects; breaking the walls or kitchens and cause families to get cold or starving.

18. Forging the title of government official to occupy other’s land.

19. Fill the wells or drainage with earth without proper reason, cause inconvenience for others to drink water.

For ones that committed the above offences, will send them to the Tower of Hometown Viewing platform, and then send to Hell of Great Wailing.

For people on earth, no matter if they have committed the above offences or not, could be vegetarian on the eight day of first lunar month, be a vegetarian, self-restrain on cleaning body, mouth and thought, and take vow not to commit again, not only can avoid the punishment in all hells of this hall, and also allow the Sixth Hall to lighten the punishment.

Except for killing living creatures; make offense to close relatives; doing opposite to the virtuous acts; men that rape and poisoning women; women indulge in fornication, bad temper, jealous, hatreds; damage women’s reputation and chastity; stealing and robbing other’s property, purposely unwilling to repay debts; repay favor with hatred; obduracy even after reading virtuous chapters but not reform immediately. The rest of people will have their penalties decreased.

Sixth Hall, King Bian City

King Bian City commands the Great Hell of Screaming under the Big Ocean, under the north of Flaming Stone.

This Hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also surrounded by 16 Small Hells:

First called Long Knelling on Iron Sand Small Hell

Second called Fishy Mud Dipping Small Hell

Third called Scrub to Bleed Small Hell

Forth called Clamp Mouth to Hold Needles Small Hell

Fifth called Kidney Cutting Rats Biting Small Hell

Sixth called Barbed Wire and Locus Drilling Small Hell

Seventh called Mill Small Hell

Eighth called Skin Tearing and Pounding Small Hell

Ninth called Closed Throat Fire Eating Small Hell

Tenth called Wood Burning Fire Baking Small Hell

Eleventh called Fishy Pond Small Hell

Twelfth called Ox Stabbing Horse Stamping Small Hell

Thirteenth called Needle Pinching Face Small Hell

Thirteenth called Head Breaking Skull Cracking Small Hell

Fifteen called Waist Chopping Small Hell

Sixteenth called Skin Pealing Small Hell

For people who committed the following offenses during their lifetimes will be sent to this hell:

1. Swear to heaven and earth; hate win, curse thunder; like sunny day, hate rain.

2. Facing north sky urine or cry.

3. Stealing the object that hide inside the statues of deities and Buddha.

4. Scraping off the gold, silver and jewelry from the statues of deities and Buddha.

5. Calling the names of deities and Buddha without proper cause.

6. Disrespect or not taking good care of papers and religious books.

7. Throw or accumulate garbage around the temple or shrine.

8. With status of deity or Buddha, but cooking meats in the kitchen stove.

9. Keeping or collecting books or pornographies which against good virtue.

10. Burning or damage books, articles or objects that persuade kind virtue.

11. Sculpting or painting divine diagram or images of Tai-chi, sun, moon, seven stars, saints, Buddha, deities, the Buddhist symbol, on clothing or utensils.

12. Embroil the image dragon or phoenix on skirt.

13. Waste or spoil foods.

14. Hoard grains and foods to sell in high price

The ones that committed the above offenses will send to this Great Hell of Screaming. After examine the nature of incidents, and then send to small hells for suffering. After completed the serving period, then send to Seventh Hall for further examine on the offenses listed in Seventh Hall.

If living people on each of the eighth day of third lunar month, can be vegetarian, self-restrain on cleaning body, mouth and thought, and take vow not to commit the above mentioned offenses again; also restrain from having sexual activities on each or fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth day of fifth lunar month and tenth day of tenth lunar month. At the same time, can persuade others on the above restrains immediately after taking their vows.

Thus, could avoid the punishment from all small hells of this hall.

Seventh Hall, King Tai-Shan

King Tai-Shan commands the Great Hell of Heat and Fire, under the Big Ocean, under the northwest of Flaming Stone.

This hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also surrounded by 16 Small Hells:

First called Nose Punching Blood Swallow Small Hell

Second called Chest Cutting Small Hell

Third called Bamboo Spike Pushing to Fire Small Hell

Fourth called Twigs Tiding Hair and Pulling Small Hell

Fifth called Dogs Biting Shin Bone Small Hell

Sixth called Crying on Hot Dog Mound Small Hells

Seventh called Head Chopping Forehead Splitting Small Hell

Eighth called Squat on Mountain Peak Small Hell

Ninth called Badger Biting Small Hell

Tenth called Skin Pealing Pig Dragging Small Hell

Eleventh called Hanging Upside Down Feat Beating Small Hell

Twelfth called Tongue Pulling Cheek Penetrating Small Hell

Thirteenth called Intestine Pulling Small Hell

Fourteenth called Mule Stamping Badgers Chewing Small Hell

Fifteenth called Finger Burning Small Hell

Sixteenth called Hot Oil Body Cooking Small Hell

For people who committed the following offenses during their lifetimes will be sent to this hell:

1. Making aphrodisiacs out of red lead, Chinese dates dipped in vagina, placenta, etc. to cause harm to others.

2. Drinking alcohol that cause misconduct and violence, and cause grief to relatives.

3. Wasting natural resources without conservation, spending without restrain, which destroyed the savings of ancestors.

4. Robbing, setting trap to seduce, deceiving in transaction, to defraud other’s property.

5. Robbing the clothes or treasures from the coffin.

6. Robbing dead body, or use bones as medicine.

7. Separate other’s loved ones or friends. Make them unable to see each other and feel regret and great pain.

8. Sell the disliked child wife to others as servants or concubine, and destroyed the well-being of her life.

9. Let wife or daughter to make abortion without stopping, and cause serious offense of killing life.

10. Gang with friends in gambling, caused others loosing money and family fortune; affect other family to live in poverty.

11. A teacher not strict enough to students, which impede the future of students.

12. Disregard the cause and severe ness of the incident, beating students or servants very hard to release anger. Let the punished ones felt injustice, feeling hate but cannot release; also the injury caused life long suffering.

13. Rely on one’s great wealth, to bully and insult others.

14. Pretend to be drunk and disobey and rebel elders, and cause them to feel grief and insulted.

15. Speak with foul language, made up disputes, disclose others secrets; being sarcastic on other’s mistake, to fiddle with disputes and cause both parties to fight and created many disturbances and accidents.

The above offenses examine each incident one by one in detail and set penalty in this Great Hell of Heat and Fire, and then send to small hells for suffering.

After completed the serving period, then send to Eighth Hall for further examine on the offenses listed in Seventh Hall.

What types of medicine people shall not take? Killing living animals, insects or fish to cure disease has already taint the heart; why take dirty medicines such as red lead, and the Chinese dates dipped in vagina, placenta and umbilical cord of newborn, these hearts are even worse.

Once take in these substances, the mouth is no different than women’s vagina. Although people do many good deeds, reading religious scripture and incantation, not even without any merits, but with great sins. The Kings in underworld would hard to forgive such conducts.

For people with the above habit, shall get rid of it immediately after reading this chapter.

For only purchasing more than one million lives to set them free; or abstain from killing; calling the name of Buddha after washing mouth each morning, when passed away, there will be a Sin Cleaning Herald come to him, to use Bright Lamp to clean up the dirt and smell of the body. With such, can eliminate the above sins.

For people stealing the remaining bones after cremation; using the flesh of aborted fetus to make medicine. Some stealing the skeletons and bones from dead body, and sell to make medicine.

These graveyard thieves stealing bones in big pile, they use hard bones to merchants to make religious instrument; the dry and loose ones will grind to powder to burn in stove.

These people even if they have merits when alive, after been send to hell, their merits will be used to cancel out other sins. But this offense will not be forgive by Kings of underworld easily, will immediately send to Great Hell of Heat and Fire for punishment; then send to the associated Small hells; after been thru all the punishments, will inform the Tenth Hall, if he reborn as a human, will cut off his ear, eye, hand, leg, lip, or nose, make his body missing one or two piece, to repay his offense.

For someone who had committed the above offenses, willing to repent immediately and never do it again; also when he see poor or misfortune families with someone dies but no money to burry, he would buy coffins or persuade his relatives and friends to provide help in the burial ceremony. With such merits conducted many times, then the Kitchen Deity of his house will mark a black dart on the plate of daemons who bring him to the Hells. By then, he will be allowed not to receive punishment on such bad deed.

When there is famine, for places without foods and people die of starvation. Some heartless merchants, using the timeframe before these hungry people die, cut off their flesh to make cake and sell to others, it is such

When these heartless merchants die and came to hell, the King of Underworld will immediately send these guilty souls to each Hells, and increase their penalties, for 49 days, these souls will receive various types of punishment used with knife and ax.

Then will inform the King of Tenth Hall to put a remark on his book, and notify the King of First Hall to list on his Book of Birth And Death. If he reborn as a human, will die of starvation. If he reborn as an animal, will make him unable to eat the food or soup provided by human, and will die of agony and starvation, to repay his sin.

These guilty souls not only not allowed to use their merits to even out their sins, unable to relieve from the retribution of starvation, but also for the people who eat these cakes by mistake; also for people who still eat these type of food after famine, will make them having swell throat when next life as human or animal; although been extremely hungry, but unable to eat or drink anything, thus with retribution of starvation to death.

For people who discover that these foods are made of human flesh and never eat them again, are forgivable, no need to receive punishment.

For ones that committed the above sins, if they can donate foods, money or cook for starved people during off-year; or deliver rice door to door to the poor families; or cook ginger and soybean soups on the busy streets to serve starving peoples.

If ones can precisely do the above activities, the merits that really benefit the publics, not only can relieve all the above sins; and also increase the merits for the kind retribution to this life and following lives.

The above three offenses and the methods of relieve, two of them were drew up during the meetings of judges in this Hall, one was drew up by the heralds of the Big Hell: present these drafts to be recorded into the memorandum of decisions. I will present these memorandum to Jade Emperor for approval then record into the Jade Calendar. Also serve as the bases or promotion for the associated officials of underworld.

For all the details of offences committed by people on earth, all the deities has already took meetings to draw up the stipulations of retributions. Also for the worldly offenses in military and political amenity; or making illegal substances, which are much meticulous, the offenses which unable to cover in the laws of underworld, will follow the laws of each country to proceed punishment.

Besides punishment, for someone who escape from the laws and cause burdens to others, will inform the officers of piquet and messengers to use spirit power to pursue them back. All deities shall obey the above orders.

If people on earth on each twenty seventh day of third lunar month, can be vegetarian, and restrain on clean mouth, body, and mind, and repent facing north side, take vow to reform; also can print and distribute this Treasure Scripture for free, to persuade people on earth, will be relieve from the punishment in this Hell.

Eighth Hall, King Du-Shi (city)

King Du-Shi commands the Great Hell of Fire And Heat under the Big Ocean, under the west of Flaming Stone.

This Hell has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also surrounded by 16 Small hells:

First called Wheel Squashing Small Hell.

Second called Hot Pot Sealing Small Hell.

Third called Flash Scraping Small Hell.

Forth called Close Nose and Mouth Small Hell.

Fifth called Tong Cutting Small Hell.

Sixth called Toilet Running Small hell

Seventh called Arms and Legs Cutting Small Hell.

Eighth called Organs Frying Small Hell.

Ninth called Bone Marrow Broiling Small Hell.

Tenth called Intestine Pulling Small Hell.

Eleventh called Body Burning Small Hell.

Twelfth called Chest Opening Small Hell.

Thirteenth called Chest Cutting Small Hell.

Fourteenth called Head Breaking Teeth Pulling Small Hell.

Fifteenth called Knife Cutting Small Hell.

Sixteenth called Steal Fork Stabbing Small Hell.

People who are not filial piety are: not serve parents well were they were alive; after parents die, do not provide proper burial, or cause parents and in-laws to feel shocking, scare, agony, and worry. If ones do not repent and reform immediately, spend the whole life in vain, the Kitchen Deity will take note of the names of these people and submit to Jade Emperor, to reduce or omit the fortune of these people. Also allow the daemons to accompany then and make troubles. After death, will send to other hells for various punishments, and then send to this hell. The Bull Head and Horse Face daemons will drag these guilty souls from their feet, throw to big hell for suffering, then send to each small hells for further punishment.

After finished all these sufferings, will then send to Tenth Hall for transformation, and will always reborn as animals.

If people on earth who deeply believe the descriptions in this Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, immediately repent and reform, on first day of forth lunar month, make oath to correct and never do it again. No matter which day or which time, morning or evening, to make oath in front of Kitchen Deity and say: From now on, I know the mistakes will reform. After that, shall never make the same mistakes again.

If one can do so, by the time of their death, the Kitchen Deity of his house, will make three different types of marks: On the forehead, some were marked with the word “follow”; some marked with the word “obey”; some marked with the word “reform”. Taken by the daemons to the First Hall; and follow thru each halls. Even if they committed offenses on these Halls, will be allowed to take off half of the penalties. Will not need to send to this hall for punishment, and immediately send to Ninth Hall. If such person did not committed arson or other offenses, will send to Tenth Hall for reborn as human.

If these people can print and distribute Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture for free, to warn people on earth, will be relieved from various punishments in first to eighth halls. After examine by the Ninth Hall, and no offenses committed listed there, will immediately send to Tenth Hall, to be reborn as human in prosperous family.

Ninth Hall – King Ping-Deng (equal)

King Ping Deng commands the Hell of Incessant Suffer, under the Big Ocean, under the southwest of Flaming Stone.

This hell is sounded and stacked within thick layers of barb wires, has length and width of 4000 kilometer each. Also surrounded by 16 small hells:

First called Bones Beating Body Burning Small Hell.

Second called Tendon Pulling Bones Grinding Small Hell.

Third called Craws Eating Heart and Liver Small Hell.

Fourth called Dogs Eating Intestines and Lungs Small Hell.

Fifth called Hot Oil Splashing Small Hell.

Sixth called Brain Smashing Tong Pulling Teeth Uprooting Small Hell.

Seventh called Take Out Brain Fill with Porcupine Small Hell.

Eight called Head Steaming Brain Scraping Small Hell.

Ninth called Twitching Till Past Small Hell.

Tenth called Wood Clamping Small Hell.

Eleventh called Heart Grinding Small Hell.

Twelfth called Boiling Soup Showering Small Hell.

Thirteen called Wasps Stinging Small Hell.

Fourteenth called Scorpions Stinging Small Hell.

Fifteenth called Ants and Termites Soup Making Small Hell.

Sixteenth called Purple and Red Poisonous Snake Drilling Holes Small Hell.

For people who committed the following offences shall enter this hell:

1. For people who broke the country’s law resulted in capital punishment; shall have their head chopped off, hanged, and shot. These evil spirits will first suffer various punishment from other Hells, then send to this hell for punishment.

2. Set fire to burn house which cause damage to other’s properties and lives.

3. Create ideology, methods, groups which bewilder human nature; or manufacture psychedelic such as amphetamine, morphine, marijuana, etc.

4. Abortion specialists.

5. Seduce young people and commit sex crime, injure the body and minds of immature children; or rape immature girls.

6. Draw and write pornography, film adult pictures which disturb the clean and pure hearts; cause students unable to concentrate on study; cause people who cultivate virtues to withdraw; cause illness to become worse; people not faithful to their partners.

7. Produce illegal drugs, such as psychedelic drugs, poisons that cause people to loose hearing and speech capability, or abortion drugs.

For people who committed the above offenses, after hearing or reading the content of this Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, can immediately destroy the sketch or pornography or printing plates, not to print again.

Ones destroy the method and formula that makes illegal drugs; stop all evil thoughts, and never teach others to produce them.

If they can do so, then can be allowed to relieve various punishment. And immediately send to Tenth Hall to be reborn as human.

Oppositely, if been notify the content of Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, still conducting the above offenses, then their sins will not be treated lightly. Also start getting punishment from Second Hall; when arrive in this hall, will receive heavier punishment, adding some of the extreme method of torturing, such as:

Placing copper pillars on top of fire, heating them up till the level of burning and destroying heart and liver; tiding the hands and legs of guilty souls with iron chain to make them embracing the burning copper pillars.

After guilty souls suffered various punishment in small hells, will send to Hell of Incessant Suffer for various types of harsh torturing:

Knife puncture thru lungs and heart. Mouth holding the heart digging out from chest, gradually sink into the deep level of hell. All types of pains without ending.

Until the suffered family recover; the died ones reborn as human again. The previous drew, wrote, and filmed pornography, the printed poison formula, all completely destroyed and disappeared, then will be allowed to leave Hell of Incessant Suffer. Send to Tenth Hall to be reborn as human.

For people who did not committed the above crime; also on eighth day of forth lunar month; or on first and fifteenth day of each lunar month can be vegetarian, and restrain on clean mouth, body, and mind, then take vow to:

Buy pornography books and films, adult toys, and aphrodisiac to burn and destroy.

Also print and write Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, to pass on to others one by one, to persuade other people on earth.

Then, at the time of death, the Kitchen Deity will write “observance” on his forehead. From Second Hall to this hall, all the offenses committed can use this merit to decrease his punishment.

For rich and powerful people can strictly pursue the arson person; collect the plate of pornography and burn them in public; publicly announce to prohibit all the evil substances, then will protect his descendents to be prosperous for generations.

For poor, misfortunate, lonely, old and sick people who can strive to ask others to print and give out Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture to persuade people to reform, then will be allowed to send to Tenth Hall, and send to reborn in good fortune place.

Tenth Hall King Lun-Zhuan (wheel turning)

King Lun-Zhuan commands the underworld outside the east of Flaming Stone, facing the upper world.

There are golden, silver, jade, stone, wood, and vanity, these six bridges. Specially command the souls come from all halls. Will examine the degree of merits and sins of each soul, then dispatch to four continents for reborn.

It decide souls whether to reborn as male or female, long life or short life, born in rich or poor family.

There are books that record the activities of all humans in details. They will be collected each month and present to the First Hall for registration, then deliver to Feng-Du (ghost city).

According to the law of underworld, to separate all reborn souls into: mammal, oviparous, fish, insect; no leg, two legs, four legs, and multi-legs.

All dying creatures will come here in the form of souls. Then according to the magnitude of merits and sins of their past lives, and decide for their next reborn order.

Some die in one year or one season; some die within one day, the cycle will keep going according to their karma.

No matter if it is destine to be killed or not, all will send to Chamber of Rebirth, for examine and calculate the offenses committed during their lifetime, and dispatch to various places for retribution. At the end of each year, will gather all the result of retributions, and send to Feng-Du (ghost city) for archive.

Some scholars who memorized Yi-Jing (the book of change); or monks who studied scriptures and incantations. When they were sent to hell for sins, since they spell out the scriptures and incantations and cause all kings of hells can not execute the punishment for their sins, will be send to this hall.

Using their names and the offenses committed, to draw their original faces, record in the Book of Backslide Reborn. According to this book, will hand over to the Forgetful Platform under Goddess Meng-Po, to force them drink this soup, then have daemons send them to reborn as human, to make them die of stillborn, or die shortly within few days, or few years or their lives. To make them forget all the scriptures and incantations they have learned from the past lives.

Afterward, ask powerful daemons to bring them to each hells, for examine and investigate the bad deeds they committed before, and to make up the punishments.

When bring in the ones with half merits and half sins; or have already completed terms of their retributions; or with less merits than sins, will immediately evaluate their merits and sins, and set up their upcoming deserved fate for reborn:

Some born beauty; some are ugly; some with easy living; some harsh. For ones that have been set to their destination of poor or rich families, will sent to Forgetful Platform under Goddess Meng-Po, drink the Soup of Forgetfulness and reborn.

There are many women who came to this hall before they been dispatched to reborn as human, they beg and say: I still have big rancor need to revenge, I prefer to be a ghost rather than a human.

After asking their causes, and discovered that many were young and unmarried women, or pure and chastity women, they were chosen by students or hooligans, for their beauty or property, and treated them very attentive and courteous and using all kinds of tricks to seduce them.

Some lied by saying: I am not yet married, I will ask the woman matchmaker to arrange our marriage.

Some use sweet talk to deceive female servants, and attempt to take them as concubine.

Some lied by agree to take care of her old parents; or agree to foster the children from her previous husband.

All the sweet talks tricked her feelings, with wishful thinking that this is the man who can take care the rest of her life, so she obey everything he has asked for.

After lost her virginity and been played for a while, the man lost interest on her, and kept delaying and unwilling to perform the marriage agreement he had promised. With attempt to dump her.

Some even foul-spoken, spread the scandal, to let their parents and siblings know about it; been look downed by relatives and neighbors. After been condemned and humiliated by others, the injustice has nowhere to complaint, some suicide with shame; or die of liver disease due to hatred.

After they died, from the underworld they know the thief of heart is taking the imperial exam and almost pass. Suddenly the hatred unable to release, then crying and begging to take the men’s lives.

The Hall King examine the detail, and found the truth; but this man’s lives are not suppose to end now, at the same time, the merits passed from his ancestors have not yet fulfilled. The Hall King allowed to bring the lady’s soul to the earth, enter the exam room, to stop, hinder, or confuse his exam; or change the name on the list.

Wait until the day for that man to die, allow to accompany the daemons to take the life of that man, and take that man to First Hall for examine the bad deeds he had committed, to judge the weight of his sins.

For people on seventeenth of forth lunar month, take vow to follow the descriptions in the Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, to conduct things under its warning. Also often tell to the relatives and friends on the above contents, if their next life will be reborn as human, will not be looked down upon, will never have chance to go to jail, or adversities such as food, fire or body injury.

Chamber of Rebirth is 5,600 kilometer in length, surrounded by barb wire.

There are 81 small chambers inside, each with a pavilion, with judge and court reporter.

Outside the fence, there are 180,000 Small Winding Paths, connecting to four continents. The paths are so dark, can not even see ones own hand. For all souls going for rebirth will have to take these paths. However, looking in from outside, it is as bright as crystal, nothing can be hide. Judges assign officers and daemons to take turn for guard. All the souls coming and going will be seen as their original face of their previous life, which is very easy to be identified.

All the judges and officers that commands these chambers, on their previous lives, were people with great merits, who devoted to their parents, friendly to their siblings, peace to their relatives and friends, at the same time abstain from killing and free the capture lives. They were send to these chambers to examine and execute all the affairs of reincarnation after their death.

After five years of serving, if no mistake been made, will be promoted as reward; if lazy or domineering, opinionated; incorporated with the decisions made by the meeting concessions from all judges and officers; or oversight, lead to guilty souls missed out, escape, or hiding, then will be demoted.

For guilty souls that disobedient to their parents and overkill other livings, after received various punishment from the hells, and transfer to Chamber of Rebirth, will be beaten to death with twig of peach tree. It dies and become ghost, then change its form, and dispatch to the Small Winding Paths to reborn as animals.

All animals, fish, insects, have to pass thru hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands times of reincarnation in order to complete their suffering.

The mammals such as cow and horse; oviparous such as turtle, snake, bird; insects and fish such as butterfly, bees, warms, are all continuous reincarnate in these for forms, unable to escape. Until the retribution has completed, if they can keep abstain from killing, then will be allowed to reborn as human.

The people who reincarnate from animals, will be described clearly and kept in record, and present to the First Hall, to decide the fate and destiny of the upcoming life. Then dispatch to four continents to be born as man or woman. Before their dispatch, will send to the Forgetful Platform.

Forgetful Platform of and Goddess Meng-Po

Forgetful Platform of is command by Goddess Meng-Po

Deity Meng-Po was born in West-Han Dynasty. She studied Confucius books at early age; also read Buddhist scripture aloud with great respect. She cultivated herself to the level of not thinking of anything happened in the past; thinking of nothing might happen in the future.

When she was alive, she persuaded people to relieve from killing and to become vegetarians. At the age of 81, she has white hair but with face of a child, she kept her virginity all her life. She only knew her family name is Meng, so people called her “Meng-Po Grandma”.

She entered the mountain for more cultivation and lived for very long time.

Some people with special talent, who knew their past lives, use calculation and play trick with this talent, which divulge the secret of heaven. It caused people to recognize their past relatives, and messed up the real order.

Therefore, Jade Emperor order Meng-Po Grandma to become the Goddess of Underworld, to build Forgetful Platform of. Allow her to select daemons for her to dispatch. She will ask certain souls who dispatched to become human from Tenth Hall, to make medicine from earth, into soups similar to alcohol, with sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, and salty these five flavors.

All souls to be reborn, will send here to drink such Soups of Forgetfulness, to make them forget all things from their past lives. The effect of the medicine will be brought to their lives, to make them think too much and caused spleen problem and drain their saliva; too happy, laugh too much and drain their sweat; worry too much and drain their snot; angry too much and drain their tear; been scared and drain their spittle. All with little or more of disease in it.

For people who do good deeds, will make their eyes, ears, nose, tong and limbs more sharp, more clear, stronger, and more healthier. For people who do bad deeds, will weaken their voice, minds, spirit, and wills and become tire and weak, to let them become more self aware, repent, and reform to do good deeds.

Forgetful Platform of located in Tenth Hall, in front of King of Hells Hall, outside the sixth bridge. It is tall and surrounded by 108 rooms. There is a path heading to the east, only 44 centimeter wide. All the incoming souls will be forced to drink the soup inside the cups, no matter how much they drink.

If there are some unruly, astutely souls unwilling to drink this Soup of Forgetfulness, there will be knifes with hooks came out under their feet, to cause them to trip; also use copper pillar to stab their throats, to make them suffer the pain to the extreme, the force them to swallow the soup.

All the souls after drinking the Soup of Forgetfulness, will send daemons to carry them out of the path, and push on to the Floating Bamboo Bridge that tided with hemp ropes.

Under the bridge is a fast running river. From the middle of the bridge, one can see four lines of words on the opposite side of the cliff. Written:

Become a human is easy, but difficult to be a human;

It is even more difficult to become a human again.

It is hard to be born in a place with good fortune;

But it is easy to speak words accordance with your heart.

When the souls reading these words, from the opposite side of river jumped out two gigantic daemons. They jump into the water and scare all the souls and cause the ones on the side to loose their balance.

One with official’s hat, and dress formal cloth. His hand holding a pen, his shoulder carries a sharp knife, his waist carries an instrument for torture, with big round eyes open, he laugh loudly. His name is “Huo Wu Chang” (living impermanence).

Another one with dirty and bloody face, dress white shirt, with abacus in hand. His shoulder carries a sack of rice, with silver bills hanging on his chest, with eyebrow tighten, and long sighing. His name is “Si You Fen” (share of death).

These two giant daemons press and push these souls falling into the red fast running river.

The ones accumulated less merits were very happy to be reborn as human; the ones accumulated more merits were sad and crying, regret themselves did not cultivate enough to reach higher level, and unable to cut away from having human bodies again.

All souls were like drunken people, each according to their destiny, been send to the wounds for reborn. Since there is changing from underworld and upperworld, they all feel depressed. Plus the position of fetus is upside down, without any freedom, so use two legs to make a hard kick, broke the amnion and slide out of mother’s wound. With a sound of big cry, starting a colorful life.

All souls in generally, with long times been addicted to all senses and tasted of this world; especially killing many other lives, and lost the original nature of pure being. To disappoint the favor and lessons of Buddha, Jade Emperor, and all deities. Never think about the ways to reach virtuous ending and achieve the level of Buddha; doing what to reach evil death, and falling into three evil paths (ghost, hell, animal); think of what kind of ending that one will reach, and caused sins to be repeated over and over again, and finally become a guilty soul, futile of being a human, and falling becoming the guilty souls of endless hell.

The above paragraphs is written by the court secretary of Platform of Forgetful, and presented to Jade Emperor, and recorded inside the Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture, passing among people, to inform people to make them follow the virtue and relieve sins.

How did Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture hand down to the world

The circulation of Jade Calendar originally came from an impoverished but with extremely high level stylite, named Dan-Chi (light idiotic). The following is the true story that he had been thru.

It is in a peaceful era, on an autumn day, the ninth of ninth lunar month.

Dan-Chi climbed to a high mountain alone for sight seeing. Distantly in a trance, he saw a plaque with words carved on it:

Majestic Tao without accomplishment, clean and purity are the only truth.

All souls in six realms, are caused by presumptuous actions.

Go along to commit sins, making good and bad distant apart.

Karma is a firm rule, clearly appear to the very detail.

With bad thoughts in mind, the sin has already committed.

Although human see nothing, but deities see then clearly.

Don’t think you do bad deeds in dark room, could escape from retribution.

All the above were written with seal character, simple and unsophisticated that warn and awake people.

When he start to feel doubt and surprise, suddenly he saw a shinny golden palace. On its red door, there is a horizontal inscribed board with golden nail, written:

Exit For Birth, Enter In Death

When he raise his head and taking the view, there came out a herald dressed in green, pulled him in from the corner of the door, till a red stile for a formal visit. Then that herald retrieve down the stile.

Inside the palace has glamorous light and golden candle, a sight of joy, he found out there are many deities came to celebrate the birth day of Feng-Du (ghost city) Emperor.

Ten Hall Kings bring their underworld judges from outside, come to middle of the palace to congratulate the Emperor.

After the ceremony, Feng-Du Emperor says:

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva wishes to release all souls from purgatory, to make people in the world not to commit offenses thus fallen to hell for suffering.

Therefore, he approved all souls, when they were alive as human who committed offenses before, but repent sincerely and reform, then their sins can be taken lightly, and use their merits to cancel out their sins, to avoid various punishment. This act of grace has been organized and presented to Jade Emperor. Jade Emperor gave order to record this issue inside the Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture. To bestow this favor to execute in the underworld, all shall obey with diligent.

However, after this Jade Calendar Treasure Scripture been issued, has not met a virtuous person to entrust and bring it to the world, then publish to the public.

Now the stylite standing on the lower stile named Dan-Chi, can be fully entrusted, to spread it to the world. Since the person has been found, judges shall immediately record the Jade Calendar together with the citation from deities into a book.

Distinguish the mistaken messages in the world

One, the origin of the Undeserved Death City

Emperor of Hell Capital says: Undeserved Death City is located on the right side of Hell Capital.

Most people thought for souls that died of injury, or die of injustice, will come to this city. This hearsay has passed so many times and almost became truth, and accumulated the wrongs to became right.

Actually, for people who die of injustice, how can we give them punishment which they do not deserve?

The reality is: for souls that died of injustice, will wait until the murder that killed them die, then see with their own eyes that the murders suffer from the punishments, to let the hatred in their heart to be released.

So the souls that died of injustice, on the day for them to reborn as human, will bring up the murder, to request king of each hall for punishment according to their sins. Not all souls that died of injustice will be send to Undeserved Death City for punishment.

For people who scarify their lives with honorable causes such as allegiance, piety, chastity, fealty, or soldier that die for their country, these people already qualify as hero, and will become saints. At lest they will be reborn as human in prosperous place with respectable figure and perfect limbs. There is no reason for them to enter Undeserved Death City to suffer.

Two, the origin of Dirty Blood Pond

Dirty Blood Pond is located on the left side of Hell Capital.

Some people listed other’s nonsense and thought: for women gave birth is an offense; after their death, will suffer in Dirty Blood Pond. This is a major mistake!

For women giving birth, is an absolute necessary action. Even they die of birth complication suddenly, will not be send to this pond due to the dirtiness of their corps.

For souls that will dispatch to this ponds were committed the following offenses:

1. Twenty days after giving birth, will go near well, stove, or wash cloth. Hang the cloth with blood stain on high place that insulted deities. For this offenses, the head of family shall take 30 percent of sins, the woman shall take 70 percent of sins.

2. For either man of woman that fornicate in front of statue of deities or behind the statue of Buddha. Or conduct sexual affair on the days of fourteenth and fifteenth day of fifth lunar month; third and thirteenth day of eighth lunar month; tenth day of tenth lunar month. These five days men and women shall prohibit having sex.

For people made the above two offenses, deities will give bad disease, and die suddenly. After they suffer various punishments in hells, also they will have to dip in the Dirty Blood Pond forever, never raise their heads out.

3. For either men or women, that take delight in killing animals. The blood of these animals that stain the stove, temple, scriptures, books, paper with words, and the sacred utensils.

These people after received various punishment in hells, then will be dispatched to Dirty Blood Pond, and dip inside, not easily allowed to raise their heads out.

If the relatives of these souls in Dirty Blood Pond, can take vow of not killing, and buy and release captive lives, when the number of lives been free has reached a certain level, they can be vegetarian, and maintain deities and Buddha; also pray for the blood stained scriptures, thus can relieve the souls from suffering in hell.

Three, the origin of mountain and water spectre

For people on earth committed the following offenses, will be reborn as mountain or water spectre.

1. When see others with urgent adversary, they have enough power to rescue, but reluctant to do it.

2. Been received favors from others but forget them purposely, but instead remember other’s fault and tried to harm others.

These two type of people, although they accumulate merits, read scriptures and mantra, donate to the poor, and wish to achieve the level of celestial, deity, or Buddha. After their death, they carry merits and exempt from entering hell for suffering. But they are been punished to become mountain spectre, water spectre, tree spectre, zombies, or wondering spectre; some will attached their souls to the body of fox, bear, or snake. Some live for decades or centuries of age.

For ones that awakening with their past mistakes, endeavor to help others in urgent adversary; know how to payback other’s favors, and to cultivate this virtue, then they will be allow to return to Tenth Hall and reborn in prosperous place.

Oppositely, if these souls become spectre, not restrain themselves; but utilize their supernatural power to confuse or scar living people. At the day of reaching full sins, will be killed by lightening, and become ghost (dead soul), never have chance to reborn again.

Four, the origin of appearing spirits

Many people believe that the spirits that appears to people often are true deities, and give them great respect, it is a major mistake.

Actually, most of them were spirits of dead people who hid their treasure under the ground, after their death, they still obsess with these treasure; their spirits guard nearby the hidden treasure. Since they are afraid these treasure been escalated by others, so they often appear their spirit image to scare people, which caused others mistaken for deities showing up.

Some people with less merits, or with less positive power, often got scared and become ill, some even die because of it.

Actually these spirits were government officials of the past. Due to their ignorance of several generations, unable to come to realize the principle of impermanence and become clinging and captivated as such.

The deities of underworld took into account that these souls did no crimes; therefore allow them to protect their treasures, these are the actual Ghost of Money Slave.

They must wait until hearing the preach of Buddhist lesson to reach enlightenment, realize that:

Not only my body does not belong to me, include all the rest of properties and objects; all the feelings of bitterness or joy; the thought of good and bad; all the actions and conscious, will vanish and exist no more.

Then he will suddenly awake:

My body is not something I could own forever, properties are the same.

Only give up all the properties he owns from the previous life time, thus can reborn in prosperous place.

Some spirits obsessed with their properties, kept protecting it until they become ghost, then unwillingly leave that place, wait until someone who has accumulated lots of merits to show up and take these properties away.

If someone come to the place that with appearing spirits, can take serious oath to the spirits, and pray:

I will use 30% of properties I taken from this place to do good deeds and accumulate merits for you; 30% will use in buying captive livings and set them free; 10% will donate to poor people; 30% for myself.

After taking this oath, then take these properties, then this person will be protected by the true deities, and guarantee to use them without any interference.

Five. Different retribution for soldier die in combat or thieves die in fighting

For people that work for government as soldiers or policemen, from the day received order to fight enemies or rebellions, if they can fight with endeavor, never committed raping, arson that harm common civilians. Although these people die during combat with head and body separated apart, bones and flesh broken in pieces, even if they had committed offenses before, the judges of underworld will allow them not to receive any punishment, and allow them to restore their original bodies.

After their roll-call in First Hall, will immediately handover to Tenth Hall, to dispatch to prosperous place as humans, with all their live safety and fortuitous, and later die in peace.

If people die of broil, kill each other in fighting; or when they doing robbery and get killed during fighting. These people will receive one level of penalty, all will enter hells to suffer according to their wrong doings during their life times.

Six, Mistake of eighteen levels of hell

Many people says: Hell has eighteen levels. This statement is incorrect. Actually there are eight Grand Hells.

The names are: Second Hall Grand Hell of Lasting Suffering; Third Hall Great Hell of Black Ropes; Fourth Hall Combination Grand Hell; Fifth Hall Hell of Great Wailing; Sixth Hall Great Hell of Screaming; Seventh Hall Great Hell of Heat And Fire; Eighth Hall Great Hell of Fire And Heat; Ninth Hall Hell of Incessant Suffer.

Besides these eight great hells, each one of them has sixteen small hells, plus the Dirty Blood Pond and Undeserved Death City in Central Hall. The number of Hells in total is 138. Besides these, there are Copper Pillar, and Fire Burning etc. for separate punishment.

For all souls dispatch to one place for suffering, although they have been punish till skin burnt, flesh rotten, muscles broken, bones crushed, also organs, blood, hair all dried out; if they are been dispatch to other hell for punishment, they will be restored as their body as complete as the time they die, then start the suffering again. It is the same for each hall and each hell.

Don’t mistaken that the hell only has eighteen levels.

People only live on earth for about 100 years, it is very easy to pass by. However, for people who wrote pornography; draw porno pictures, take porno photos and film porno movies; or write down the formula for abortion and illegal drugs. As long as the above materials not been destroyed, after souls been thru thousands of punishments in hell, still difficult to relieve sufferings from the judges of underworld to take turns to set penalties.

Chapter 3. The compilation and distribution of Jade Calendar

The Jade Calendar has gathered the booklet from each of Ten Hall Kings and the judges of Dirty Blood Pond and Undeserved Death City to complete.

After Jade Calendar has been issued, souls inside hundreds of hells. After been examine in detail about their past life, some only talk about retribution of karma on the street, not really preaching with their heart; but thru these chances, sometimes met people with strong background of virtue, after listen to it, would immediately alert and correct one, two, or three of their offenses. With this great merits, will according to the merit of persuading others to repent and reform, to decrease their sins.

Such type of souls are 50,480 in total. The Kings of ten halls gathered and draft plans for these souls to reborn. They will be born to become man, woman, poor and lowly, filthy, or with sick bodies. To dispatch to become children of plovers and sinfulness families.

After that, all will send to Platform of Forgetful, immediately drink the Soup of Forgetfulness to be ready for reborn. At the same time, write down their names to present to Emperor of Hell Capital for review.

After reviewed, order all judges of underworld to gather all souls. Also ask all daemons in surrounding holding Jade Calendar and read it aloud, to make these souls hear and remember its content.

After these souls heard it, were awaked and realized all the sins committed before, caused today’s suffering retribution. At the same time thankful to Emperor of Hell Capital gave such favor for them to understand the content of Jade Calendar, to distribute its message to other people on earth, in order to accomplish more merits.

Each soul takes vow and say: From now on I return to earth, as long as I am not deaf or blind; with slight knowledge to view or hear the message of Jade Calendar, I swear I will put my actions into practice according to the offenses forbid in Jade Calendar, to reform completely. At the same time carry the responsibility of distributing its messages.

Chapter 4 Guanyin Bodhisattva the merit of distributing Jade Calendar

After guilty souls taking vow, suddenly colorful glow appears everywhere.

Guanyin Bodhisattva came down, Emperor of Hell Capital lead Ten Hall Kings out of palace, standing on the stile and taking respect bow.

Guanyin Bodhisattva appearing as the golden image of Bunt Face Ghost King, with dignified appearance, instruct and say:

Great King of Hell Capital, Ten Hall Kings, and all underworld deities are following the principle of great mercy and great will of Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva. To do favor and issue Jade Calendar, to let men and women on earth who committed offenses before, could know their mistake, thus to repent and reform, not to commit again. Then will be allowed to their past sins, to decrease all sorts of suffering. As the old saying: Drop the butcher knife, immediate become a Buddha, is just the same principle. If people all can do so, I will be very pleased.

I heard that Da-Chi has been assign to return to earth to spread Jade Calendar. Must understand:

1. Planting seeds as cause, harvest as result; planting fruits will get fruits, planting beans will get beans. The law of karma retribution, even Buddha can not neglect.

2. The retribution of karma is not planting one and getting one; or planting ten and getting. It is the same as farmers’ planting: In spring planting down one bin of grains; will harvest one hundred bin of grains in autumn. The retribution of karma is like that.

3. In order for the retribution to be mature, will need the power of its environment. Just as the seeds will need the condition of sun light, rain fall, soul, season to mature, in order to germinate, to flower, and to fruition.

4. To compliance with one’s bad habits without reform, just like the rice become mature, and replanting its grains to grow new rice. With cycle and connections, each links with others, the outcome of the bitter fruits, must be thousand times greater than the situation of one bin of grains harvest one hundred bin of grains. The bitter retribution, no analogy or any calculation can count for.

5. If one can return to virtuous, sincerely reform; although there had been bad seeds planted before, but since it lack of the condition to reach maturity, so will not become bad fruits.

6. Dan-Chi you must know: The horrible punishments in hell you have recorded, just one out of ten thousand of the actual truth. It’s only purpose is to let people on earth to improvise, and to be alert.

Actually, for the number of offenses people commit on earth, there is equal number of punishments in hell. The speed of karma, only depends on the maturity of conditions.

These number of various of punishments have increase or decrease, all depend on the bad thoughts and bad actions of people have committed, to repay the number of sins committed.

7. In the world, the disaster and good fortune form by sins and virtues, generally run in a same cycle. People do good deeds to receive fortune, with good fortune comes people commit offenses, offenses caused disasters, with such change without stop and never end.

Therefore, if not wish for getting out of the cycle of birth and death, there is no ending to it. Hope this can persuade men and women in the world, take vow to have enlighten heart, with determination, follow the correct way of Buddhist principle. Attentive to widely spread the principle in the Jade Calendar; one step forward to search for the majestic Buddhist principle, help self also help others, to make hell gradually empty. Such person will receive the most respected position in heaven.

Great King of Hell Capital, Ten Hall Kings, and all underworld deities after hearing the lesson from Guanyin Bodhisattva, all close their palms and say: It shall become Buddha.

Guanyin Bodhisattva continue says: For good virtuous men and women, after reading Jade Calendar, could continuously withhold from having bad thoughts during their walking, living, sitting and sleeping hours; also take vow of mercy heart, to persuade the hearts of others to make them know to repent and reform to be virtuous; with heart of equality to widely save all livings, thus such person can accomplish all types of wisdoms.

All deities close their palms and say: It shall become Buddha.

Epilogue by stylite Wu-Mi (no perplex)

Stylite Wu-Mi is the apprentice of stylite Dan-Chi, during the time of printing of Jade Calendar, has record a section of conversation of stylite Dan-Chi and his own sentiment. He said: When I was traveling outside the city Cheng-Du in Si-Chuan province in a summer month of June, I met my master stylite Dan-Chi. He said:

I have been thru six realm reincarnation, from birth to death, from man to souls in hell and return back. You can tell people: In the world, for old, young, crippled, severe illness, and women, when these people broke the law, there are laws and regulations for expiation. Sometimes, the emperor, president give out special favor or special pardon, amnesty, could even decrease or relieve from prison term.

Even for some people with special background, or for mercy judge, could conceal some offenses, to shift on or escape part of the penalties. These types of incidents are numerous.

However, in front of judges of underworld, nothing can be neglected; at the same time, no chance for amnesty or expiation.

Only by repent, do good deeds, can offset or cancel out sins.

It is unfortunate that worldly people do not have such correct knowledge and understanding, which cause bad thoughts keeps raising up, for the reincarnate cycle between people and animals start to separate, and forever falling into the realm of animals forever.

Before for people committed offenses, in one hundred women who becoming awakening then repent and reform, there are one or two persons. But in one thousand men, non of them would repent or reform. The most pity thing is: some are on the brink of dying, still not willing to reform, willing to wait for the punishment from the daemons of underworld.

Fortunately now, the Buddha has showed mercy, Jade Emperor gave favor allow to distribute Jade Calendar for expiation. It is an easy door opened by the underworld.

I now urge people in the world: Must know: It is very fortunate to have a human body. When you are alive, if you can repent and reform, it is the most practical thing to do.

Because you constantly have the heart to persuade people to do good deed. Now I pass on Jade Calendar to you. You must quickly copy it and distribute to other people.

After I heard my teacher’s lesson, I kneeled down to receive this book, soon after my teacher die. I continuously making hand copy of Jade Calendar and give to others for free, to persuade people to repent and reform their sins, and return their heart to virtuosity.

Each year on the birthdays of Di-Zahng King Buddha and Goddess of Mercy Buddha, I take vow to repent and reform my sins, strive to take actions toward virtuosity; also printing this book for distribution, and wish it could widely persuade people in the world.

For only persuade people to reform and do good deeds, he can be exempted from sins, you also have merits.

Only wish for all men and women who read these words, if they had committed offenses before, can reform immediately; if not, then encourage themselves to do more good deeds. Do not wait until falling into hell, then felt regret, it would be too late. If they want to plead for having human body again, it would be even more impossible.

On fifteenth day of seventh lunar month, the birth day of Buddha, stylite Wu-Mi recorded the above content respectfully.

Then stylite Wu-Mi gave the Jade Calendar to print shop for printing and distribution.

He wish virtuous men and women can donate money for printing, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of them to circulate all over the place, to remind people to repent, it is such a great merit.

The Birthdays of Sages and Deities

1. First day of first lunar month is the birthday of Mi-Le Buddha, people shall take vow to respect Buddhism.

2. Eighth day of first lunar month is the birthday of Fifth Hall King Yan-Luo, people shall take vow to repent.

3. Ninth day of first lunar month is the birthday of Jade Emperor, people shall take vow to be allegiance to repay the favor from their boss.

4. First day of second lunar month is the birthday of First Hall King Qin-Guang.

5. Second day of second lunar month is the birthday of Earth Deity, people shall take vow to never asperse the Three Treasures (Buddha, Sutra, and Bonze).

6. Eighth day of second lunar month is the birthday of Third Hall King Song-Di.

7. Eighteenth day of second lunar month is the birthday of Fourth Hall King Wu-Guan (five senses).

8. Nineteenth day of second lunar month is the birthday of Guanyin Bodhisattva, people shall take vow to encourage virtuosity, prohibit killing, buy captive livings to set them free.

9. First day of third lunar month is the birthday of Second Hall King Chu-Jiang.

10. Eighth day of third lunar month is the birthday of Sixth Hall King Bian City.

11. Twenty seventh day of third lunar month is the birthday of Seventh Hall King Tai-Shan.

12. First day of forth lunar month is the birthday of Eighth Hall King Du-Shi (city).

13. Eighth day of forth lunar month is the birthday of Sakyamuni Buddha, people shall take oath to do all good deeds, and avoid do all bad deeds.

14. Fifteenth day of forth lunar month is the birthday of Ninth Hall King Ping-Deng (equal), people shall not cut grass or trees.

15. Seventeenth day of forth lunar month is the birthday of Tenth Hall King Lun-Zhuan (wheel turning).

16. Eleventh day of fifth lunar month is the birthday of City Gods, people shall take vow to persuade others not go to temple or shrine to take oath.

17. Nineteenth day of sixth lunar month is the day Guanyin Bodhisattva became Bodhisattva, people shall persuade others to read sutra and names of Buddha.

18. Thirtieth day of seventh lunar month is the birthday of commander of underworld Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva people shall take vow to donate and support all souls and ghosts to detach from suffering.

19. Third day of eighth lunar month is the birthday of Kitchen God, people shall take vow not to kill, cry, laugh, shouting, throwaway leftovers, cooking soft shell turtles or eel.

20. Ninth day of ninth lunar month is the birthday of Great King of Hell Capital, people shall take vow to preach the will of Great King to make people reform toward virtuosity.

21. Thirteenth day of ninth lunar month is the birthday of Goddess Meng-Po, people shall persuade others to become vegetarian and read sutra.

22. Eighth day of twelfth lunar month is the day Sakyamuni Buddha became Buddha, people shall take vow to give donations to people in urgent disaster.

23. Twenty-fourth day of twelfth lunar month is the day Kitchen Gods submit report to heaven, people shall take vow to be careful of fire, prefer to be harmed by others, rather than harm other people.

On the first and fifteenth day of each month, are often the birthday of various Buddha, Bodhisattva and deities, people shall not eat meat, and do good deeds. The above are advised by stylite Wu-Mi.