
Prophecy of Catastrophe Caused by Congregate Sins

共 業 浩 劫 之 預 言
Prophecy of Catastrophe Caused by Congregate Sins

摘自皇母教化尊經 (from Preaching of God Mother Scripture)
translated by Kenny Ho)

Let’s see the epidemic spreading out of control, cross contamination in great scale.

Countless viruses carry by wind, reached four oceans and five lakes.

Mutate species look like nothing ever existed; viruses connect in 9 series.

Meteor from outer space, all efforts try to stop the disaster have fail.

Hot ashes from volcano eruption cover the entire sky and earth with darkness.

Oceans raise and lands sink, nowhere to find a descent place to live.


Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood

written by Ji-Gong Living Buddha, Brave Writer Mr. Qi-Mou Wang


Respectfully accept Imperial Command to write the book

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva

Lv Deity

Amitabha Buddha

Water Command Emperor

Round 1 Pond of Dirty Blood within the Ghost Gate
Round 2 Palace of Blood Pond within Dirty Blood Pond

Round 3 Confession on sins committed that felt into Dirty Blood Pond
Round 4 Floating on the sea of sin then get on the shore to relax
Round 5 Investigating case in detail to know what sins to carefully avoid
Round 6 Women shall be careful with menstruat
ion waste
Round 7 All the rules apply to past and today
Round 8
Endless sex indulgences caused tragedy
Round 9 Dirty Blood Pond under Bridge of Powerless
Round 10 Painful punishment caused by sin of abortion
Round 11 Detect by scanner and apply punishment
Round 12 Assist abortion cause sin
Round 13 Killing fetus
es cause mountainous sin
Round 14 All hidden sins will be revealed
Round 15 End of evaluation and sentence its punishment
Round 16
Present the example of sins which could be cleared

Imperial Earth Mother

Imperial Earth Mother

First Emperor of China

Great Emperor of East Hell

Note: This book is written by chief of Gong-Heng temple, copy and redistribution is welcomed, to widespread the good deeds.

Respectfully accept Imperial Command

Imperial Announcement: Tonight you shall respectfully accept Imperial Command to write a book, order the City Deity of this Temple to welcome Jade Emperor at 5 Chinese km, other deities and people shall line up and wait for the Imperial guest.

Imperial Envoy Jade Emperor Xu Upper Chancellor descend

Poem: We come to the south and descend to this Taoist temple for granting the announcement.

Follow the Imperial Command to write a book and widespread his mercy.

All people will be showered by his sincerity.

You shall not forget doing good deeds with kind determination.

Imperial Announcement: Announcing the Imperial Command, all deities and people shall kneel down.

Jade Emperor announce:

I live in top of heaven, commanding all livings, always worry about the well beings of all livings! The Gong-Heng Temple of Taiwan received heavenly order, to establish Taoist temple, to be the advocate of heaven, with responsibility to widespread the sacred religion for the past 20 years, with lots of accomplishment, and been acknowledged by heaven and people. It accords with the common people's heart, with goal to clear sins and toward goodness. However without a clear view of punishment, it would not be effective enough. So I announce special order to Ji-Gong Living Buddha to be the chief of deity writer, and order Brave Writer Mr. Qi-Mou Wang of this temple to be the chief of human writer. Both teacher and student will enter a journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood in hell, to observe the examples of punishment, and write in the book. Hope it can warn the people on earth; the ones with sins must correct immediately, the ones without sins shall keep the warning in heart. The journey would take one year, the name of the book will be: “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”. You will be rewarded once the book is published. If there are people who get its, shall increase their fortune and lifespan, also add merits to their souls.

End of Imperial command, do not overlook, bow to thank.

Lunar December 5, 2007

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva descend

To make introduction for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

The Pond of Dirty Blood under the Bridge of Powerless, gathering all sinners, their sins are certainly incomparable with ones on earth. Their evilness and sins, not only be washed off by the Pond, but still endure all sorts of punishment in hell, or else not enough to be transformed totally.

There was a Taoist heavenly book that describes the Pond of Dirty Blood, unfortunately it only describe a flash from the Bridge of Powerless; not clearly describe the type of sins committed by the suffering souls in the Pond of Dirty Blood, therefore not able to get the result from the punishment of hell.

Today your temple student use wooden pen and red sand plate, guiding by Ji-Gong Living Buddha to visit this place with your temple chief Brave Writer, whom received heavenly order to write books until now has been 37 years. He has smooth writing skill and sharp spoken tongue, and he always cut to the point on important issues, which is very beneficial for the ease of reading by all people. Once they receive the message, they will know how to avoid these warning, with heart to delete evil and toward goodness.

I am very happy for all of you, and congratulate for your endeavor. It is time to start writing the book. I am not hesitate to speak extra words, the purpose of this introduction at the beginning of the book is to warn all people. You shall read it carefully, so you can correct the sins and keep in mind, it is what I deeply hoped for, for writing this introduction.

Earth Treasuring Bodhisattva descended in Gong-Heng Temple of Taiwan

Lunar December 5, 2007

Lv Deity descend

To make introduction of “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

The Pond of Dirty Blood, the name tells its meaning, the whole pond is formed by blood. Where is the blood come from? The soul of sinners being punished with cruelty that gathering in a pond; it can be described with “stinky wind and bloody rain”, which is very filthy and stinky.

The punishing law of hell is set by the sins that committed by the people themselves. At the end of life, a smoke of soul goes to register in hell; when passing the three divisions road, the Bridge of Powerless, at that moment it is too late to regret. If too many sins have been committed on earth, it will fall into the Pond of Dirty Blood. First is to endure punishment, second is to clean all the sins, so you can imagine the great harshness inside of this pond.

Today your temple has received the Imperial Command to write a book on this journey, by a funny but kind Ji-Gong Living Buddha, and the sharp but in detail of Brave Writer. I expect this book to be an exciting one. So please do not mind my nagging, I want to warn all people to read this book with heart, to be warned and make correction on sins. If lucky not disobey any rules, you shall be warn by heart, not to fall into this pond.

Lv Deity descended in Gong-Heng Temple of Taiwan

Lunar December 5, 2007

Amitabha Buddha descend

To make introduction for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

I feel so sad for them! The souls in the Pond of Dirty Blood came with reason. Since ancient time the dirty rags used by women who gave birth, that contaminated the clean and sacred place of the house, shall fall into this pond. However, women who did the action without knowing the consequence of insulting deities. So there are real examples to warn people not to contaminate the clean and sacred place of the house.

Today your temple received the Imperial Command to write a book. To reveal the detail laws of the Pond of Dirty Blood, with old examples and new laws to warn the people, which is a precious book that saves people from falling into the Pond of Dirty Blood.

It is the time to start writing the book, with my Buddhist kind heart, to make this special remind. I don't want to just sitting here and see people neglect the rules, without treasuring their lives that makes this precious book appear on earth in vein. I took few spaces at the beginning of the book, hope all people can read it carefully, and can widespread it, the good deed would be enormous.

Amitabha Buddha descended in Gong-Heng Temple of Taiwan

Lunar December 12, 2007

Water Command Emperor descend

To make introduction for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

The tight and strict law of hell with harsh and cruel punishment, were written on the heaven treasury books and been spread since ancient time. However, the laws had evolved with society on earth, many more rule of punishments for sins had not been listed in the previous books. Today, the heaven descend this treasury book “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”. Its purpose is to renew and fulfill the laws. It warns people who committed sins that listed in the old laws, shall received such punishment; if people committed sins not listed in the old laws, will follow the newly introduced laws and receive their punishment accordingly.

The most common punishment from the Pond of Dirty Blood, which not listed in the old laws, is for black hearted and without good conscious people who are fond of producing poisonous substances, only to make personal profit for selfish reason. There are doctors who assist women and young girl to perform abortion for the reason of making profit, by not taking seriously on the issue of pregnancy and perform the operation on abortion easily. Who committed this sin that listed in the new law, shall fall into this pond.

The book has started to write, I make this bold attempt to make this introduction. The purpose is to warn people, to understand the meaning of the book in depth, definitely not to look at it as a common issue. For people who did not commit these sins, each person can have one book in hand, to warn other people at any time, and then the good deed will be enormous.

Wish my earnestly and kindly advise can help people. End of introduction

Water Command Emperor descended in Gong-Heng Temple of Taiwan

Lunar December 12, 2007

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 1 The Pond of Dirty Blood within the Ghost Gate

Poem: People loose their conscious just to make profit.

Assist abortion is a sin and hurts others.

Blind the heart of kindness and make killing.

The hatred inside the Blood Pond last for thousands of years.

Ji-Gong: Ha ha! I descend to this temple again, congratulate to your temple for ranking number one in spreading the preaching of Tao in the year 2007, no wonder your temple is the head of all Tao temples in the modern time. This year the 2008 I see all of you can make wish to continue do good deeds. I can foresee by the end of this year, when the chief of your temple goes to heaven to do the report, will take the glory again, and be the center of focus. That's all, the soul of my student come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student take bow to greet the arrival of teacher, late greeting to happy new year, thanks for your mouthful of good words, student is really appreciated. It would have better result than spending money on advertising.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: My good student, no need to speak empty words. Without delivering a good report, even others want to say something nice, would not know how to begin. OK, let's go to write the book!

Brave Writer: Yes... Teacher! Few days ago the weather was so nice, but when today the first day to write the “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”, it starts to rain, which seems so sad, like crying for the souls in the Pond of Dirty Blood.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student tries to match the weather with the situation. However this is just the normality of the weather, it has nothing to do with what you are saying.

Brave Writer: Fine! It is not what it is, but I want to clear up one question, the book says many women performed abortion are suffering inside the Pond of Dirty Blood, but the sin of abortion may not only committed by women alone, but why only they are suffering?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student only done half of your homework, the Pond of Dirty Blood not only for women of abortion to be punished.

Brave Writer: Does it have preset conditions?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Of course! For women that done abortion without having legal marital relation, and without consent of both parties to perform abortion, shall be punished.

Brave Writer: Which means, women would only be punished for abortion when pregnant without proper relationship; however since the ancient time, some people for the reason of poor economic condition, but with the consent from the husband to perform abortion, would not be punished.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That's right.

Brave Writer: Then those innocent lives will not bear hatred? Another word, would the abortion with marital relationship created ghost baby?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: These are two issues. The fetus will become ghost baby, but parents will not be punished.

Brave Writer: Thanks for the enlightenment of teacher... Teacher! We must have been gone through the deep ocean, and entering the Passage to Hell, I feel the strong chill from hell. Without being near your body, I would not be able to handle this coldness.

Ji-Gong: My student is getting old, you were not afraid of this before, now you cannot handle this chill wind? Fine! I help you get rid of this cold.

Brave Writer: Thanks for your kindness, I am not saying that I get old, just this body is not as good as it used to be.
Ah! We are here, I see the milestone on the Passage to Hell, and passed the Road of Three Intersection, I see the Ghost Gate. Oh! Teacher, please wait, I am going to greet these two generals.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Go! Go!

Brave Write: (Arriving the front of Ghost Gate) Student bow to greet two generals. Yi! You two generals are not as the same ones last time I came to visit Hell.

General Bull: Brave Writer no need for this courtesy, we cannot handle your politeness.

General Horse: Brave Writer is right, both of us had just arrived to this position not long ago, so you see us unfamiliar.

Brave Writer: Oh! You two generals are new here, isn’t this position the same ones since ancient time? Two Generals: You misunderstood, Bull and Horse Generals safe guarding the Ghost Gate has been the tradition since ancient time, but it had changed many times. There were many people who took the journey to hell, have overlooked the different Bull and Horse Generals, today you have discovered this change. Ah! Greet to Ji-Gong Living Buddha, we don't know your arrival.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha Ha! You two save the courtesy, it is big responsibility to safeguard the Ghost Gate. My broken body cannot handle such politeness. Today we are passing the gate to visit the Pond of Dirty Blood; you two generals please let us go through.

General Bull: You are so kind, with your Buddhist body, no one dare to stop you, and also the Imperial Command still hanging on the head of the Brave Writer.

General Horse: Yes! Yes! You overate us, please go through, after you enter the gate, turn right for three miles, then you are there.

Brave Writer: Thanks two generals. (Teacher and student entering the gate, suddenly see the scene of devastation, with chill wind, within the sad fog, can see several blinking bright light, and can smell the fragrance of sandalwood) Teacher! These two generals really have good heart, they afraid you don't know where the Pond of Dirty Blood is! However, very strange, where are these flashing lights come from. It seems like stars in the dark sky.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: These are lights emitted by the deities traveling inside the hell, OK, the Pond of Dirty Blood is just ahead.

Brave Writer: (Teacher and student coming to the rim of the pond that seems to be built from steel or stone. The color is dark, when touched by hand it feels cold and hard, but don't know what kind of material is it) Teacher! Is this the Pond of Dirty Blood? It has unbearably stinky smell, it is very dark, and, momentary there are sounds of terrifying screaming, without seeing any object or see the rest of edges. How big is this pond?
Ji-Gong Living Buddha: From north to south, it is 18,352
Yojana (ancient Indian unit for length, one Yojana is the distance of a bull walking for one day, which is between 13km and 16km); from east to west, it is 51,964 Yojana, how big do you think it is?

Brave Writer: According to the book, one Yojana is 12 Zhang (Chinese unit for length, one Zhang is 3.33m), Yi! No it is not right, I remembered it incorrectly, Yojana is the measurement for length used by ancient Indian, how big it really is after the multiplication? (About 400 times the surface of the earth)

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You take your time to calculate! However, you will be in trouble if you cannot see any object. Let's go back! You start getting the whole picture from the first round. You go back do your homework well, next time when we come; we will take visit into the pond.

Brave Writer: Enter into the pond??? Teacher! You would be fine if you enter the Pond of Dirty Blood, but my old and fragile body won't be able to handle the washing by the Pond of Dirty Blood!

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! My student, you received the Imperial Command to write a book, and if you want to write the book, you shall enter into the pond, I can not make decision on whether if you go in or not, you decide yourself; if the Jade Emperor wants to blame on some one, I will not be the one. OK, we have arrived your temple. The soul of student enters the body!

Brave Writer: Teacher! You are digging a hole for me to jump, I never heard anyone who took the journey and jump into the pond for the purpose of writing a book, but you are asking me to jump. Let's make it clear, or else I will not enter to my body.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha Ha! There is still one more week, what are you afraid of? You do well on your homework; I guarantee you will be fine. Enter the body.

Brave Writer: What you are saying is true? I read many records on the Pond of Dirty Blood, never read about a living soul enter the pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! If you won't enter your body, then I am leaving, let your body and soul separate.

Brave Writer: OK! OK! I am going back now, student greet teacher’s leaving. Ah! Next time when you come, please bring a small lotus seat, so I can do some rafting in the Pond of Dirty Blood.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha!

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 2 Palace of Blood Pond within Pond of Dirty Blood

Poem: Rafting the boat of kindness in the endless sea of bitterness.

Saving souls of sin that confined in hell.

All wish deities often come to supervise.

Our wish of widespread the preaching can be accomplished.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” today will be officially take visit to the souls that are suffered by the cruel punishment of the pond.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Save the ritual, let's go.

Brave Writer: (following teacher and walk out of the temple, murmur at heart) Teacher! Didn't you bring the lotus seat?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: When did you hear my promise to bring the lotus seat? Even my old body has no lotus seat to sit, you are dreaming.

Brave Writer: Then you want me to jump into to the Blood Pond just like that?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student jump, I will follow you, isn't that fair?

Brave Writer: How can that be fair? You have a Buddhist body, mine is just a normal body. When two of us jump in, only you have golden light to protect the body, how can you say it is fair?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Then I lend you my broken fan for you to sit on.

Brave Writer: This is what you say, you have to keep the words.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Only a broken fan, I can get one at any time, how can I be so stingy to break my promise to you.

Brave Writer:(During the conversation, both have arrive the rim of the Blood Pond, same place as last time) Teacher! This Blood Pond is so big; it looks like an ocean, with addition of dark clouds on the surface of the water, so the image is not so clear. Yi! Incorrect, last time I could not see object clearly, but how come this time I can see them clearly?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It must be the guards in hell bring up the light for your arrival to write the book!

Brave Writer: How can you say this? Kidding a little child? I do not see any lighting object anywhere; it must be your trick.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I am not almighty. You must know that the hatred accumulated in the Blood Pond is enough to make this place covered by darkness. It is not my trick; it must be last time you pretend that you cannot see anything.

Brave Writer: Ha ha! Teacher is right. Last time you bluffed me. I went back to read some book, and learn the secret spell to open the heaven eye, so I know I can see the scene of Blood Pond clearly. Or else, if I fall down in this dark place, you would not save me.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It is good that you have done your homework, now you can see the scene of Blood Pond clearly!

Brave Writer: I can see it clearly, but with lots of questions. Theoretically the size of Blood Pond is enormous, can be described as endless. However how come the Bridge of Powerless from far away can be seen so clearly, and the souls floating and sinking inside the pond, their facial expression of struggling and crying can be seen clearly. If it is on earth, the scene from the beach would not appear like this.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You are right. It is the feeling of mixture of illusion and reality.

Brave Writer: Yes! Yes! That is exactly like that, how can such visual appearance be happened?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It is quite simple. It is a visual effect from close focus of eyes. This pond looks very big and foggy, but when entering this space, you can focus on certain moving object; it will have effect of appearing enlarged.

Brave Writer: So that is how it is, you are not bluffing me again aren't you?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Believe or not, it’s up to you. Let's go (Then throw the broken fan, and push Brave Writer into the Blood Pond)

Brave Writer: Help me! Teacher, why didn’t you say something in advance? Ai ya, I cannot step on this fan, you ask it to carry me! Xi xi... this treasury fan can really obey the order. Yi! How come it becomes so big, it feels big enough when I sit on it.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You must keep focus, I bring you to surf the pond, be focus, this broken fan is very odd, when you become more focus, it will comply with you. If you don't pay attention and loose your focus, it will run away, and then you will fall into the Blood Pond. At that time don't blame on me.

Brave Writer: Yes...! I understand, I would not dare to loose focus (riding on the treasury fan is very smooth, almost like gliding on the surface of the water) Teacher! How can I control this fan, what if I hit someone?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: No, no, it will go up by itself, it will not hit anyone. You can call to make it stop.

Brave Writer: Thanks for the kindness, teacher. (When gliding on the treasury fan, I feel the smell of the Blood Pond is not that stink, but seems like smoke, but feel as sharp as steel blade. Without the protection of teacher and the treasury fan, I might not be able to handle it.) Teacher! I see many men inside the pond. They must had committed the sin of assisting abortion. Yi! Where are you teacher? Why disappear without a word. (Fine! I feel more relax, I see it myself) Yi! There is an island in the middle of the Blood Pond. What is the purpose of this island? (When the treasury fan close to the shore of the island, I can see clearly a palace made of copper, that situated in the middle of the island, and can see many people wearing official dress or shield, walking in and out) Oh! Treasury fan, would you bring me to visit this palace?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! My student, don't try to command it, should use your mind power to fuse with it, then it will listen to your order, let's go.

Brave Writer: Teacher misunderstood, I did not try to command it, just because you disappear without a word, so I think of going to the island, the word just slip out of my mouth. Yes, Why is there an island within Blood Pond? And why is there a palace on the island?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The name of this island is Blood Pond Island, the palace is called Blood Pond Palace.

Brave Writer: So the commanding officer of the Blood Pond should be inside.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That's correct. OK, let's go back, next time we go in to the Blood Pond Palace, let you ask all the questions.

Brave Writer: Yes...! (The treasury fan bring Brave Writer away from hell, and fly back to earth) Teacher! Your treasury fan can be a vehicle. You did not let other visitors who write the book to take the ride. In my memory, from the book writers you took them for the journeys, no one ever rode on this treasury fan.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student do not push too much. If not for writing “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”, I would not lend you this broken fan. OK, we have arrived your temple. Your soul return to the body!

Brave Writer: Student thank for your graciousness, greeting for the departure of teacher, and thank for the treasury fan that brought me to visit the Blood Pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 3 Confession on sins committed that felt into the Blood Pond

Poem: Confession on sins committed that felt into Blood Pond

Write book to warn all shall believe without doubt

Thousands of sins cause karma turning

Repent previous sins don’t be late

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Tonight we will visit Blood Pond Palace, are you ready? Soul comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to welcome the arrival of teacher. In reply to teacher's question, I am ready.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Then let's go!

Braver Writer: Yes. (Both teacher and student walking of the temple) Teacher! Don’t you lend me the treasury fan no more?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Don't think about it, once you sat on the fan, it kept complain to me. If I lend you sit one more time, then I won't have the image of carrying a fan.

Braver Writer: Is it that serious? It goes on strike, and you approved?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: This broken fan has its own mind, you don't want me spend all day chasing it, won't you?

Brave writer: Student won't dare to do that. Well, it is fine without it. Anyway you will bring me over the Blood Pond. Oh! Right, the soul after death will go to Path to Hell and Ghost Gate. Will it pass through the judgment of hell then send to Blood Pond, or when it goes on the Bridge of Powerless, any soul that committed sins that accord with the laws of Blood Pond, will fall into it directly?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Good question, the soul after death that had committed sins that accord with the laws of Blood Pond, once it gets on the Bridge of Powerless, will fall into the Blood Pond right away.

Brave Writer: No need to go through the judgment of the hell? Then what is the need for ten halls of hell?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: This is a special circumstance, just like when people die, good souls will go up to heaven; bad souls will go down to hell. So the Blood Pond will attract souls that committed sins to fall down.

Brave Writer: Should it have a very special attractive force or mechanism that exist?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That is correct. But for the detail you can ask the Emperor of Blood Pond yourself. We are now arriving the Blood Pond Palace. The Emperor of Blood Pond is in the front. Student, go pay your respect!

Brave Writer: (During the conversation, both had passed through the Ghost Gate, went over Blood Pond, got on the Island of Blood Pond. In the middle of the island, stands a tall Palace of Blood Pond, on the grandeur gate of the Palace there stand a giant, red dressed with gentle look. There are two lines of administrative and soldier deities on both sides) Student bow to greet the emperor, today I received Imperial Command to write a book, wish Emperor could provide guidance.

Emperor: Student save the courtesy, I shall welcome the arrival of Ji-Gong Living Buddha.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Emperor is too kind. I cannot handle it. You two shall be busy on the writing of the book!

Emperor: Then please come in have a cup of tea, then discuss the detail.

Brave Writer: Thanks for the kindness of the Emperor. (Strangely, managing so many soul of sins within the Blood Pond that is full of hatred. For the appearance of Emperor of Blood Pond may not be as horrifying as Zhong-Kui deity (the diety that commands ghosts), but he shouldn't be a gentle look man. Yi! It seems like guards of hell that taking some souls that goes to the office at the side) May student ask, why is the Blood Pond like hell, with guards that detain souls?

Emperor: You don't know that these souls just fall into the Blood Pond. We must put them on the list, and report to the administrator of hell. After these souls fulfill their punishment, they will be transferred to hell for judgment. OK. Ji-Gong Living Buddha please sit on the main seat, student please sit down too. The Blood Pond is a simple place. If the treatment is not complete, please do not blame us.

Brave Writer: (All entering a clean room, very simple, but gladly without the gloomy feeling of outside) Student thank for the providing of the seat. (Wait for the servant serve the tea) Please let me ask one more question. Why is soul after death without going through the judgment of hell, it only accord with the laws of Blood Pond will fall into the pond by itself?

Emperor: Student you should know, the other name for the Pond of Dirty Blood is “Pond of Clearing Sins”.

Brave Writer: My knowledge is so shallow; don't know the “Pond of Dirty Blood” is “Pond of Clearing Sins”. But why the Pond of Clearing Sins has the power to attract the souls of sins to make them fall into the pond?

Emperor: Since it is called “Clearing Sins”, which has the purpose of clearing sins, and the Blood Pond had accumulate many sins and hatred within its wave, so the power of sins have created a magnetic force. So the souls that carry similar type of sins, once goes on the Bridge of Powerless, it will be like the force of a big magnet attracting small magnets, and these souls of sins would fall into the pond.

Brave Writer: Student got it. Then the punishment from Blood Pond not counted in the punishment that judged by the hell?

Emperor: Only half is correct. If a soul been punished by the Blood Pond, then the sins it committed will be cleaned by the pond, but the results from the sins shall accord with the law of the hell for judgment, then send to other small hells for further punishment.

Brave Writer: Student got it. Then allow me to ask one more question, the purpose of Blood Pond is to clear sins, but how do the souls inside the Blood Pond be cleaned?

Emperor: From your previous ride on the fan of Ji-Gong Living Buddha crossing the pond, have you feel the strong force below? Do you know, once drop into the Blood Pond, the force gets more stronger, it will not damage the soul, but makes it feel like thousands of arrows piercing through body and drilling on the bones. It seems like a total reverse current, turning form bottom to top within the soul, to clean the sins it had committed.

Brave Writer: I have not experience such condition, so I would not know how it really feels. However when I was just above the surface of the pond, I already felt the pain that I could hardly bear. For the souls that drop into the pond, I could imagine their pain from suffering the punishment. Yes, I have a question, which might be disrespect to Emperor, so please advise me clearly.

Emperor: Ha ha! You have received the Imperial Command to write a book, if you have any question, just throw it over.

Brave Writer: Then student will be imprudent. I have a question for you, that you seems so young, but holding the position as the “emperor” of the Blood Pond. However, the ones with title as Emperor in hell, only Emperor of East Hell and Emperor of Ghost City, now there is an Emperor in the Blood Pond, your spiritual ranking should be very high!

Emperor: Ha ha! I would not dare to compare with these two emperors, it is the heaven not abandon me, order me to command the Blood Pond. How could I compare with Great Emperor of East Hell and Great Emperor of Ghost City? The position of these two emperors is above the King of Hell.

Brave Writer: You are too humble. Although your position is not as high as those two emperors, but the title is in accordance with spiritual ranking, since your title is Emperor, it should not be too far out, how did you cultivate?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student did not do well on the homework, the “Scripture of Blood Pond” has all the detail, do not disrespect to the Emperor anymore.

Emperor: Ha ha! Ji-Gong Living Buddha is too kind. It doesn't matter. There is a record in the Scripture of Blood Pond, but just carry over with only one sentence, which is “Southern Fire makes connection with the body of Blood Pond”. It is hard to be understood by most people, so no one will blame you for asking this question. I was created by the split seed of Southern Fire, and came to Blood Pond for this position.

Brave Writer: So you are the split spirit of the Ancient Old Golden Deity, no wonder you could have such accomplishment, and be so generous to me, please excuse my disrespect.

Emperor: No need for that, baring the Emperor Command to write a book, you have the right to ask any question in mind. I would not keep you here longer, greeting for your departure with Ji-Gong Living Buddha.

Brave Writer: (teacher and student depart from the Blood Pond on the way back) Teacher! Why don't you give me a hint to student, this Emperor has such strong back ground, you let me loose the manner.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! You take the blame on me. You said you had done the homework, who knows you only done half of it.

Braver Writer: You just watch me to get laughed at on purpose, the “Scripture of Blood Pond” only have few copies exist, I had to borrow it, so no time to read it in depth.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! I got your message, you just read but not remember. Later on I will give you some hint! OK, we have arrive to your temple, your soul return to your body.

Brave Writer: Student greeting for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend      

Round 4 Floating on the sea of sin then get on the shore to relax

Poem: Floating on the sea of sin then get on the shore to relax

Souls after death keep regretting during clearing

All they think of is hope the day of rebirth soon to come

Deeply cleaned by the mercy of teacher reflects light.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! The dirty blood makes white paper turns black, how can it clean the sins of body? This is a cruel testament that the souls of death have to face. Ha ha! Student's soul comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to welcome the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Save it, save it. Let's go.

Braver Writer: Student will obey the order. (Following teacher closely behind and walk out of the door) As I listened to teacher's poem, has its content given me some lesson?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student think about it, the souls of death on the Bridge of Powerless, no one force them enter the pond; isn't there some sort of magic within such natural mechanism?

Brave Writer: Could it be like the set up of a washing machine for turning, once the time is up, then the cloths are cleaned.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student make a fine analogy. It could be explained like that. But the question is no one (deity or Buddha) can set up the time for washing in the Pond of Dirty Blood.

Brave writer: After your explanation, is my example incorrect. You praised my fine analogy, but raised a hard question for its mistake.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Could this question be too hard for you?

Brave Writer: He, he! It should not be too hard, since I know how to use the washing machine for clothing. Once set it up in automatic, it would clean by itself. This means the Pond of Dirty Blood has a sensing mechanism, that once the souls are cleaned, and then they will be fine. Yi, it seems not so correct. Since each soul committed different degree of sins, how can it determine how long each one should take? This Pond of Dirty Blood is the most sophisticated, most intelligent washing machine.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: No, no, not washing machine for clothing, but a soul washing machine.

Brave Writer: You are so picky on the words, just like searching a bone within an egg. If we really want to describe, then the name it the Soul Cleaning Pond would be most justifiable. Ah! Teacher, I think I see a beach, it seems like many souls in the pond want to get on the beach, but only one in a thousand can reach it. But the shore of the beach is very dark, many people are moving to get on the beach, but it takes long long time to see one gets on. (During the conversation between teacher and student, they had arrived to an unknown beach of Blood Pond. They see many souls on the beach, taking rest on the sand. All of them look like after been cut by knife thousands of times, then been sprayed with honey, and been eaten by insects. Such horrible scene is very hard to describe. There are hell guards taking away these souls immediately). Teacher! Are these souls already having their sins cleaned, and graduate from the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Correct, correct.

Brave Writer: Teacher, this Blood Pond also has sunshine beach! Not so bad, they can do some sun bathing after graduation.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student don't be so sarcastic. They had just gone thru the suffering from the cleaning by the Blood Pond and got on shore, but student is making fun of them.

Brave Writer: I saw them lying on the beach, seems very enjoyable, so I make such description. Teacher must had been the famous beach in California or Miami Florida, everybody enjoy the sunbathing. Because they all get so tired after playing in the ocean, once they got on shore, they lay down, isn't it like here?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei Hei! Student don't make fun of me, a settled Buddhist do not go to that kind of place, I am not unclean like you.

Brave Writer: Hei Hei! Teacher please have a good mouth, I had never been these places, only see it on movie and TV.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You describe the shore of the Sin Cleaning Pond as a sunny beach, I don’t know whether to cry or to laugh.

Brave Writer: You know I did not study much, not an expert in describing, so please have your mercy. Right, teacher, could I interview with a soul that is on the shore?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Go ahead!

Brave Writer: (walking to the front, see a women with messy hair laying on the ground, so I kneel down) Greeting sister, I am the Chief of Gong Heng temple, named Brave Writer. I had received Imperial Command to write a book. Ah! Oh my! You are not a woman, how could you have a messy hair?

Soul of sin: Greeting, Brave Writer.

Brave Writer: (see his face full of wounds, but barely supportive, looks really sad) You don’t have to get up, we can talk like this.

Soul of sin: I am sorry then! Think about it, being punished in the Pond of Dirty Blood, do I have time to groom myself? Everyone has messy hair.

Brave Writer: It seems logical, I am sorry. That’s right, in the Blood Pond, how could anyone be flashy and clean, that would be odd. My mind was not clear. So may I ask what was your profession, and how did you fall into the Blood Pond?

Soul of sin: I was a doctor, quite famous one, not only treat people’s sickness but also solve major problems for people, only tried to make more money with greed. Who knows when I was walking, suddenly felt into the Blood Pond! It must be some mistake, I might not be a saint, but I had accomplished good deeds, why should I be punished in the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Ha ha! You must had step on other’s head to get on the shore, don’t have a bit of regret, how could it be cleaned?

Soul of sin: Telling you the truth, actually I want to solve young women’s problem for pregnancy without marriage, and assisted them to perform abortion, who knows it is a profitable business. So whenever there is chance, I urged young people to perform abortion when they were indecisive, to eliminate all the troubles at once. Although, I made a lot of money, but I had to suffer harsh punishment.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Being a doctor without kindness, perform abortion and kill lives, how dare you make such statement without shame by saying you were a famous doctor and helped people. I should ask the King of Hell increase your punishment.

Soul of sin: Ah! Respectful Ji-Gong Living Buddha, I did not see you in front of me, please excuse me, please have your mercy, give a helping hand and save me.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Each person is responsible for his own sin. I really want to help but it is beyond my control. However, since you had participated in the writing of the book, the King of Hell will follow the law to decrease your punishment from your merit. You shall face it with peace of mind! OK, student let’s return.

Brave Writer: (both teacher and student on the way back) Teacher, I want to gather more real examples, let people know what sins will cause them fall into this pond, please allow me to make some interview during each trip.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I will certainly cooperate with your plan. OK, we have arrived to your temple, your soul enter the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet teacher’s departure

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend      

Round 5 Investigating case in detail to know what sins to avoid

Poem: The saddest people are the ones in prison.

Floating on the ocean of sin for long time make them covered with dust.

Mercy of God grant special exception to benefit people.

Bring in the treasury book really makes it treasonable.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Tonight we will write the “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” to make it easier to warn people, to be extra careful not to commit such sins, in order not to fall into the Ocean of Sin that made of blood. OK, Student’s soul comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s go! Don’t let your slow motion waste the time of people in your temple.

Brave Writer: Student will obey. (Following the teacher closely and walk out the temple) Teacher! There are words within your poem. Is there exception for writing this book? Is it for people, or for the souls that we interview and written in the book?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student thinks too much, I just reiterate what really is. Don’t forget the book “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” has never been written before. It is of course from the mercy of God. Whether if it is a special exception for people or for souls, that will depends on the level of your dedication.

Brave Writer: I have been very dedicate, teacher please do not give me a wrong title.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You cannot judge the level of dedication by just by saying. You have to perform it. You will be judged by the remarks of this book.

Brave Writer: Then you must know this book have good remark, because we only completed four rounds, I have already received many favorite feedbacks and printing sponsors, does that mean it has good remark?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student, you make the judgment by yourself, don’t ask me anymore.

Brave Writer: OK, fine! You always like to be tricky. Later day I will try to trick on you. Ah! Teacher, please bring me to intercept that soul that is taking by a hell guard, I want to ask him some question, is that OK?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Sure, let’s go!

Braver Writer: (during the conversation, both had arrived the middle of the Blood Pond, saw a soul with better shape, who is taking by a hell guard, ready to walk in) Excuse me hell guard, could you stop for a while, I am chief of Gong-Heng temple named Brave Writer, I have received Imperial Command to write a book, I would like to talk with this soul.

Hell guard: Little deity greet arrival of Ji-Gong Living Buddha (after bow to teacher) and Brave Writer. No need to be polite. Although my job is to transport this soul to the First Hell, but with the arrival of Ji-Gong Living Buddha and the Imperial Command of Brave Writer to write a book, I certainly can report this incident later. So you can interview with this soul as you please.

Brave Writer: Thanks for your mercy. (With past experience, this time I have make sure the soul is a woman) Greetings sister.

Soul: Greeting, soul of carrying sin bow to greet Ji-Gong Living Buddha. Please have mercy, save me.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It is beyond my control, you are responsible for your own sin, however the man in front of you is a chief of a temple, carrying Imperial Command to write a book. With your assistance to write this treasury book, the merit can be used to cancel your sin, and receive lighter sentence from the kings of hell.

Soul: Thanks for the enlightenment from Ji-Gong Living Buddha. I will tell whatever I know, and speak the whole truth.

Brave Writer: May I ask you, why did you fall into this Blood Pond?

Soul: Ai! It was a moment of my disrespectfulness, because I was poor after delivering the baby, no time to take care of my body after the labor. So I have to do all the house chores after few days giving birth, I put my washed blanked of birth on top of the stove to make it dry, which was the reason I fall into the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Drying blanket of birth on the stove? Which dynasty were you? How long have you been inside the Blood Pond?

Soul: Which dynasty? What dynasty is it now?

Brave Writer: He he! Now is year 97 in Republic of China.

Soul: Which dynasty is Republic of China? I remember I died on the emperor Tong-Zhi of Qing dynasty.

Brave Writer: Oh my God! You have been soaking inside the Blood Pond for more than one hundred years.

Soul: Was that long? I remember the pain from torture is constantly puncturing and biting, I have no idea more than one hundred years had passed.

Brave Writer: It can’t be right, you cannot be just place one blanket of birth on the stove, then be punished in Blood Pond for more than one hundred yars.

Soul: It is the truth, just one blanket. However, I gave birth to four children, and for each one done the same thing.

Brave Writer: Oh! You repeated the same sin without regret, so the punishment was quadrupled.

Soul: No, No, who knows such action would commit sins according to the laws of hell. It does not against law on earth, how can it be punished in hell? This is not fair; we don’t know such action is a sin.

Brave Writer: Sister, do you know there is such deity called Stove Deity?

Soul: Of course I know, during each festival, we have to give one dish of food that pays respect to Stove Deity?

Brave Writer: That’s right, you know how to respect Stove Deity, but you still let the blood stained blanket make dry on stove.

Soul: So that is why. Thanks for your guidance, and please save me.

Brave Writer: I would not dare. I don’t have such big power, however the king of hell will mark this merit for assisting writing the book on your logbook.

Soul: Does king of hell know Chang-Man Zhang assist writing the book?

Brave Writer: No need to panic. How could king of hell do not know? If it is messed up like this, then how could the punishing system operate in hell? Thanks for the convenience of hell guard. I won’t bother you anymore. (After soul and hell guard bow for the departure greeting) Teacher! This soul was right. She should not be punished for not knowing, how could she be punished for more than a hundred years?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s go back, and talk on the road. (Teacher and student on the road) Student should know since ancient time there was a warning that women’s underwear should not place on stove to make it dry. All people know this warning and keep in mind. It is not hell punish people for not knowing such rule.

Brave Writer: Even so, is the punishment too harsh?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Do yo know, for hanging one cloth shall receive 50 years of punishment in Blood Pond, that women gave birth to four children. Without adding more, the sum of her punishment shall be 200 years. Because she really did not know, and she has to do all the house chores and taking care of children, so there was a 50 years of reduction.

Brave Writer: So that is how. But today there is no big stove like that, would people still commit such sin?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: No. There is no big stove now but people use oven instead. Still, many people like to hang wet cloths on top of the oven, and there is an Oven Deity in each kitchen today, so without stove or not, the same rule would apply. OK, we now arrive your temple, student’s soul return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet teacher’s departure.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend       

Round 6 Women shall be careful with menstruation waste

Poem: Continuous obstacles shows sincere determination

Full of joy on the road of practicing Tao.

Writing books for spreading year after year

Enter heaven with handful of accomplishment from hardwork

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The purpose for writing books is to enlighten the spiritual conscious of people. Although the journey is a long story, but the titles are very sharp focused; little words but with deep meaning, so it would be easier for all levels of readers. OK, let's write the book, student's soul come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greed teacher's arrival.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: OK, let's write the book, let's go.

Brave Writer: (teacher and student walk out of temple) Teacher! Old friend come during the raining day, it is such a happy thing!

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student, who is this old friend?

Brave Writer: You are! Now I can close to your Buddhist mercy all the time.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You are so full of horse fart (flattering), now “horse” (the family name of president Ma, Ying-Jiu) is the main stream in Taiwan.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Teacher, please do not stress the word “horse”, this is not good.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I see you quite carefree, aren't you worry about the issue of going up to heaven or going down to hell?

Brave Writer: It can't be three trips all go to the Prison of Heaven! So I bet tonight we must go to the Pond of Dirty Hell. Therefore I studied the Scriptue of Blood Vase and Scripture of Blood Lake.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student guessed it wrong. Have you seen me walk horizontally since I walked out the door, not going down yet.

Brave Writer: I am very sure, if we don't catch up on Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood, this issue of magazine will be blank. So teacher, please do not play romance with me; it is not so romantic walking in the rain. Let's go down! Or else, tonight the students will complain about you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Alright! You use the Imperial Command to command all deities, and take others as your shield for arrow. It is easy to be fast, let's go!

Brave Writer: Slowly, slowly, slowly, I punish myself, you please slow down, or else I cannot breathe, and need your magic fan to carry me. (Both have arrived the Blood Pond during the conversation, the stingy smell comes right up) Teacher! Could you find several people with lighter sins, but easily be committed by the women today, and let me talk with them. I read it in the Scripture of Blood Vase, washing the dirty thing such as menstruation waste in river or wale, or throw it away and let others use the water to pay respect to deities and caused disrespect, the person of initiating such action shall fall into this pond. So I thought the menstruation wastes are unavoidable objects from women. However unintentionally disobey the rule shall be punished in the pond, it is really sad.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It is nice to have such good intention; I shall make your wish come true, let's go!

Brave Writer: (teacher raise his hand and moving horizontally, both are above the Blood Pond, then move like a flash of light) Teacher! Where are we going?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: For women who disobey the rule with menstruation wastes, mostly with lighter sins, they are on the southeast side of the Blood Pond, now we are heading to that direction. You see if there is any difference.

Brave Writer: (See the front, there is a place like sandy beach, however there are still thousands of people, but without the struggling to get ashore like before. The people on the shore are more relax, the wounds on their body are not as serious, and they are all adult female) Teacher! This is the place that punish the people for washing dirty object, the location for them to clean their sins?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Yes, Normally, for the menstruation waste is a discreet object, it will not show to others, however in the ancient time there are not many people with large land. Therefore sometime they will wash it on the riverside or next to wale. First they had committed the sin of contaminating the water (disrespect to the Deity of Water); secondly, it causes others to use this water for spiritual ceremony, and disrespect the deities with dirty water. The reason why this is a light sentence, since menstruation is unavoidable, so for one incident will only need to soak in the Blood Pond for one year, they can get on shore once their sentence is completed.

Brave Writer: The punishing system of hell is so humane. However I have one question. Inn ancient time, they did not have disposable tampons, so they have to wash it; people no need to do that today, so whether if this rule is not applicable now?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Old rules new application. Although today people throw it away right after use, the point is how they throw away. If the place they throw away will cause disrespect to deities, will still have to be punished. However for old time it is one year for one incident, that is because they have to clean it and easily disobey the rule; but today people can avoid such incident, which they choose not to avoid. So from the year that disposable tampons existed on earth, the new rule became 10 years per incident.

Brave Writer: This seems unfair! For the same incident, old rule is one year, but the new rule is 10 years.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ancient people were poor in resources They did not have such objects, so the sentence shall be lighten; today people enjoy the products of modern civilization. They could have avoided it but they did not, of course the punishment shall be harder.

Brave Writer: Fine, I cannot win you on this argument. But you have finished all the talking and interview, what are we going to do now?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Then let’s go back home! Anyway we finished early on the rainy night, and go home early, isn’t that what you want?

Brave Writer: What you are saying is unfair. I want to interview more, but you often stop there without going forward. I cannot jump into the Blood Pond, only talk with you. Who know once you start talking, you said it all, which makes no chance for those souls to participate in writing the book.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! You start to blame on me. Fine, next time writing the book, I just sent you to the destination. I will go visit Emperor of Blood Pond or Big Dragon Deity to have a cup of tea. You don’t need me anymore.

Brave Writer: Teacher! You are so stingy, I was just jOKing, and you take it seriously. Sorry, sorry. Next time I still need your guidance. Next time I will bring the best tea from Pear Mountain to serve you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! How can you say I am stingy, you have good tea from a friend as gift at home, but you do not serve me first, until the time I have to ask for it. Fine, for the sake of that tea, I forgive you. OK, we have arrive the temple, student’s soul return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend   

Round 7 All the rules apply to past and today

Poem: The rule of heaven is good but with strict rules.

Tragic stories keep playing from ancient time till today.

Writing the book to warn people to withhold the catastrophe.

Straighten up the tradition and practice of society praised by all.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! People in the world came with all kinds of background. However the traditions and practices of different cultures are different, some are quite strange. Although, they will not be punished by the law on earth, but those are great sins according to the law of hell. Once they step on the Bridge of Powerless, will fall into the Blood Pond right away. The purpose for the heaven to write books is to warn practices that are in discrepancy between law on earth and law in hell. OK, let’s write the book, student’s soul comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher. Tonight you gave us a surprise, didn’t we just visit the Pond of Dirty Blood on the last trip.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You prepared the wrong material again? I never said we take journey to heaven for one session, and to hell the next.

Brave Writer: You did not say that. But when I mentioned about it, you did not correct me, so I thought you agreed.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You just accept it! Why didn’t you do your homework thoroughly? At the right time, I will provide you some hints.

Brave Writer: (how can it be …, the topics cover so wide, where can I start preparing) Teacher! It is not fun to go to heaven and hell, could you give me some hint on the previous trip, so I can be prepared.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: No need to complain, and no need to prepare on purpose, just improvise! Before you took the journey to Crystal Palace, did you prepared? Had you prepared before the interview with animals? How could you write book for so long, but your brain been deteriorated.

Brave Writer: That is not how it should say. Before I was a newborn bull who has no fear of tiger, now I have to keep my good reputation, not to ruin the name as “Brave Writer”.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You have no shame. Good reputation has to be approved by all people, how could you give good reputation to yourself? OK, OK, no need to argue. Look, there are three souls over there, have you see anything unusual?

Brave Writer: (follow the direction the teacher is pointing at, see three people, one elder, one middle age man, one woman, floating up and down inside the pond) Teacher! You point at these three people. Is there any special purpose? Yi! They seemed very painful. Suddenly there seems like a spring from the bottom of the pond that throw them out of the water, suddenly they fall into the bottom of the pond again, without seeing them afloat for a long time, and lots of blood come out of their body during each spring.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That is what it seems like. What are the difference of punishment between these three people and others?

Brave Writer: Very different, others are floating on the Blood Pond, although with full of shock and crying, but without the spectacular show of bunging jumping of these three people.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! You always like to be sarcastic. OK! Want to talk with them?

Brave Writer: Can I? You always have to use your mighty Buddhist power to bring them to the shore from the pond. Would this against or defame the punishing law of the pond? Later, all the souls will come and ask you to save them.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Of course not, if I save them to the shore that would be very unfair. Since their punishment is extremely hard, they can only be brought on a boat by the hell guard, you go there to make interview.

Brave Writer: (during the conversation, already see a small boat, quite a magic. At the location of these three people there is an object like a net that held three of them and place them onto the boat) Teacher! Is it because the deity of Blood Pond received your order, to bring them on the boat? Can I go interview them?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Go ahead!

Brave Writer: (teacher and student standing on the boat, wait for the hell guard greet the teacher) Student greets three guards.

Hell guard: No need to be polite, ask these thee souls as you wish.

Brave Writer: (look carefully on these people, see the elder is on the 70, 80s with white bear, deep wrinkles, and seems powerless; middle age man seems white and clean, as if he had lived a good life on earth; the lady should be at younger age, only with terrible condition) May I ask this elder person with such old age, why did you receive harsh punishment in Blood Pond?

Hell guard: Soul of sin just speak up, in front of you is Ji-Gong Living Buddha and Brave Writer, they are on the journey to Blood Pond, you just tell the truth, with the merit of writing the book, the King of Hell will follow the rule to decrease your punishment.

Elderly: Soul of sin greet Ji-Gong Living Buddha, and thanks for the favor of guiding from the deity. I reply to the question of Brave Writer. I was the chief of a village. I would not say I had accomplished much with my unrighteous, but I had solved many problems for all people in the village, and respected by all villagers. Our village located in a poor rural area of Shan-Xi province, because we cannot afford to feed so many people, therefore we have a tradition of drowning babies. I had conducted two ceremonies of drowning babies during my term, which could be the reason for me to fall into the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: You are so cruel, drowning a living baby without mercy, is that the action a human should do?

Elderly: You don’t know, before most people live in poor condition, without much entertainment, so in the rural area is to have babies. Some family even cannot have descent meals, but there are more than 10 mouths to feed, how can they live? So since Ming and Qing dynasty, the tradition of drowning babies in the rural area had never stop. The government officials did not against such practice.

Brave Writer: I read about tells of drowning babies, what a surprise to meet the people that involved. Right, how long have you stayed in the Blood Pond?

Elderly: I don’t know, only know the year I die was in the year of emperor Qian-Long.

Brave Writer: (with tong stick out) It was at least 250 years from now. Teacher! How long does this soul of sin have to suffer the punishment in the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: 300 years for one life, 600 years for two lives.

Brave Writer: There is still long time to be in the pond. Right, how about these two people besides you?

Elderly: They are the parents of these two babies.

Brave Writer: Does that mean the executioner and the parents will suffer the same punishment?

Three people together: Please have your mercy, save us.

Brave Writer: It is not I don’t want to save, for you drowning living babies, if I am the King of Hell, I shall sentence each of you 1000 years to redeem your sin. If not for the sake of writing the book to warn people, I really want to delete this chapter, so you don’t have the chance to reduce sentence with the merit of participating the writing the book.

Elderly: You are too harsh. Try to think that all parents of the world. Who wish to drown their own children? But if they do not do this, the other people in the family would not be able to live, so the government officials would not intervene such practice. We did it after we evaluate all the pros and cons.

Brave Writer: Unbelievable! I do not agree with your, and no need to argue. Teacher! Let’s go! I have heard enough, thank for these three deities provide such service. (after greeting, follow the teacher and leave)

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Your righteous heart makes you so angry, ha ha! You have more to see later on. You are angry now, what would you do later?

Brave Writer: It is not so! Each time I see a baby, they are so adorable, how would anyone wants to drown them! Yi! It’s not right, teacher, let’s delete this chapter! How would anyone drown baby nowadays? What is the purpose of this chapter?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You are too sentimental. Although no one drown the baby nowadays, but there are many incidents of abusing young children. So these two committed the same sin, do you think this warning would work?

Brave Writer: So you mean the punishment for baby drowning in the past, apply to the sin of children abusing today?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct. For the past practice of drowning babies still has reason to forgive, at least it is for the sake of people alive; for the abusing young children nowadays, is purely an action of insanity. So abusing young children apply to such rule, it will account even more if causes death. So you can calm down now!

Brave Writer: It was my ignorance that makes me lost my temper, please have teacher’s forgiveness.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! No need to do that, you noticed at the end, and made a satisfied conclusion, so no harm. OK, I am coming to taste the tea you serve. We have arrived to the temple, student’s soul return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend    

Round 8 Endless sex indulgences caused tragedy

Poem: Number one sin is fornication

Endless sex indulgence caused tragedy

Write the book to warn the lost people

Each sentence is important need to remember don’t forget

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Tonight I come to write book again. During the month of June 2008, you had completed the big religious ceremony of your temple named “Congratulate Emperor Guan birthday”; with “Submit the book on karma of cause and result”; plus “Two days ceremony on release the captives”. You all increase a mark on the merit; it is worth to be happy and celebrates! OK! The soul of student, come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet teacher’s arrival.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s go write a book!

Brave Writer: Teacher, you had just affirm our religious ceremonies, but without much sincerity. For the ceremony this time was quite magical, you should give me a hint.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Again, you dig a hole for me to jump.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! How would I dare to? I was speaking the truth. There is a typhoon name Phoenix, the weather report said it will arrive Taiwan four days ago, however during the progress of those four days, it suddenly slow down, and delayed two days to arrive, so during the ceremony, the weather is sunny, which makes it quite a success, isn’t that magical? Student begging for your hint, how could this be?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You had just describe the entire truth with praise, what else can I say?

Brave Writer: It is not how it said, even I repeat the praise for ten thousand times, it would not match one sentence of yours, so please give me a hint.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! I could not resist your nagging. OK, OKay. Let me tell you a heavenly secret. The typhoon was supposes to be a very strong one. However, all cities and towns on the entire island Taiwan were preparing the ceremonies to congratulating the birthday of Emperor Guan. So the Southern Heaven considered such typhoon would affect the ceremonies, so they ordered the department of Wind Rain Thunder for emergency measurement, to make this typhoon slow down; so during the process of pushing and stopping, which caused such typhoon that supposed to increase its power to be weakening, until disappear, and for the island of Taiwan can enjoy sunny weather to conduct the celebration on the birthday of Emperor Guan.

Brave Writer: That’s right! Once teacher open such golden mouth, save me lots of worthless talkes. Oh ! Right, you are going down to visit the Pond of Dirty Blood, but how come your poem was talking about the sin of indulging sex? I thought we were visiting the Prison of Heaven.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student, think about it, without having sex, how could babies be born? Without giving birth to babies, how could women offend deities? How could they fall into the Blood Pond?

Brave Writer: This seems logical, however, indulging sex may not cause pregnancy, should this be punished?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: If there were action of indulging sex that did not offend deities, no need to receive punishment, however once they have offend the deities, they shall be punished.

Brave Writer: Could you give me an example?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! There are some things that may not be proper for me to say, you can ask the people that are suffering in the pond.

Brave Writer: (during the conversation, they had already arrive on top of the Blood Pond, only see hell guards holding a woman on a boat and waiting) Teacher! This is the woman that you want me to interview?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct. You go ahead! I will go have a cup of tea with the Emperor of Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Yes sir. (teacher bring me on the boat, and left) Student greet to visit deities. How are you sister, today I received Emperor Command to write a book, could you tell me for what reason did you fall into this Blood Pond?

Hell Guard: Brave Writer save the ritual! Receive Emperor Command to write a book is a mighty responsibility; (turn over to the woman) You shall tell the truth, in order to be listed in the treasury book.

Soul of woman: Soul of sin thank for enlighten of deity, and greet to Brave Writer. The reason for me to fall into this Blood Pond was because I had four artificial abortions.

Brave Writer: (with tong sticking out) Sister, you had done four abortions, did it hurt?

Soul of woman: It hurt! Hurt like hell, but I must do the abortion, or else who will feed them?

Brave Writer: Can’t their father feed them?

Soul of woman: (seems ashamed) No father, since I was a tramp. At the time that both people agree, I could not resist the temptation, so sometimes I don’t even know who was the father was.

Brave Writer: You are such a bold woman, or else you seemed not so afraid with four abortions.

Soul of woman: I am afraid it was too late; I died during the fourth abortion.

Brave Writer: So you are being punished in the Blood Pond for the sin of abortion, do you know how long the punishment would be?

Soul of woman: I died in the year 1992, I heard the explanation from the deities that the punishment for each abortion is 50 years, so I must wait until the year 2292 to have new life on earth again.

Brave Writer: Sister, you have clear calculation, now how was your feeling? You seem different from the others that I had interviewed.

Soul of woman: I deeply feel my great sins, and missing my four fetuses very much, so I suffer inside the Blood Pond, I know I deserved the punishment.

Brave Writer: Ha ha, sister, you are so right. Seems like you are truly in confession, today you had assisted to write a treasury book, the King of Hell should decrease your sentence according to the law. Hope you can remember this lesson during your next lifetime.

Soul of woman: Thanks for your encouraging good words. I will certainly keep in heart.

Brave Writer: OK, thanks for the trouble from the deities, I would not bother you anymore. (departing from the hell guard and the soul of woman) Teacher! I had finished the interview, where are you? Even break the throat from screaming, still no sign of teacher, only see the surrounding. There are numerous soul of sins floating up and down inside the Blood Pond. On the four sides of the Blood Pond, each have a dark zone, but could not see the image clearly. Teacher…

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: OK OK, stop yelling. I just set down, without drinking the tea, then I heard your screaming, didn’t you get lazy for just ask only a few sentences?

Brave Writer: How could I? I asked almost ten sentences, please don’t put me wrong.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine, let’s go back.

Brave writer: (on the way back) Teacher, the Blood Pond command so many things, even sex indulgence is included. In my estimation, I am afraid that almost 50% of souls have to fall into this pond first.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You go discover yourself. I make no comment on that.

Brave Writer: Right, I saw four sides of the Blood Pond, there seems like a big structure on each side. What are these places?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I will bring you there next time. OK, we have arrived to your temple, student, return to your body.

Brave Write: Yes, Student greet for teacher’s departure.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend   

Round 9 The Pond of Dirty Blood under Bridge of Powerless

Poem: A seed of sin will haunt you during thousands of incarnations.

People shall be careful not to commit such sin

Know that doing good deeds shall not stop.

For not falling into the Blood Pond and be safe.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Tonight I will bring you to visit Blood Pond, the soul of student comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greed the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: OK, let’s go!

Brave Writer: Yes sir. Teacher, there was a believer came to the temple and ask a question, I did not mentioned it during the process of writing the book, so I need your guidance. The question is within the Blood Pond, there is a sin, which is abortion, what if there is miscarriage that was unintentional.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: There are two sides in this situation. First if there is no thought of performing abortion, then no need to be punished by the Blood Pond. Another, if it is natural miscarriage, but it was performed intentionally, then they still have to suffer the punishment for such sin.

Brave Writer: So do you mean, the key is on thought; the method and action is not important?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct. For ancient women during pregnancy in a poor family condition, they still have to perform family chores. They had no thought of abortion, but due to hard labor or unable to carry on the pregnancy and caused miscarriage. They will not be punished. If being pregnant but afraid of performing abortion but take drug or purposely misarrange the fetus and caused miscarriage. Their original intention is to remove the fetus, although it seems like natural miscarriage, but they still have to be punished.

Brave Writer: It is clearly to distinguish which shall be punished, and which shall not. But I have a question for you. I remembered that for the soul of death walking on the Bridge of Powerless, with sins committed, will fall into the pond by itself. So for the example I asked today, whether if the soul has to be punished or not on the Bridge of Powerless? How does it distinguish the soul of sins that perform abortion unintentionally or performed miscarriage purposely?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You asked so many questions, which show that you have doubt on the Blood Pond that might misjudge on people?

Brave Writer: That’s right! As you had mentioned, the rule for punishment is based on the thought, the Blood Pond can be very precise without making mistake that misjudge the innocent souls?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student asked a good question, since we start writing the book, we had not been on the bridge yet, so tonight I will take you to Bridge of Powerless.

Brave Writer: It’s not so good! There is a saying that “Once passed the Bridge of Powerless, you could never go back to earth” There is no need to bring me to the Bridge of Powerless, you could just give me a lesson right here.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You had changed; few years ago you were so brave during the trip to the Chamber of Heavenly Secret! Now you are afraid of stepping on the Bridge of Powerless. Once you get older, your nerve get smaller.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! You always say that I am sarcastic, but you are not too far. I am just a little afraid, that has nothing to do with age, just the ancient tell that makes me wonder. Yi! You had brought me to the bridge already. I talked so many wasteful words; you still brought me to this bridge.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Some ancient tells are not correct. I will let you prove by yourself whether if you can return to earth or not.

Brave Writer: You gave me a big trouble, although I will return to earth, but if there is any mishap, you have to come to save me.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Don’t blame on me. Fine, if there is anything happened, you can blame on me. Now you can walk on this Bridge of Powerless.

Brave Writer: He he! Whatever you say, there will be black words on white paper as evidence, I am very confident now. OK! This Bridge of Powerless seems like made of white stone, but how can it cross the Blood Pond without any support. It is like hanging in midair. There are so many people walking on it, seems so crowded. If not knowing that they are souls, it could be mistaken that they are going for a bazaar. However, at least one third of souls fall into the pond after taking a few steps. Teacher! I find a strange phenomenon. How come these souls fall into the pond with different order? Some fall into the pond once they get on the bridge; some fall into it after a few step; some fall after walking more than half way, there must be a reason for this.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: What do you think?

Brave Writer: I think the Blood Pond must be determining each soul whether if it had committed the sins and the degree of sins that shall be punished. That causes such this phenomena.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You had guessed it right, but I am curious how could you guess be so correct?

Brave Writer: Hei hei! You forget I am a soul now, so I can also feel some sort of pulsing magnetic power sending out from the Blood Pond. So I had observe these souls, some were detected with the sins committed which accord with Blood Pond once they step on the bridge, so while they were horrifying, at the same time, they are falling into the Blood Pond. Plus you had mentioned before, this Blood Pond has a natural mechanism, which can distinguish the soul that committed sins, and will suck them into the pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I thought you were just fooling me, can’t believe you really observe these details.

Brave Writer: Do not mention, do not mention. Following you to write the book, I can not act like a fool, so must be focused, not to disappoint your good intention of bring me to write these books. However, I have a big question, the Blood Pond can distinguish the sins that committed that accord with the Blood Pond, and suck them in, without any flaw. I mean after people die, there is only a chunk of quantum energy, how can the Blood Pond detect it without making mistake?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I just said you were being focused, but in a flash of time you get confuse again. Didn’t I say that the thought arise from intention? Judging the tiny difference between abortion and unintentional miscarriage relies on one’s intention.

Brave Writer: Oh! I got it. I was so dumb. Once the intention has arisen to do the action, it will implant into the conscious mind, although people had died, the soul still contains conscious. No wonder the Blood Pond will not misjudge. It is based on the conscious that include the sins committed. So after they die and walk on the Bridge of Powerless, the Blood Pond has decoder that reads the sins in conscious, so it will not misjudge the innocent. That also explains the reason for the order of falling into the Blood Pond. Thank you for let me understand more on the topic of 8 conscious.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! I would not take this credit. At least tonight we had solve the mystery between Bridge of Powerless and the Blood Pond. OK, let’s return!

Brave Writer: Yes… Teacher, it is true that learning is a continuous process. I have learned so much by following you to write books.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine, don’t be so tacky, I don’t take this. The soul of student return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet for teacher’s departure.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend 

Round 10 Painful punishment caused by sin of abortion

Poem: The stringent law of hell is truly shocking.

Commit great sins repeatedly will not be punished lightly

The warning from the execution of the laws was here for a long time.

Writing the treasury book to warn all people.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Let’s write the book, the soul of student come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student greet the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Enough, enough. Let’s go!

Brave Writer: Yes. (Since I start writing the books, many problems arose, but don’t know how to start.)

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student, you have something to say but not speaking, is there something you cannot solve?

Brave Writer: Your students spread all over Taiwan, and your power is quite noticeable, I received many cases that people asking for your mercy, which I don’t know where to start.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Each person is responsible for his own sin; each person will receive the reward from his own cultivation. You don’t have to be in dilemma. I will do it once I receive the notice, and solve your trouble!

Brave Writer: I know you are a merciful man, however if you do so, you will have many more problems waiting for you to solve, everybody will start begging for your mercy.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Don’t be afraid, didn’t I just say that each person has his own destiny. Although I have agreed, but I cannot reverse the order of heaven. So if it is solvable, I will do it; but if not, they should not blame on me!

Brave Writer: With your enlighten, I have a piece of mind now. This is a very unusual event. Who told you to write two books at same time that go to heaven and hell? No wonder all your students come to beg you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! So you are tired of trouble. It is easy. You can refuse! Who told you to accept whatever it comes?

Brave Writer: Refuse? How could I say so, I will be blamed, seriously. Yi! Where are you bringing me?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Didn’t you ask for the purpose of buildings surround the Blood Pond? I will bring you to take a look.

Brave Writer: That’s what it really is. I thought you want to fly over the Blood Pond and enter hell.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You are dreaming. Received the Imperial Command to write “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” has nothing to do with hell. Why should we enter hell? OK, we are here, you focus your mind in writing the book!

Braver Writer: Ah… Teacher! There is a room for giving birth in the Blood Pond! Doesn’t it mean the ghosts have to delivery baby also?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ami Buddha. Student don’t say anything garbage, watch carefully.

Brave Writer: My teacher. It is really the room to give birth, the configuration of each room just like the delivery room in the hospital, there is a woman screaming on the operation chair, seemed like there is a complication, the white cloth is stained with blood all over. Do you mean this situation?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Didn’t you see anything strange? Inside the room, except hell guard, is there any doctor around?

Brave Writer: That is right. Why would they let her screaming without helping her?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Because she committed the sin of abortion, so she is receiving education here.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Receiving education? From my point of view, it is a harsh punishment, how could it have a beautiful name of “receiving education”? It is not the City of Death, how could it repeat the sins that committed in the previous life?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Blood Pond is an institution for punishment, although there is no Kings of Hells that judging the merits for the previous life of souls. However the law of Blood Pond has its power. So the purpose of Blood Pond besides cleaning the sins, the souls also come here to get educated on their conscious, so this punishment will make the souls receive warning.

Brave Writer: That is how it is. But does it really work? Since all souls before getting reborn, don’t they have to drink the Soup of Forgetting before they enter the Wheel of Incarnation?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Good question, if it is not useful, then the re-education in the City of Death would be work in vain.

Brave Writer: I know it is useful, but do not know its purpose and what it is based on, or how does this theory work?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The reason for the souls with power of conscious, it is relying on the action of notion of ego (known as the base consciousness, store consciousness, or seed consciousness) to support this power, so by punishing day and night continuously, will increase the conscious power within, so when one day they were reborn, it will create a warning system at the time before committing the sins.

Brave Writer: I think I got it. It is like someone at a critical moment, suddenly stop proceeding ahead? Is that the purpose?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct, correct, you are worth to be taught.

Brave Writer: He he! Stop praise on me, I still don’t understand. What is the purpose of Soup of Forgetting?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The main purpose of Soup of Forgetting is to clear part of the memory within the conscious. In short, all the goods and evils saw during the lifetime will be erased from memory, with only the shocks and pains suffered from the punishment still in tact.

Brave Writer: That is so magical. It can even categorize in detail.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Your words contain sarcasm. Does it mean you don’t believe it?

Brave Writer: I would not dare, you never lie, but sometimes you make some jokes. So I am not quite certain on this.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I give you an example on the present medical practice. In now a day there is an operation that takes out the frontal lobe of the brain (include the nerves), to make someone forget something, do you know that?

Brave Writer: I am not so educated; please don’t make no joke on this. Once the book is published, we might get caught on this mistake.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! No need to be panic, whether if we will get caught, you just wait and see. I just take this example to compare with the purpose of Soup of Forgetting

Brave Writer: You always say something that shocks people. I was sweating by such surprise. Could you tell me in advance before making such shocking statement, so I can do some research on it. Or else when the book is published, I will be speechless. My level is incomparable to you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! That make sense, if by mistake, you might say it is a duplicate of me again. OK, let’s return! Next time we will continue visit the other three places.

Brave Writer: (on the way back) Teacher! I know there are many phenomena that are already equipped in heaven. It will pass on to the mortal world until the right time. Should underworld be the same?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Of course, human alone cannot process many jobs. For example, can your temple operate without using the computer? Not to mention the degree of complexity to operate heaven and hell, which are many times greater than you temple. OK, the soul of student returns to body.

Brave Writer: Yes, student greet the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 11 Detect by scanner and apply punishment according to the book

Poem: Recording of sins in the conscious is very clear.

Make clean and clear the dirt of all people.

Work hard and be warned not to disobey the rule

You can definitely relief from the ocean of bitterness.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! How people can relief from the ocean of bitterness (pain of reincarnation) and tangle of sins? The main point is to have clean and clear conscious that all of your arising thoughts and actions are within the law of morality, so you can relief from the ocean of bitterness. OK, the soul of student gets out from body!

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s write the book, we will continue the previous “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

Brave Writer: Student will obey! (both walk out the door) Teacher! I read the scriptures about the Blood Pond, basically the laws is for women who make abortion and their solicitors, and baby drowners, and doctors who disobey the integrity of doctor and perform abortion, even for people who disrespect deities of nature, all shall be punished in the Blood Pond. There should not be any more exceptions.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Until now, what you are saying are correct, however you had left two major issues. After we visit the Room of Correction, I will bring you to other places.

Brave Writer: Room of correction? What kind of place is that?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Didn’t you ask the group of buildings surround the Blood Pond, these are the ones.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! “Room of Correction”. The name sounds quite graceful, but in reality it is a room for punishment, that make souls to experience the pain. How can it be called Room of Correction?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I will not chat with you. The place we will see tonight, you see if it is Room of Correction

Brave Writer: (during the conversation, we have arrived the north east corner of the Blood Pond, there are many buildings, look carefully, these buildings are numerous, when look closely, it seems like a classroom) Teacher! Do the souls of sin in Blood Pond have to attend the class?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You can say that is a “class”, however you had not look its detail carefully.

Brave Writer: (during conversation I see many images which I could not comprehend) Teacher! This is a classroom; it must be, because it looks like a classroom in the university with shape of half circle. The seats are dark; don’t know how many people in it. In the middle of the classroom is the lecturer’s podium, but with many professors. Some of them dress ancient imperial doctor’s uniform, some with modern white robe. What is the situation in here?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ai! Your eyes are not clear, not seeing the important thing. Don’t mind the professors, just look at the direction above the students’ seats and the students in the class.

Brave Writer: It is so dark, how can I see clearly. Yi! There is some action, it seems like there is a sudden disturbance. Some bend their waist and press the stomach; some screaming with mouth open; some jumping randomly like a monkey. What’s happening?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student look above their seats.

Brave Writer: Above the seat of each student, there seems like a surveillance camera. No it is not a camera. It is a laser gun. Because each gun shoots out a beam of light, and the color of light changes from light yellow to dark black, many dozens types of them. Each same color of light that beam on the body of students will create same type of reaction. Ah! It is more correctly to describe like this. I see thousands of dark light beaming on the body of thousands of people, these people behave like monkeys, jumping from their seat, and they seem very painful. Teacher! Is this a monkey show?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student finally describes the situation in the class completely, and I will explain for you. At first the professors are the deities of doctor, these students are the doctors that illegally performed abortion that disobey the laws of Blood Pond. The objects above the seats are not laser guns. They are “sensors” that scan the conscious of students.

Brave Wrier: He he! I understand, these students are not concentrate in the class. They are thinking of other funny monkey shows, so they become the actors like a monkey.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: (seems helpless) You still have such childish heart, I don’t know what to do, cry or laugh. You listen to what the professors are saying.

Brave Writer: (seems helpless too) How can I hear what that old deity doctor say? Yi! I hear it, I hear it. The old deity doctor says: Why did you assist others to perform abortion. Ha ha! Right after the professor finished that sentence, there is a disturbance within the seats of students, a chaotic mass. Teacher! These professors are mocking the souls of sins, making fool of them. If this is on earth, these professors shall be sued by the human rights group. Yi! That’s not correct, old deity doctor says: Why kill livings for your personal profit? Then there is another disturbance again. OK, OK, I’m not watching anymore, these old deities doctors are torturing the souls of sins, which they do it on purpose in front of you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It’s up to you if you don’t want to watch it. But don’t blame on the old deity doctors, they are only performing their lecture duties. Each soul of sins get punished if their arising thoughts do not regret their sins? Think about it yourself. Is this question too hard? Why would almost everyone gets punished right after each question

Braver Writer: That is right, the question is so simple. If they ask me, I would answer: I am a doctor, she come to me and ask for help, what is wrong with that? … Oh my God! How do I get shocked? Teacher! Are you playing joke me?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You blame on me by mistake. I did not give you electric shock. It is because you misbehave inside the Room of Correction. You were scanned by the “sensor”. It immediately releases energy on your soul.

Brave Writer: That is so outrageous. Teacher! Let’s go, get away from here, so I will not get shocked again.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! OK, let’s go. You were fortunate that your answer was like that. Some think that: I perform abortion because there is lots of money to be made. Then he will be forced to act like a monkey.

Brave Writer: So that is how it was. Now I understand it completely.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It’s good that you understand, let’s return!

Brave Writer: OK! Bur there are something that I don’t quite understand. There are many different answers to one question, which is because each person has different point of view on certain subject, which is understandable. But how could that sensor be so intelligent, can correctly distinguish different answers given by all people, and deliver different punishment?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Have you heard sayings that “appearance is the reflection of heart”, and “evil heart grows next to the guts”. What are the meanings of these sayings?

Brave Writer: I know that, the thought will change one’s appearance. So when people going to do something cruel, their faces will appear very mean. So the point is in the thought itself. I understand, but could not understand how could it be so accurate?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The sensor scanned the thought of a person, and reflects it back to him. In another word, that person is punished by his own evil thought.

Brave Writer: (suddenly enlightened) I got it, it is like in the movie that a mirror can reflect the energy, so the devil was destroyed by his own magic power.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! That is a good analogy. That is how it is. We have arrived the temple. The soul of student return to the body!

Brave Writer: Student greet for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 12 Helping abortion causes sin

Poem: Mistake by one thought causes great trouble.

Washing inside the Blood Pond from ancient time till now.

Writing books to warn and awake the ignorance ones with sins.

The sacred religion spread gospels for thousands of years.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Once start to write the books, they had enlightened many good people, and make repent with their heart. My arrival to your temple really deserved. My student, do not hide your happiness, your soul come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher. How do you know since from the beginning of writing the book on the Blood Pond, it got many good remarks?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: We discuss while we are walking! (both walk out of the temple) These days I heard there were many people from your temple submit special request, to clear up their sins set by the Blood Pond that committed during they were young age, isn’t that the best evidence?

Brave Writer: He he! Nothing escapes from your eyes, no wonder everybody called you a living Buddha.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Student, save your words. I was running tens of thousands of miles just to save all the souls, that really make my bones tired, which were not began today. You have better creating some new phrase for that!

Brave Writer: I could not help it, I was not educated when I was young, so I only have limited vocabulary, so please forgive me for this. Yi! Where are you going tonight? Aren’t we going to the Blood Pond? Why do we keep stopping and going?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I did not say I was not going, but you seem quite indecisive.

Brave Writer: No! I was contemplating the place we are going. According to the Sutra of Blood Pond, and Sutra of Blood Lake, it seems there is no more case of sins for us to interview.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Student, you really don’t focus well. Didn’t I remind you that there are still two sins not on your list, and we have not finish visiting the Rooms of Correction surrounding the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: I remembered that you had reminded me on such, but I could not think of anything.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine! Let me tell you, tonight we will visit the case of sin on giving drugs that make others miscarriage and abortion.

Brave Writer: Ah! I got it, since the ancient time until now; many people were fighting for inheritance, especially for the riches. They mix drugs in the food to make others miscarriage, in order to achieve the purpose of gaining the inheritance by discontinue other’s descendent.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct.

Brave Writer: But in now a day, these things do not happen, so whom are we going to warn?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Although in now a day these actions won’t happen, but there is another sin of assisting that sin.

Brave Writer: Sinners of assisting? What type of people?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Since the miscarriage is causes by medicine, so who give the prescription; and who give the medicine?

Brave Writer: I understand. In ancient time those who gave medicines were the drug shop merchant; in now a day are doctor or pharmacist.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You finally got it. OK, we are in the Boom or Correction. Student, take a look!

Brave Writer: (during the conversation, we have arrive to a group buildings on the south west corner of Blood Pond. This time we arrive to a place that looks like a classroom, but the punishment is different from the previous scanning and punishing. Many women or men inside the room are very concentrate in the lecture) Teacher! These sinners of assisting seem getting better treatment. I do not see them been punished and jumping in chaos. Yi! In correct, it seems like there are quizzes during the lecture. Their exams are very strange, only standing in front of a mirror, with two big lights on top of it. Some standing in front of the mirror and make green light goes on; some make the red light goes on. Ha ha! Teacher, the people that make red light go on, will be dragged out by the hell guards to outside of the classroom. Where are they going?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: (make the fan over the head of Brave Writer) You see it yourself.

Brave Writer: I see it. These people that makes the red light goes on, get throw back into the Blood Pond. Teacher, please describe this situation for me.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You are so lazy; need me to give hint again. This is easy. These people did not study hard; did not admit their fault; and still insisting on their fault. So they did not pass the exam, and have to soak in the Blood Pond then redo again.

Brave Writer: That mirror is so magical! It can distinguish whether if the souls admit their fault or not.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You want to get up there and give it a try?

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Please do not give me trouble. This mirror would not see that I had assisted others for abortion. There must be a purpose for you, and I would not fall for that. Please just explain it clearly.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I do not get a good payback for good intention. The purpose that I let you go there and be verified by the mirror, is to let you know yourself whether you had committed such sin and the heart to repent, so you can correct it early. Who knows you refuse my good intention.

Brave Writer: What you are saying means you have doubt on me. However, if I do not go up, that means I am guilty. OK, I will let the mirror exam me, I am not afraid. (after finish the sentence, step up to the front of mirror)

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You are not so young now, still cannot handle other’s provocation. You need to improve on that. Wa! Ha ha, student had committed a sin, the red light is on.

Brave Writer: You made a trick. I am not a doctor or a pharmacist, how could I assist others to perform abortion.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That’s right, could it be the mirror broken? It can’t be! You think about it.

Brave Writer: (face turns red) I really did not, please do not play joke on me. Ha ha! The green light goes on, I knew that you play trick.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Don’t put me wrong. This mirror is like the Mirror of Sin in First Hell. There is no way it can be tempered.

Brave Writer: How could it turned red then turned green?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Let me describe for you. All souls are mentally prepared before stepping in front of the mirror. Just like the lie detector you have right now in the mortal world, only need to keep calm, and eight or nine out or ten people can pass the lie detector. So this mirror uses the same principle, it analyze the conscious of people in front of it, by flashing red and green light. This is not strange, because you could not keep calm.

Brave Writer: I knew that I fell into your trap. But it proves that the souls in here would not be falsely blamed.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It’s good that you understand my good intention, let’s return.

Brave Writer: (on the way return) You really makes me don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. But I almost forgot one important thing. I have a question for you. There is a follower said he had committed the sin of disrespect the deity, will he will fall into the Blood Pond? How can this be resolved?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Are you digging a hole for me to jump? Can’t you solve this problem?

Brave Writer: This is a major issue, would you please give me the guidance.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine! For committed such sin, must repent sincerely, then take vow to print this book, then by the chief of your temple submit to the administrative deity to erase it.

Brave Writer: How can it be so easy done?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That is the purpose for heaven to deliver these treasury books. Correct mistakes after knowing it, and then take physical action. So, of course it can be done.

Brave Writer: Thanks for your enlighten. Student greet for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 13 Killing fetuses commit heavy sin as a mountain

Poem: Thou shall not kill the life of fetus

The sin is as heavy as a mountain and will be punished by five thunders

All people shall know the meaning of mercy and kindness.

With determination to protect lives never be discouraged.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Tonight is very cold. It is very unusual that all of you with passion to participate in the ceremony for writing the book. Ha ha, students in this temple are no less than my apprentices. I feel so happy and satisfied. Let’s write the book, the soul of … student come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher. Aren’t you just about to say apprentice? Why changed to student? That means you do not treat me as your apprentice.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! You really observe the detail. I just made a pulse, then you caught me. However, it is easier to call student, it is the same since we start to write the book. Do you have any comment?

Brave Writer: I would not dare. But I have joined the religion of Tao for more than 30 years, I had not heard you call me good apprentice.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Have you taken the wrong medicine tonight? You kept picking on me.

Brave Writer: I would not dare. Who told you to pulse when writing, and it arise the question in my heart for the past 30 years.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Could you set me up? It is because someone asked you whether if you had took the ceremony to join the religion of Tao. You take the chance of writing the book to make publicity of yourself. Stop picking on me. Let’s write the book.

Brave Writer: Really nothing can hide away from you. But the truth is I really been guided by the Tao Transmitting Master to join the religion of Tao. This is an undisputable fact.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine, I know you had joined the religion of Tao. But for the past 30 years, you were only cultivating in the temple. Have you ever go to grand Buddhist temple for cultivation?

Brave Writer: You kept saying that not to be picky, but you had just uncover my image of being a Yi-Guan Tao student that I had worked hard to make up.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The students of Yi-Guan must take serious cultivation, strive hard to become perfection, there is nothing to make up. Your temple has done very well that at present time if it is not number one, it should be on the top three in Taiwan. Be concentrate; do not think of other subject. In later on, you might not have to take the Three Gate Exams, why should you kept going around in here.

Brave Writer: After your speech, I felt enlightened, thanks for teacher’s guidance. I was really too picky. Right, tonight you brought me to the Blood Pond, but we are not going to the Room of Correction, why are we circling around on top of the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I am looking for the target for you to interview.

Brave Writer: I heard your poem mentioned “killing fetus”. Is that the topic for tonight? But we had already interviewed the souls of sin, we don’t have to repeat it.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You are only half correct; the sin of killing fetus is the topic for tonight, but not abortion.

Brave Writer: Killing fetus, but not abortion… Oh! I got it. Are we looking for the ancient souls of sin that make the medicine called human placenta? How could I miss this subject? Yi! Not correct, in ancient time those were doctors who kill fetus to make that medicine, but now a day there is no such inhumane practice. The medicine of placenta today is extracted thru biochemical technology, no need to kill fetus. So whom are we going to warn?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You read so many books that you had not wasted your life. However, the placenta now a day still extracted from the fetus. If not take good care during the process of extraction, it could still contaminate the water source or even disrespect the deities. So for people who committed such sin, will still be listed in the punishing law of Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: I understood. In ancient time that kill fetus committed great sin, being punished in the Blood Pond is quite reasonable. However now a day, although there is no killing of fetus, but for the sin of contaminating and disrespect by the placenta, does it still applies to this rule?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct, student look down. The souls of sins being punished in this section of Blood Pond, are they differ from others?

Brave Writer: (look downward, see inside the Blood Pond, there is a small group of souls of sins that being punished differently, their wounds seem much more severe than souls of sins in other place, their body seems like been bitten by great white sharks in the pond that with wounds everywhere, and their body seem been slice by knifes thousands of times) Teacher! They seem to be punished by much harder punishment.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You can say that. Some of these people were still being punished by killing fetus; some are recent people who for the purpose of making fortune of producing XX in short time, but not clean the scrap of placenta well enough. All these type of sinners are being punished at this place.

Brave Writer: Is there any special purpose for you to stress this location? Why would the wounds of souls seem so much worse, worse than the previous souls of sins that we had interviewed.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Yes, it is due to the current in this section of Blood Pond is intertwined like a web, and it’s flowing like jet stream. Once the souls of sin enter the pond, will get seriously hurt as if they have been thrown into a meat grinder.

Brave Writer: Is it because the different formation of this area, or there exist other principle?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It is said that at the beginning of making this pond has already contain such lethal power. In each hall of hells, at the beginning of making each hall of hell was formed by dark and evil power, plus different power used by ancient deities and ancient Buddha to form different types of punishing tools.

Brave Writer: Teacher I had received a letter from a follower, whom says the harsh punishments in hell were means to scare people, to get the purpose of warning. Why couldn’t you just preach with reason, to make people make serious repent and toward goodness?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha…, you ask a good question, and that follower also asked a question well. However I only have one word “obstinate”. If all people are so easily be taught, then the Earth Treasure Buddha should had already rise to heaven, but why are the hells still not empty?

Brave Writer: I don’t know about that. You should not include me in that category. I just repeat the fact.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: If you did not agree with the statement of that follower, you would have explained to him, and you would not transfer that question to me. OK, let’s return.

Brave Writer: (both on the way back) Teacher! I have a question, between the atmospheres, even go upward further, it is extreme cold and hot, you are a living Buddha so you can handle it. However, for the lower ranking deities, could they be hurt by the extreme condition of the atmosphere?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: How do you think?

Brave Writer: I think they will get hurt. Because my soul can feel the erosion and vibration from these great energy. If not protected by your guidance, I would not be able to endure them. Is that correct?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You are right, among the deities; the lower ranking deities still cannot handle the extreme cold and hot energy of universe.

Brave Writer: How do these deities traveling between heaven and hells?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! How could you ask such childish question? There are roads on earth, aren’t there safe roads for traveling between heaven and hells? OK, we have arrived your temple, the soul of student returns to body.

Brave Writer: Student greet for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 14 All the sins will be reveal at right moment

Poem: People shall be careful when a thought arise.

One mistake of thought could cause sin that carry with you.

Remember to repent with sincere heart.

Clear up the sins of ocean and leave away from you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! The spiritual ceremony of your temple was a success. Congratulate all of you with one more count of merit on spreading the words of heaven. OK, let’s write the book, the soul of student comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher. Didn’t you come to make an encouraging speech on the eve of the ceremony?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s go and talk on the way.

Brave Writer: (follow teacher’s foot step and walk out of temple) Are you bringing me up to heaven or down to hell tonight?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You are asking questions like lighting a roll of firecracker, let me take a breath.

Brave Writer: I can’t help it. I am a quick-tempered person, so it really have to put in under great inconvenience. Please tell me why didn’t you come?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The spiritual ceremony was full of crowed, so it was fine without me. Also my exposure in your magazine was too much. Let’s leave some space for other Buddhas to make connection with your followers, isn’t that better?

Brave Writer: You can say that, but without seeing your arrival, it seemed like something was missing.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Please do not take this as a funny matter, I am afraid of this. Be more concentrate, tonight I will bring you to watch movie in the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Watching movie in the Blood Pond! It sounds quite interesting, but I know there are hidden meaning within your words, please give me a hint.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: There is a section of Room of Correction surrounding the Blood Pond. So tonight we are going there, and that is the place for the souls of sin to watch movies.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Even if you say the souls of sin can watch movie, it must not be as nice as it seems, not the kind of movie theatre you had mentioned.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You just like to be picky. Watch it yourself. It is a dark place, with each soul watching the screen closely.

Brave Writer: Wa! This is great, these souls get better treatment than locking in jail, they have X rated adult video to watch.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Wei wei! You make better use of adjectives, and do not select partial fact to make the statement.

Brave Writer: It is in fact playing adult movie, or else how come… Yi! Incorrect, now it turn to bloody scene, with images of punishment such as been squash by car, and been burnt by hot iron. Some are really not easy to describe, which were focus on the pubic parts of men and women. Teacher! This is such an extreme horror adult movie, how could it be played in the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Na-Muo-Ami-Buddha. You are really mocking me. Fine, let me describe it myself, so I will not listen to your baloney.

Brave Writer: I wouldn’t dare to let you open your precious mouth all the time. I will describe the detail. This place is actually like a movie theatre, it has big screen. It plays scenes of men and women making love. However, some men dump the women; some women sleep around. But they all have one common result, which is the birth of a baby. Most of them did not educate their young, or let them follow the wrong footsteps. Of course some made abortion before the birth of babies. Then the scenes change to each man and woman being punished in different small hells. Teacher! Was my description serious enough?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: En! It seems quite serious, but you have not mentioned the key point. Why do these souls of sin have to watch movie?

Brave Writer: I forgot this part. These souls of sin watching the movie in a dark place, at the beginning they were loud, they thought it was entertainment, but later on, they were in shock. Eh! In fact, each scent was an extreme shocking horror. They lost their playful mood like the beginning.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Your description is quite accurate.

Brave Writer: I am curious. How come there is such Room of Correction within the Blood Pond? Their sins will be punished after been delivered to Hell for judgment, but how come there is an archive here? If I am correct, these adult scenes must be the actions of these souls of sin, and the punishment after their death, shall be the result of their sins.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Your understanding is correct.

Brave Writer: So the question has arrived, why?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You really don’t waste your words, very simple and lean.

Brave Writer: It can make the reader more interesting with different tone and speed.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine! I follow your footstep, for what reason? It is for the sake of education.

Brave Writer: Education? What to educate about?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Just like the City of Death.

Brave Writer: Student begging for you, please do not make it simple and lean anymore. Please be specific. I have lost in the cloud.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You really hard to be confused! For these souls of sin that committed the sin of killing and came to Blood Pond, which is reasonable been punished by the law of Blood Pond. But the sin of indulging sex will be judge by Hell and deliver for further punishment. All the souls of sin on the seats here will be transferred to Hell for judgment. Another word, their sentence in Blood Pond has served, but the result from their indulging sex still not cut off. For the sake of warning during their future lives, not to committee such sin easily, therefore it is similar to the re-education in the City of Death, which repeats such action day after day, plus the harsh punishment in small hells that they have to face, which will implant into their conscious, and provide warning to their future lives.

Brave Writer: I finally understand. The purpose of watching movies, is to let them know the punishments that they will be facing for all the sins they had committed. So all the wrongful actions that each person had done before, will be shown in front of other people, which was like playing an adult film.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Don’t think of that was an adult film, that was the replay of their own sins, or else non of them will admit it.

Brave Writer: Right, I have almost forgot. How could there be images in the movie? I don’t’ recall seeing any projector or video player.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Appearance comes from within the heart. There is no need for video player, only thru the projection of thought, and all images will show in front of the eyes. Or else how could the Mirror of Sins stores all the information of billions of people?

Brave Writer: That is correct. To speak frankly, within hells, I have to take extra percussion. With one mistake, it will be exposed completely.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Would student like to watch the movie?

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Thanks but no thanks. We shall be going. You are probably setting me up to try something strange.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Since when have I ever set you up? OK, let’s return.

Brave Writer: (both on the way back) Teacher! I have a question on other subject, how long are we still going to take to finish this book? Our temple had not set the date for submitting the book. Are there still many places we have not been visit?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Yes! There is very limited information regarding to the Blood Pond that been distributed on earth. So I planned to gather all the details, to listed within this treasury book, so not to disappoint the good intention of heaven.

Brave Writer: (speaking within the mouth for a long time)

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You say something inside of your mouth. Do you have any comment?

Brave Writer: This Blood Pond really gives me headache. I could not find any information, only to know when we arrive the actual scene. It is not like before. I really run out of my knowledge, and don’t know what to say.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Your thought cannot escape from me. OK, we have arrived your temple, the soul of student return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

Round 15 End of evaluation and sentence its punishment

Poem: Evil sins will eventually be punished on the judgment day.

All people shall toward goodness and learn the rules.

Wish the day for this divine religion to be widespread

All people with good conscious will not suffer from disaster.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It is a very cold day, but I see the passion from all the followers, to assist the ceremony in the temple. It shows the true determination of all the followers of this temple that sacrifice for the great mission. I am very happy and felt deeply touched. Let’s write the book! The soul of student comes out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greed the arrival of teacher. Hahh, it is so cold! Both of my hands are almost unable to hold the pen, you still wear a broken shroud. Have you ever add other cloths?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei hei! Your words seems quite strange, do you have some request?

Brave Writer: Nothing can hide away from you, but it is not a request. It is only a curiosity that I need your guidance.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Fine, let’s talk while walking.

Brave Writer: (both walk out the door of the temple) I really appreciate your mercy. There is a bottleneck that I could not break thru. My “Left Wheel” in the Seven Channel does not go smoothly, so I can not complete the cultivation of Seven Channel. May I have your mercy?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! I could not help if I want. To cultivate shall follow its guiding rule. Why don’t you ask me to give you my fan? Then the seat of Ami-Buddha would be yours.

Brave Writer: I would not dare to ask for that, just don’t know the source of this problem.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The problem is that your cultivation on “Buddhist Affinity” is too lazy.

Brave Writer: I had done research on this issue, but don’t know how to improve.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Then which means you don’t have such fortune.

Brave Writer: Yi! Did you just give me a hint? I seems have some clue, the Buddhist Affinity has one kind of fortune...

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: OK, OK. You have to study harder. The purpose for today is to write “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”. You had taken too much space at the beginning.

Brave Writer: Ah! Excuse me, I took a little more space. However, if I could not breakthrough this bottleneck, it would be too unfortunate. It has been almost a year, so I only have to beg for your help.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: It should be no problems by now, you have to think more on writing the book.

Brave Writer: I understand. Anyway, there are always something that bring surprises in hells, so I dare to occupy some space. Oh, are you looking for targets within the Blood Pond? Yi! Teacher, didn’t you say that the monks who committed sins should go to the Prison of Heaven first? How come there are some monks and practitioners inside the Blood Pond. No, incorrect, more precisely, the place you bring me here tonight is more special, it is mixed with monks and common people, and there are men and women, all gathered in a specific section.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: When you start asking question, it is like lighting a roll of firecracker, how could I answer? What you just said was correct, for Buddhist practitioners who committed sins have to go to the Prison of Heaven, but the prerequisite is that they have to be real practitioners.

Brave Writer: You said these monks and practitioners inside the Blood Pond are not real?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Real could be fake, fake could be real. It depends on how you look at it!

Brave Writer: Real is real, fake is fake, how could it be so complicated. I got it. These people pretend to be monks for their easy access to gain profit for themselves. In fact, they had never entered Buddhist.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct, that is it. They pretend to be monks and practitioners, so they can trick others easily. That disobeys the law of the Blood Pond, so they must go down to the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: How come I don’t know that pretending to be Buddhist monks would disobey the law of the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: (open eyes wide) Are you pretending you don’t know, or you are looking for trouble?

Brave Writer: I did not. It was what you just said, because they pretend to be Buddhist monks, so they disobey the law of Blood Pond, how could you blame me?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: OK! Since you want to pretend to be a garlic, then I shall bring two daffodil to stick in your nose, which would look more like it.

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Daffodil without the flower looks more like garlic. Save your trouble. It is because you only talk half of the sentence, so I got lost. You should have say “Because these people pretended to be Buddhist monk, and done something evil, and this sin had disobey the law of the Blood Pond.” That is more understandable.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: (laugh in bitter) Are you an elementary school boy? Need me to say so clearly for you to understand.

Brave Writer: Fine! Could you tell me what type of sins that these people had committed? Or else it will make others think that pretend to be Buddhist monk only goes to the Blood Pond. As far as I know, the punishment for pretending the Buddhist monk done by the King of Hells is much harsh then the Blood Pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: That is correct. The sins for the souls of sin in this section are either crime of assistant, or abortion caused by fornicating, so the point is still in abortion.

Brave Writer: You mean the souls of sin in this section. These monks or practitioners all had indulged sex, and solicited for abortion. So the process of indulging sex is not the main point for falling into the Blood Pond, but with such action that caused abortion, which shall fall in to the Blood Pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Correct.

Brave Writer: Would you let me ask one more question? Why are these people appear to be monks and practitioners, they are not really Buddhist. Why would they still appear to be monk or practitioners after their death?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Hei! You had beaten me in this question. Since they did not really follow the regulation of Buddhist, then they are not real monks, why let them break the clean reputation of Buddhism?

Brave Writer: Yes! Yes! Just let these fake monks with hairs grow back, and change their cloths, that would do it. So they will not destroy the image of real Buddhist monks and Taoist.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You sounds like there is such thing. I should have smack you and let you wake up. After people die, it only take 3 to 5 days to enter hell, and the conscious of persisting still exist, so their appearance still the same as they were on earth. Blood Pond is only the first gate to hell. It still take long time for them to clear up their conscious of persisting, so they appear like that.

Brave Writer: Ha ha! I have almost forgot, or else how would there be high spiritual men that appear like animals. He he! I talked so many rubbish, sorry for that. Can we find someone to talk?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! If you want, I have no objection.

Brave Writer: Forget it, I will be frozen if we keep talking.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Then return to the temple!

Brave Writer: (on the way back) Teacher! I found these souls of sin seemed suffer even much harsher punishment then the ones in the section of great sin.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Of course one sin will not be punished twice. So within the Blood Pond, if one action that disobeys more than one law, then the punishment will be combined and the level of suffering will be increased.

Brave Writer: So you mean that these monk pretenders, their sins will be terminated in the Blood Pond, and for these common people, their sin of indulging sex will also be terminated in the Blood Pond.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Please don’t misunderstand my point. I did not say that. Pretending to be monk is a serious sin, which is the responsibility of the Kings of Hells, not the Blood Pond. However, for people who indulging sex and caused abortion, no matter they solicited or took the action, their sins will be terminated in the Blood Pond. OK, we have arrived to the temple, the soul of student return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student greet for the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descends.

Round 16 Present the example of sins which could be cleared

Poem: The candle burns fast at the year-end

Poor old me descend to the temple.

New cow and old rat welcome the arrival of spring

Look forward the new year and enjoy the most

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It is near the end of year, we see the world is replacing old things with new ones, always happy during the new years time. Hai! Poor old me, still have to run all over the places. I still have to descend to this temple for writing the book. Ha ha! However I see all of you are full of passion, I am very glad also. Let’s write the book, the soul of student come out of body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the arrival of teacher. Your appearance often surprise people. Tonight we suppose to greet the departure of deities, but we would not believe that you come here to write the book.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: I have a busy life! No need to feel strange. If I could not complete “The Journey to the Pond of Dierty Blood” by the end of this year, then I am in big trouble.

Brave Writer: What happened? The due day for Imperial Command is near?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let’s go! Talk while we are walking. (both walk out of the door of temple) You have been eat too much peaceful meals. The Imperial Command was ordered at the end of last year. It has been 3,4 day pass due. Have you notice that?

Brave Writer: I am not aware of that we had pass the due day, I thought it would be next spring! So you are bringing me to the Blood Pond?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Let you visit the Emperor of Blood Pond, to mark the end of this book.

Brave Writer: He he! There is one good thing to write book with you, all within your calculation, I only have to move the pen, complete one mission easily.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: You have a good life, so I have to make more calculation. However, the conclusion of a book is very important. Let me give you a hint. For tonight’s visit to the Emperor of Blood Pond, you have to pay more attention. OK, we have arrived the Palace of Blood Pond. The emperor is in front of you. Go ahead and make your greeting.

Brave Writer: Yes, student greet to visit the Emperor. Teacher wants me to pay more attention. I must take this chance to ask for the guidance from the Emperor.

Emperor: (greet with Ji-Gong Living Buddha) Student no need to be such polite. How is Ji-Gong Living Buddha, today suddenly bring Brave Writer to visit me, you are hard workers. Ji-Gong Living Buddha and Brave Writer, please come in for a cup of tea.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You are such a dark and bloody Emperor; you make me seem like a stranger. I would like to ask your trouble for a cup of Bloody Marry.

Brave Writer: Ha! You want to drink cocktail? Then I will serve you with cocktail later on.

Emperor: Hei! Student stop letting Ji-Gong Living Buddha make jokes. He knows that I have extra fine tea of Lotus of Blood Pond, so he say that to make joke with you. OK, Ji-Gong Living Buddha please take your seat, student also! Come, bring the tea!

Brave Writer: (during the conversation, we have entered a clean room in the Palace of Blood Pond. Although it is in underworld, but this clean room has no cold wind of hell or scene of crying or screaming. Now the hell servant presents the tea, with dark red color. I take a curious smell. It seems no smell of blood, but a fragrance that enter the nose and makes whole body feel comfortable) May I ask Emperor, is this the lotus tea?

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! You thought it is the blood water? It seems quite fit for you.

Emperor: Student no need to be afraid, this tea is the clean lotus that grows on the rim of the Blood Pond, although the color of the tea is dark red, but there is no blood in it, feel free to drink it.

Brave Writer: Thank for the generous gift of emperor. (Drink all at one shot, feels smooth and not astringent, with mouthful of fragrance, and the soul feels quite energized) I am such fortunate person, able to enjoy the gift from the Emperor. It shall be helpful to the soul!

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: If student keeps chatting, we will not return to the temple tonight.

Brave Writer: Ah! Excuse me. Excuse me. I have almost forgot. Could I ask question to the Emperor. To conclude my learning from this journey, the purpose of the Blood Pond is to punish all the sinners that made abortion or perform forceful abortion, drown babies, and disrespect deities with dirty objects. All shall fall in to the Blood Pond for punishment.

Emperor: Correct.

Brave Writer: After such sins are cleared, they will be transferred to the Kings of Hells for judging their merits and sins. What I am curious is that, would such sin been recorded in judgment of merits and sins?

Emperor: The law on earth is that for one crime would not be punished twice, so does the law in hell. The souls of sins that committed such sins and completed the punishment in the Blood Pond, will not have such sin in the record. Unless there is another outcome that arise from this sin, such as the retribution from the ghost baby that created by the abortion.

Brave Writer: I know, Ji-Gong Living Buddha had mentioned that to me. Also there is another question, which Ji-Gong Living Buddha had mentioned. For all the sins that disrespect deities with menstruation cloth or dirty objects on stove or oven, can be cleared by assist printing this book, no need to fall into the Blood Pond. What I say was based on the example of a follower who cleared such sins that committed at young age by submitting request, and been approved by the chief of our temple Guan Buddha “Allow such merit erased sins by the administration”. My question is, so call administration, means you the Emperor. Then how could Blood Pond erase the sins of people on earth, then when this person walk on the Bridge of Powerless after he die, he will not fall into the Blood Pond.

Emperor: Ha ha! You have talked so much that almost makes me fall asleep. In simple words, I am the administrator, which your temple had submitted, and also the institution for the responsibility. After the sins have been erased, I will send a golden medal for not fall into the Blood Pond, and send the whole case to the administration of hell. When this person dies, the hell guard will insert this golden medal into his soul and when he walks on the Bridge of Powerless, he could resist the suction power of Blood Pond, and not fall into the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Ha, in ancient time that is called the golden medal for forgiveness of capital punishment. Yes, I just have a thought, if a person who cultivated very well on earth, but at the same time he had committed the sins that disobey the law of the Blood Pond, will he fall into the Blood Pond.

Emperor: All souls that committed sins that disobey the law of the Blood Pond shall fall into the Blood Pond when they walk on the Bridge of Powerless, unless they had received order for not to walk on the Bridge of Powerless.

Brave Writer: Does that mean even if a person who cultivate extremely well, it is useless?

Emperor: No, No. If he cultivates very well, he will have merits that match a deity, then he will no need to walk on the Bridge of Powerless. He will be guided by deities or Buddha that cancel his registration on earth in the Temple of Administration, and then he will be lead straight up to heaven. In summery, if a person needs not to pass by the Blood Pond after death, he will not need to enter the Blood Pond. However, the prerequisite is that there must have replacement, such as he has merits that match a deity, and must pass the law of heaven to cancel such sin, and with enough merits that worth to enter heaven. Or with a ceremony of guarantee transfer from your temple, can also bring him to the Soul Cultivation Chamber in heaven from the Temple of Administration, and no need to pass thru the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: Your long speech, makes my head spin. However, I understand it, and I believe all readers can understand too. Thanks for the mercy enlighten of Emperor.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Seems like you want to go back in a hurry. Do you want to visit more parts of the Blood Pond?

Brave Writer: Hei hei! Please don’t tease me anymore. There are lots of works to be done tonight.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Then I will say good-bye to the Emperor.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the Emperor.

Emperor: Ji-Gong Living Buddha and Brave Writer, have a nice trip. We may not see each other for a long time.

Brave Writer: (stick the tong out) Ha ha! I will not visit the Emperor unless lead by the deities or Buddha. If I come here by myself, which means I committed the sins that disobey the law of the Blood Pond. So it would be very difficult to see the Emperor again.

Emperor: Ha ha! You walk carefully. Don’t fall into the Blood Pond.

Brave Writer: (leaving Blood Pond on the way back to the temple) Teacher! Is this book ended like that? So fast! One year had passed.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Are you too relax or too busy. Have you heard a saying that one year past faster than a spring.

Brave Writer: Ai! I get one year older, it sounds frightening!

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! It is hard to find a person that is more than a hundred year old. Student, don’t worry!

Brave Writer: Yes! There are trees that are thousands of years old. However, it doesn’t matter, after the physical body died, it is quite free like you.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: Ha ha! Good words, but you must do what you say. OK, we have arrived the temple, the soul of student return to the body.

Brave Writer: Student bow to greet the departure of teacher.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha: The end of year, my students, works hard and improve, do not waste your time, and take good care of yourself.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha descend

To write ending for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

In the ancient time, the education level is very low, especially in the countryside. Eight or nine out of ten people are illiterate. Therefore many traditions depended on the book reader to spread the information. So people in the ancient time committed sins without knowing, which is forgivable. However, now a day the education is widespread, and information is accessible everywhere, for the sins committed was done by intention, which cannot be forgiven.

The laws of sins in the Blood Pond were made in the ancient time, but not as widespread as now a day. The sinners were evaluated by the judgment from the law with leniency. However the people who committed these sins today will not be sentenced lightly. However, “been punished without been educated is cruel”, so the heaven order to write this treasury book, to warn the ignorance people who do now know.

The book has completed, it is a treasury raft to bring people to heaven. Hope all people can learn from it, and gain knowledge by reading it. Knowing the mistakes committed, and raises repenting heart immediately, and become a saving cane that relief people from the Blood Pond because of this book. It is my deeply wish that it can help all people.

The book is done. These are my words for the ending.

Ji-Gong Living Buddha decend in Gong-Heng temple of Taiwan

Lunar January 13, 2009

Imperial Earth Mother descend

To write ending for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

The book has completed, it is like a heavenly music that energize and improve the practice of common people, at the same time elevate the goodness in the hart of virtue; it is a fortune for all people.

The purpose for heaven to descend treasury books, the first is to warn the people; second is to save the souls; third is to increase the intelligence of all people. Ji-Gong Living Buddha took the suffering for the mercy of people to enter the Blood Pond, and receive Imperial Command to lead Brave Writer on the trips to write “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”. He did it for clearing up the doubts of all people, so people can gain confidence without doubt.

Since ancient time there is warning that the dirty cloths of women after labor shall not disrespect the deity of stove, but all people only know to follow the rule, but do not know the consequence. So this treasury book has completed, it can be distributed on earth, and can save people not to commit such sin, and been punished in the Blood Pond.

This treasury book has completed, and will print soon. I praise for the value of this treasury book, and feel happy for all people, so I descend to write a few words at the end; the purpose is to remind people, it is lucky to read this book, do not under mind. You shall look into yourself, you must make correction if you had made the mistake; if not, then warn other people, that will be a great merit.

Imperial Earth Mother descend in Gong-Heng temple of Taiwan

Lunar January 13, 2009

First Emperor of China descend

To write ending for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

Your temple wrote books have inherited the virtue of caring people from heaven, and widespread the warnings, using words as media of spreading, to make all sorts of people feel the mercy of heaven. Your temple received order to establish Taoist temple, continuous writing books, and been accepted favorably in the land of Taiwan, then spreading all over the world to save people with affinity, this is where the mission of this temple comes from.

The “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” has been lead by Ji-Gong Living Buddha who brought Brave Writer to take extensive visit on the first gate of hell, made interview on the sinners of Blood Pond. Although it was not the fist time for human to visit the Blood Pond, but it complete the information that was not mentioned in the ancient books. It uses the joyful conversation between teacher and student, with simple words but with deep meanings, which makes readers enjoy this reading, and gain the information in the subconscious, which get the result without knowing. It has more education purpose than entertaining. I am very impressed.

Now the book has completed. Since the establishment of your temple, you have make good friends all over the world, so it can deeply touch all level of the society, and fulfill the gaps. I congratulate all of you.

One point worth mentioned. With the mercy of Ji-Gong Living Buddha, he has pointed out during the writing of this book, for people who had committed such sins shall not be worried. With heart of repenting, and with heart of vow and action, can erase the sins of the past, and not to fall into the Blood Pond while walk on the Bridge of Powerless after death.

Since the book has completed, all people has felt its benefit. Me, as the establisher of Chinese civilization, of course, with deep wish that all my descendents could avoid the punishment. So I descend to write the ending. First is to congratulate the completion of this book, with few words. Second is to remind all the decedents, not to overlook it lightly, and be regretting later on.

First emperor of China descend in Gong-Heng temple of Taiwan

Lunar January 13, 2009

Great Emperor of East Hell descend

To praise for “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood”

In the ancient time, the societies was pure and simple, but most live in poverty; now a day the society is civilized and rich, but the moral is degrading.

For people committed sins in the ancient time without knowing it and some are been forced, so they are forgivable. Now people with mature knowledge on the facts, but they entered the dead end purposely. They thought they were smart, but they were harmed by their smartness. They know “there is deity three feet above the head”, but they still dare to commit sins. Until the painful retribution arrived, they still feel no regret. Therefore only present a clear punishment on these sins can get the result of such warning. Therefore the temples in Taiwan often write books on the Journeys to warn and awake the ignorant ones.

The book “Journey to the Pond of Dirty Blood” has completed. It fulfills the missing parts of the ancient books, but also listed many details. It is an honor for your temple to receive such Imperial Command. For the sins committed in the past, can repent sincerely and make vows to erase from the record, in order to be renewed and avoid the punishment in the Blood Pond. This book will be released soon. I am very happy for all of you. Although not all of people had disobey its laws, but the one who had it can correct it; the ones had not, can be warned. It can also spread to other generations, to enlighten their awareness, and correct the morality of the society.

I am the commander of Hell administration. I write this for the ending of the book.

Great Emperor of East Hell descend in Gong-Heng temple of Taiwan

Lunar February 4 2009

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