
Journey to hells by a Chinese young woman

New Jade Calendar Treasury Script – Journey to hells by a Chinese young woman

I had visited hells for several times; each time was in different places. Because all contents were from pieces of memories, and my cultivation level was not high enough to get the whole picture, therefore the descriptions may not be well enough, hope all friends could understood.

Examination room in hell

This is the first place in hells I visited. Because I have small nerve, so they let me go step by step. However, it was still very horrible. Many souls were waiting for examination and healing, some were carried in, with unrecognized four limbs and faces, some even appeared as a chunk of meat. After passing the examination, the souls will enter the next process. Because my cultivation was too shallow while visiting this place, so I only stayed for a short period of time then returned.

Hall of Karma Judgments A

This is one of judgment hall. The hall is actually a cave. I lined up at the back. There was a rope that connects into the cave. All souls grabbed the knob on the rope and entered like baked ducks. I followed at the back and hang on to the knob and entered the hall. There were full of deities sitting on both sides of the cave, each with angry and scary figure. When each soul went in, who will stop by each deity to be examined, if he had not committed related sins, then he can go forward. I saw many souls got whipped or hammered, very horrible, some even dissolved and vanished. I kept going forward, until the last deity. It was Guan-Yin Bodhisattva. She smiled at me. I asked her if she knows me, how could she be so familiar? She still kept smiling. Then I returned.

Copper prison

I went down during afternoon nap time in the office. There was a square shape car came to pick me up. There were burning candles on top four corner of the car. These candles were not covered. Anyway, it was so strange that I could not describe. I remembered it traveled for a long time, and I saw a gray colored wall, then kept going, still gray colored wall. Then I see a gate named 'City of Undeserved Death' I thought that was the place for souls that died in tragedy. I only saw it from outside, and afraid of entering. I only took a peek. It was a very big jail, with iron bars everywhere. I thought, been died in tragedy must be the karma from previous lives. I smelled very bad odor, then returned.

The price to pay for eating eels

This is the most surprising prison that I have visited so far! Since it was all under water, it was a truly water prison. While I was wondering how to get down, the lotus that carried me grew larger, and became a “submarine” with air; it brought the hell guards and me down under.

I saw many electric webs around, with high voltage power. The web separated the space down under into many chambers for punishment. There were many eels swimming. I did not see human figures except eels and hell guards.

I asked surprisingly, “Can these ells be…?”.

Hell guard said, “You are right! They in fact are humans! They all ate eels or fisherman who made explosion and killed eels. Now we make them as eels. Each chamber has different voltage. The harder the punishment, the higher voltage will apply, but not high enough to kill them. The hardest part for them is that they cannot talk as eels, so they could not scream when in pain. Some heavy eels eaters will be thrown into the ocean to be eaten by humans or other sea creatures!”

I thought, if you eat others, then you must have the courage to be eaten. I thought about the eel sushi that I ate several times before, suddenly got a chill in the heart.

Big punishment for fornicating

Actually, I had been this chamber of punishment once. Why until now I publish it? Because I felt discussed, so I wish to leave as soon as I got there, and felt very embarrassed even for a moment!

My master told me, “Why didn't you write more detail, to let people know how serious these punishments are?”

I said, “I have been down there many times today, felt very tired”.

Master cares about me, so asked me to take it slowly, and not hurry. In fact, it only took me a few minutes to go down. I hated this punish room from deep down of my heart!!

King of Bright Peacock said, “Ai, Little Fortune, you should not be like this, if everybody can make correction after knowing it, then the existence of this punishment will be meaningless, isn't it?”

I reply, “Yes, I was wrong, I am going now.”

When going down, I saw someone familiar; he was one of the ten Kings of Hells. There were many servants following him. I was very surprised, and asked, “Why is the King in here?”.

He said, “I am waiting for you. You thought I don't know that you came down twice for your sister this morning? You are such a kid, your did not even take the time to see what your master asked you to see.” I was speechless.

King of Hell said, “This time I will bring you to see one of an important punishment chamber in the Room of Fornicating. Since your master wants you to write more vividly. I will let you see some scenes that would not show to other envoys. Particularly for you, hope it would not affect your future marriage life, ha, ha, ha, ha!”

My face turned red, because I know what he means. I said, “Let's see, I am not afraid.”

The King of Hell took a key like object, and asked servants to step down. He brought me fly and fly, to the front of a room.

I asked, “Why only one room?”

King of Hell replied, “Did you see other rooms? Those were the repayment for publishing pornography or read pornography, browsed adult website, and watched adult videos.”

Since the King of Hell said so, then let me tell you what I saw yesterday on that room for punishing average sins of fornication.

When I went in, I smelt a very disgusting body odor, and many people were undressed. On the most inner room, it looked like a big classroom, there were many people writing something, some repentance, some told the . On their back, many hell guards whipped their body relentlessly, they didn't even have chance to cry out aloud, just write as fast as possible, afraid that they could not finish writing. The paper they are writing is not one piece, but a very, very, very long roll. When they almost finished writing, the paper will grow longer by itself, it grows endlessly. I said, “My God, when are they going to stop?”.

One of the hell guard told me, “Until they run out of energy and loss their urge for sex.”

The most surprising thing was, one of a famous actress was among them!! I asked, “How come she is there?”

Hell guard said, “She had committed a heavy sin in fornication! She had died several years, still writing. It took ten years to write, and there are still other punishments waiting for her. Please do not disclose her name, since she was a good person in other ways, so let her fans have good memory of her!”
I concord.

Entered to the next punish room for fornication, there were all female, and very beautiful, but, but, but, but!!!! Th pubic were rotten and stinky, there were many maggots crowing inside, and their faces were punctured by needles with a character 'fornication'.

I asked, “What happened to them? What kind of things had they done with fornication?”

Hell guard replied, “These people, they sell their bodies, chatting naked in the internet, deceive students to prostitute, spread sexual disease to other people, and acting in pornography films!”

I saw a woman, a famous Japanese adult video actress; she had died for some times. She was very miserable. I could not recognize her if not seeing her name on the book! Her face, how can I describe, she has no face at all, only with scratches that full of characters of 'fornication, evil, …' all deep into the bones. The blood kept flowing out, she murmured with pains. She said something in Japanese that I could not understand. Under her body, there was a big hole, with many worms inside, with yellowish body fluid floating along a big wood stick that punctured her underbody. There is a hell guard kept mopping the floor. I felt quite disgusted yesterday after I saw this scene, so I decided not want to see anymore of these.

I asked, “How long does she have to stay here? Why not just let her write for punishment?”

Hell guard replied, “She was too famous, a world class, and she made bad influence on many young people! So naturally, she deserved hard punishment, which cannot be resolved just by the punishment of writing!”

I replied, “Oh”. I saw other women, also suffering with extreme cruel punishment. I don't know how many years would take them to complete their sentence.

I asked, “What do you do for people who watch adult videos, websites and pornography?”

Hell guard reply, “Come with me”

We came to the next room; there were all men, and very few women. Among these men, there were mostly in the middle ages.

Hell guard said, “These are people who like to read pornography, watch adult videos and often masturbate. After they watched adult videos they either masturbated or called prostitutes.”

I saw them without pubic parts, and the blood flowing out of body. There were many electric saws that made screeching noise. I thought, the technology down here is so advance! Some men were scared to death before been cut. Some men's pubic parts were not cut, but been inserted with some sort of bugs, that made them so itchy, that they had to scratch their pubic part until it got swollen and rotten!!!

I said, “Why do this to them, don't they become eunuch?”

Hell guard replied, “So they will not have any thought of sex after that, this is the result for doing fornication.”

Now back to the purpose of the trip today. When I recalled those scenes, King of Hell who sat next to me had drunk a cup of tea already.

He said, “You did not write well on yesterday's trip, and today you had to let me wait for such a long time, you are so immature. The King of Bright Peacock had spoiled you. Come with me, I have a meeting to attend soon.”

I followed him immediately. I saw the King of Hell took some key like object, not to open the lock, but to make a hand print.

Then a beam of light go straight up to the sky, then a loud voice came from sky said, “May I ask King of Hell for what reason for opening the maximum penitentiary for fornication?”

King of Hell replied, “Today Little Fortune comes here to write New Jade Calendar Treasury Script, please grant special permission to enter for visiting!”

Followed by a minute of silence, then the voice from the sky said, “Permission granted, open!”

I saw a big door open, so the house was in fact a door!! Not a house! You get the point? We were not opening a door to enter a house, but open a house to enter another space!! Mean while, the house separated into to two sections and moving aside. There was a big abyss down under. The King of Hell grabbed me and took some sort of transporter went down.

We kept going down, down and down. It was in total darkness, with whopping sound of wind. I felt unease and kind of dizzy. King of Hell laughed loudly, “Ha ha! You are not as strong as you used to be! You went down here before, but not as uncomfortable as this time!”

For a long time, I saw an iron prison the size of a city. It should not be described as iron prison, but looked like the crater on the surface of the moon, but they were deep wells, and covered with seals. Only the King of Hells can access this place. Not even one single hell guard was there. The King of Hell read a long scrip of spell, I saw one of the sealed had opened.

He asked me to enter, “Don't' be afraid!”

I replied, “Oh”, but felt a little tense.

It is another space inside. I could not believe that the “well” is so big down under. I saw many huts inside.

I said, “It is not that bad, they live in huts, not jail.”

King of Hell laughed, “Ha, ha, ha, ha, you go and see inside!”

I walked to the front of a hut with sharp roof with some doubt, and looked inside carefully. I herd a loud noise of “Bang!!” An object suddenly smashing toward my direction, I was shocked!!! I took a close look. This, this, this cannot be a human! It does not have a shape of human!! It looked more like a mist.

King of Hell said, “This man was a doctor, an American; he killed 78 female patients then rape their corps. When he came down, he first went to payback the sins of killing, and became a blob of blood, then he was sent to punishment for fornicating, but how can we do with such blob of blood. We could only make him a simple human figure. But this daemon is so strong, killed the hell guards of that jail, after that many hell guards were afraid of punishing him. I captured him by myself and lock him in this closed space. Do you understand? This is Endless Hell, no chance to go out.

I saw that thing flowing like water, with very evil eyes, and felt quite uncomfortable.

King of Hell , “Your teacher is calling you, and you go back now! This place cannot open for too long. Next time you give us a notice before you come.”

I replied my acknowledgment. Back to the earth, I was in cold sweat. I decide to burn all the erotic novels that my college friends lent me.

The repayment for wasting food

Wasting food is common in daily life. I am glad that my parents gave me good education. Although they were not vegetarian or believe in Buddhism, however they were very kind and frugal. So since I was little, I never waste any food, not leaving one grain of rice in the bowl.

Today I went to see the repayment for wasting food. Before I went down, the King of Bright Peacock told me, “Nowadays the price of rice and other foods are going up, if every person can cherish every single grain of rice, and every piece of vegetable, then the food shortage will not come so early!”

That is correct, many people complain to the government for not solving the problem of higher food price, and felt big pressure on living. For searching the root of the problem, it lies on people themselves.

I saw many 'ladies' only took two or three mouthful of food, and swallow carefully, then said, “I am full”. It seems like they are bragging their small appetite, and they are such small and cute person.

But in my eyes, I really do not feel right about it. If they were my friends, I would eat the rest of their food. They would laugh, “Little Fortune you eat so much! Ha, ha, ha!”

It is not the point that eating more is not good, but eats within ones capability. Take only the food that you can finish, do not waste it.

I have kept good virtue of not wasting and to cherish food. Today I got a new thought after seeing the repayment of wasting food, I felt very lucky! I am glad I did not waste any food!!!

There was no hell guard, but a hell officer waiting for me, “Hello, I am waiting for you here, my position is middle level officer in charge of hell prison for wasting food, please follow me.” I followed him after thanked him.

After passing many prisons, we arrived a place that look like a farm in countryside, with many separated fields and farmhouses, and many farmers planting and farming.

I , “Are these people been punished for wasting food?”

Hell officer reply, “Correct, however their conditions are lighter, they have good attitude to correct, so after they had planted 100 times the amount of food they had wasted, they could go for reborn or go to other room of punishment (for people who committed more than one sin).”

I saw them and thought of a phrase form a poem “sweat down to earth”, I suddenly realized that it was not easy for framers to grow food.

However there are differences between them and the earth. They did not have any tools, they must plant, graze, and spread fertilizers. For the lazy ones, will be punished to do twice the amount!! Therefore all people were working hard and diligently. The temperature on this earth is very high. I was sweating just by standing and watching. I felt pity for them, if they had known the repayment for wasting food is tough, there must have many people who would not waste food anymore.

The hell officer said, “Please come with me to visit the next place for punishment.

I asked, “Why would this place not be a closed jail with copper walls?”

Hell officer reply, “It is actually a closed area, just without the copper wall surrounded. If use copper wall or fire wall to punish them, then it that would be too cruel, since the degree of their wasting were not too severe.”

Then we walked to the next 'village' with another type of scenery. I felt so sad, why would everyone be so skinny?

While I was thinking, an old lady grabbed my leg and bagging, “Please give me some food, I haven not been eating for 30 days! Please help me!”

I was surprised, asked hell officer, “30 days without food? Isn't that a torture?”

Hell officer laughed, “Ha ha, in this land of 'hunger punishment', her case is light! Some have not been eating for a year!! Don't take the standard on earth to this place; the souls without food would just have their energy weaken, won't die.”

I asked, “Would souls feel hungry?”

Hell officer said, “Before become a Buddha, most souls would still have urge for food. Many hell officers still have appetite for food.”

I said, “That is how it is!”

I looked around, there was no farms nor trees, no vegetation around, and the sky was dark. It has complete different scenery than the previous place with scorching sun. Any human stay here will feel depressed, and loss any appetite for food!!! So the environment is also a method of punishment!!

I asked, “Is this punishment very severe?” I had not thought that wasting food shall endure such hard punishment.

Then, I noticed that there was a village next to this one, with complete different scenery! The people here were not hungry, but kept eating until death! There was a middle age man, who kept eating and eating. In front of him, there were hundreds of vats with full of rice, vegetables, meats and drinks. The point was those food had been sitting there for a long time, all turned to sour and stink! I felt very uncomfortable just by smelling at it. I felt like puking while thinking of eating those foods. But he seemed quite enjoyed it. His tummy was so big but he still kept eating. Some of their rice or vegetable have mold and warms on it, but they still kept eating.

I said, “Ai yea! It can't be, his stomach is going to explode!”
Hell officer said, “These people had bad habit of wasting food when were alive. Every time they wasted a food, we will make a record on that, then multiply by different figures, and when they come down here, we will make them eat all of these foods. Then they will receive other punishments after finish their foods. Many people have their stomach exploded by eating. We will give them treatment, and then make them continue to eat, until the foods are finished!! For the ones that received such punished would certainly not to waste any food again! Think about a normal person, will get hurt on the stomach for eating a little more. But for the ones have to eat tens of vats, hundreds of vats, some even have to eat tens of thousands of vats of food!!

I saw a child over there kept drinking milk. I asked, “Hello little child, what happen to you, why do you receive punished at such young age?”

The child drank in hurry. His mouth was not stopping. He replied my question while drinking, “My mother bought me a lot of milk, but I did not like it. She said I need to drink more to grow up, but I dislike the smell, so since I was little, I dump the milk in the toilet, and then flushed it down the drain. Later I died in car accident when I was fifteen. I have to drink 100 times the milk I threw away, and then go to the City of Undeserving Death! I have been drinking for 100 years!”

I said, “It is such a tough punishment!”

Hell officer said, “This is only the middle level, there is more server ones, please come with me.”

I was thinking while walking, “This place is already very dark, would next place be so dark that I could not even see my fingers?”

The hell officer saw thru my thought and said, “Don't worry, next place is not a village, with bright light, it can make you see very clearly!”

I replied “Good!” Then followed him into a maze of buildings that seemed like the Forbidden Palace in Beijing. It was really a palace of maze.

I asked, “How could this place be so nice?”

Hell officer replied, “This is the home of the Deity of Food in hell.”

I said, “Wa! The Deity of Food really exist?! Why does hell need Deity of Food for?”

Hell officer replied, “Of course there is the need for Deity of Food! You thought that is the 'Deity of Food' on TV? Ha, ha, you watched too much TV!”

At that moment, a beautiful lady walked out slowly, her age was in the 30s. She looked at me with smile. She turned her head to the hell officer and said, “Officer X, you can go on to your busy duty now! I'll take care of the rest.”
Beautiful lady brought me walking in the palace of maze.

I asked, “What does Deity of Food in charge of?”

Deity of Food replied, “Deity of Food, not a cook, takes care of the problem of food on earth. Without Deity of Food, it would be difficult to solve the food problem for people! If people were not fed well, it would cause serious problem! People can still survive without warm cloth or without descent place to live. But without food, people would die in a few days!”

I nodded my head, agreed with what she said! I thought of the problem that many people in India die in hunger and asked, “May I ask Lady Deity of Food, how come so many people in India die of hunger, but you don't care?”

Deity of Food looked at me seriously and said, “You take a look, the people died in hunger in India, what have they done in the previous lives? Look carefully!”

I just took a look, suddenly my tongue got stucked!!! “They! They were the major 'waster' of food!! God, some were merchants of food, sometimes they destroy food for competition!!! Some rich people wasted their food on a shocking extend, but didn't care for the poor people nearby, really despicable!!”

Deity of Food said, “Now you know why you come to see me?”

I said, “I know, that is one of the most severe punishment for wasting food! Many people just directly reborn there and waiting to die in hunger! I never thought of the place of repayment in hell that does not exist in hell!!

Deity of Food said, “It is not how it should say, people could misunderstand. Not only India is place of repayment, the places of repayment is everywhere on earth. It is very complicated, some reborn to die in hunger, some die in accident, it all caused by bad deeds that had done in the previous lives. There are many people in India live in good lives. Don't take part of the fact to cover all the facts, do you understand?”

I replied, “I understood, so some are reborn to receive direct repayment, then be punished in hell later. Ah, this is so cruel!!!”

Deity of Food said, “OK, you can go back now”

I immediately replied, ”Thanks aunty!”

Deity of Food laugh, “Ha ha! You think you are still a kid. They had really spoiled you! Your age is not so young, you should call me sister, I like that better!”

Then I called her, “Sister!”

Deity of Food was so happy, wanted to give me something.

I said, “Thanks sister, everybody wants to give me present. My teacher said everybody treasured me too much. I am too embarrassed to receive any more presents. I am not greedy. I will come visit you whenever you need help!”

Deity of Food said, “Fine, you will come down often anyway, come visit my house if you are free, we all like you very much.”

I said, “OK”. Then I woke up, saw the fruits and candies on the desk, I suddenly felt so blessed!!!

In the evening on my way home, I went to the vegetarian store for shopping. I saw a family dining in a small restaurant. The little boy was so wasteful, he threw away the chicken leg without finished it, and did not eat the fish completely and threw away (I advise everyone become vegetarian. For the situation like that little boy, he will be punished for wasting food first, then get punished for eating meat). He did not eat vegetable at all. His parents just looked at him with kindly, did not blame him for wasting food.

I sighted, and thought, “The spoiling of child today will make him suffer in great pain later on!!”

If the parents could see the rotten food that their son have to eat in hell in fast speed, they be so regret!”

No good man standing in front of Mirror of Sin (part 1)

Today I felt great pressure, because the King of Hell told me yesterday, they will bring out the ancient classic tools for punishment that they no longer use, and they asked me to write it clearly. I thought, Kings of Hells made such unusual arrangement during his busy hour, how could I write it lightly, so I decided to write it in detail.

I went down while thinking. When I arrived, everything had been arranged. It was such a super cast and a show, all ten Kings of Hells were there!

I was embarrassed, said, “I am so fortunate to see all ten of you show up in one place, it is such a great pleasure! I have seen all ten Kings of Hells at the age of 24, I would be so happy to live every single day of my life! Ha, ha!”

Ninth King of Hell said, “Little Fortune, you are so naughty. We open the highest judgment court for you, it needs ten of us to !”

I thought, “The person to be judged today is in deep trouble. In the 'highest' court of judgment, the tool for punishment would certainly be the 'cruelest'. Ai ya, will I see blood? I am so scared!”

At that moment, Eighth King of Hell pat on my head, said, “Little Fortune, don't think too much, you shall wide open your eyes and write down everything you see, understand?”

I immediately stop other useless thought, and followed all Kings of Hell flew to the judgment court.

We arrived the door of a big structure, It was so tall that I could even not see its top, I asked, “Such big building that you don't use it normally?”

The kindest Seventh King of Hell said, “No, this is the place reserve for high ranking judges. The place we will bring you to see is the oldest, with most complete tools of punishment, and most treasonous place for judgment. We now sealed it, and kept it in good condition, afraid of being damaged. That is the place for generations of Kings of Hells and judges for judging big cases!”

I said, “I got it, is it the one on the top?”

All Kings of Hell replied, “Yes.”

They took me on a high-speed elevator, after several minutes, we had reached the top. Before the door opened, Fifth King of Hell gave me a small pill, said, “Little Fortune, take this!”

I took a look, asked, “What is this? It even emits five different colors of light!”

The big beard First King of Hell laughed, “Ha, ha, ha, ha! Little Fortune you really don't how to appreciate. Fifth King of Hell likes to make medicines. This medicine can boost your energy. Look at you, after these days, your face turned yellowish! In this courtroom, it has very heavy bad energy, which contains hates and sins that left from previous demons. We see you still young, afraid that your body and mental might not able to handle it! If you have suffered any damage, someone will be very angry with us! Eat it, it can keep all demons away from you from now on!”

I said, “Ah! Thank you fifth uncle! Could you give me one more piece! I am going to give it to my teacher! I wish he can live until 100 year old, so he can see all of us become useful people!”

Fifth King of Hell took one more out of his pocket, said, “I only made four of them in ten years, you little devil suddenly asked for half of it. Ai, I surrender!”

I swallow one pill, suddenly I felt a boost on my body and my thought became clear. I carefully put the other one inside the lotus, so I can bring it to my teacher.

Back to the main topic. We walked out the elevator. It was so dark that I could not even see my hands. While I was going to ask question, 10 Kings of Hell each seriously took out a key, and open something. Suddenly, the darkness disappear, lights shine from all sides, a role of stair appear in front of us! I opened my eyes and looked carefully, found out that this is a round shaped judgment hall. We were standing in the middle, the position for the one to be judged. There were four seats on each four corners. There is one big seat above the room in the midair. I thought, that must be the seat for the chief judge and the others were for his assistants! The one in the midair was obviously the seat for the chief judge! At the rim of the wall, there were many doors (the elevator we took were no longer exist, and became a wall). I counted, there were 10 doors. I guess they had to do with the prisons brought from 10 different hells.

The second King of Hell with red face said, “Little Fortune, what you were saying was correct. Speak aloud on what you were thinking, so we don’t need to listen to your thought.”

Ha ha! Everyone has telekinetic power, so I just ask directly! I said, “Where are the tools for punishment?”

Fourth King of Hell said, “Little Fortune still has a quick temper, we now start the judgment process. Five respectful judges have waited outside the doors for long times, ask them to come in first. You take good detailed note during the trial.”

Five of those ten doors opened, each with one judge walking in. One wore different dress than the others, with black silk robe stitched with golden dragon and phoenix, both hands holding a computer, the book of live and death and a pen of judge. He has big beard, with a very stern posture.

I thought, “Ai yea, he looks much meaner than the Kings of Hells, I will not be naughty later.” Other four wore green shirts, with different mark of animals on it. They quickly sat down, ready for the judgment.

Tenth King of Hell asked us to sit on the VIP section. He activated a button.
Suddenly red light came out and covers all our body. “This is to protect your safety”

Tenth King of Hell said, “The people on trial were very mean and evil, sometimes they will attack other people.”

Trial begins.

I the sound 'Ding-Dong', following the sound of woman's electronic voice; “The guards outside number 4 please bring in XXX the corrupted government officer from XX province XX city.

I shouted out, “Wow! Now there is no need for the wood mallet! The technology is so advance here! Only need to push the button, just like the announcement in the airport!

Seventh King of Hell said, “That's correct. Little Fortune don't get excited, watch quietly, there is enough information for you to record!”

I watched closely on the door number 4, only heard a scary screaming, it was so loud that hurt the ears.

When the door open, 4 hell guards brought in a bloody person, one of the guards spoke loudly, “Report to judge X (name of chief judge), the prisoner is here!”

Chief judge directed to tide him up, put inside a round iron cage that rose slowly. The guards proceed accordingly.

Chief judge started talking, asked, “Who is the person, report your name!”
The bloody man replied, “I am XXX from XX province XX city!! I am a great government official, why did you say I was corrupted? How dare you beat me up to make me admit? I will not comply!

Chief judge was not angered; he calmly entered the name and basic information of that person into the computer. I watched the big screen behind the chief judge. It showed a series of detail information.

I appraised, “Wow! Marvelous!” This man lived in the province next to mine. The case had been passed many years ago! I read about the caused of his death, which was execution. No wonders there were two holes on his head, still bleeding!

At that moment, the assistant judges started getting busy, I only heard the sound of punching keyboards. So the chief judge only retrieve the general information of this person, the rest of details occurred during his lifetime still need to be searched individually by these four assistant judges.

Ninth King of Hell explained to me, “They are in charge of evil, killing, greed, and eat these four sections. There are many judges in hell; each in charge of different field, with their own responsibility. Since we found out he had these four sins, so we asked the judges specialized in these four fields to come here. We shall have the result immediately!”

The judge sat on east side spoke loudly, “Report to chief judge, from 19XX till 19XX, this person spent 150,000 RMB of embezzled money on food entertainment.

“Report to chief judge, after this man was married, he used promotion as bate, had affairs with five female subordinates. He had four mistresses, and having intercourse with prostitutes 209 times! Spent total 2.05 million RMB on women! Most of money was embezzled.

“Report to chief judge, this men had hired a killer to kill a person that exposed his crimes anonymously! I had brought up that person that died undeservedly, waiting for you to call him.

“Report to chief judge, this person embezzled and received bribes total 15 million RMB!”

I was shaking with anger, “In 19XX RMB worth a lot, he embezzled so much! He shall be sliced with thousand knifes! These money were scraped from ordinary citizens, he is less than a dog!”

Eighth King of Hell laugh, “Little Fortune is so good at condemning, be careful I sentence you for abusive language, shall be locked up to write!”

I stick my tongue out, then shut my mouth immediately, continued to observe the judging process.

At this time, the chief judge asked in normal temple, “XXX, your sins had been recorded by hell. You had been punished for small sins, but you still not admit the big sins. You said you have been treated unjustly, where is your unjustly come from? Speak up and let me know!”

The soul of sin said, “I loved people and been honest for my whole life, I was responsible and faithful to my family, citizens of my city all praised me as good leader, why did you place charge on me? I do not agree! Everything needs proof. You only read few sentences that came from nowhere, and expected me to admit? If you try to place charge on me, you can say anything you want!

Chief judge laughed, “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha” several times, with loud voice.

He suddenly stopped his laughing, and asked seriously, “You are asking for evidence? Fine! I will give you evidence!”

Then he stood up, held his fist said, “I am XX, asking permission from Kings of Hell to activate the Mirror of Sins!”

Tenth Kings of Hell nod his head for approval. I also nod my head, foolishly.

Tenth King of Hell laughed without control and said, “Little Fortune, who asked you to nod your head? You really disturb the atmosphere of the trial! Open your eyes, aren't the most important task of this trip is to see the Mirror of Sins that had been passed on since the ancient time?”

I heard the sound of wind passing my ear, a big mirror '!' fell straight in front of the soul of sin XXX!!!

XXX was shocked; I was also shocked also. This mirror only has rim that is similar to the mirror we use. It could not even be called as a mirror, since it has no flat surface! It has very beautiful rim, the mirror itself is gray misty color. It does not obey the reflection principle of ordinary mirrors.

I asked Second King of Hell, “Second uncle, may I ask why does this mirror need your permission to active it? Is it a treasure?”

Second King of Hell replied, “Of course it is a treasure, although the technology down here get more advance, but this mirror has been used since the first generation of the judge. Later on there were more convenient methods for judgment. So we preserve it, to prevent the crack to grow on the surface.”

“A crack?” I saw it carefully, it really does! I asked, “Then, the surface of the mirror is dark, what can it do?”

Fifth King of Hell asked me to lower my voice, and point at the middle of the court, ask me to watch it myself.

I only heard the chief judge read some unknown scripture. Then the surface of mirror appeared some wave, just like the TV plug in with power! After the wave became stable, it fixed the frame on a baby.

Chief judge said, “XXX, now I ask you one question, you give me one answer, understand?”

Prisoner XXX said, “You ask, I answer, what so the difficult?” Soul of sin replied with full of disrespect, I really want to punch him!

Chief judge, “OK, then I begin, four assistant judges please take good note!”

“Yes!” Four assistant judges replied together.

The following are the conversations between chief judge and the soul of sin
Chief judge, “XXX have you ever embezzle?”

Soul of sin, “I never embezzle!”

(At that moment the mirror showed the videos in fast speed like fast forward on a movie, then from fast speed to slow speed. It played the scene of XXX received money at home, in office, in resort hotel, at the home of his subordinate, in motel, and during private meal)

XXX opened his eyed wide with shock, he shouted, “What kind of devil mirror is this! Tried to frame me up!”

Chief judge disregarded his shouting, asked, “XXX, have you ever cheated on your wife, having affair with other women and prostitute?”

XXX said, “Never.” But his voice had less power than before.

I thought, “Ai yea, is this mirror going to display the adult scene of XXX? Then the Kings of Hell and I going to watch X rated movies? Then the Kings of Hells and I aren't going to be locked up and be punished to write? Yea! Great, it is fun for Kings of Hells get punished. I would see if there are hell guards whipping them from behind, ha, ha, ha!!”

Fifth King of Hell said, “Ai, your teacher should feel depressed, how come your mind is full of these junks, Ai! You just watch the mirror!”

I said, “Oh” I thought I really don't have privacy in my mind, since they all know about it. So I will not think of these bad thoughts.

(The mirror started to display XXX lied to his wife for meetings in another town, and stay over night in several women's house, the adult scenes were been edited by mosaic or over looked…)

I looked at XXX, his face turned red and white. It is normal to be awkward, for exposing one's private lives in front of public! I really admired the chief judge. This trick is super! It gave him a direct hit!

I thought the chief judge going to ask one more question, but I heard him said, “I will display all scenes that you spent embezzled money on eating rare species and hiring killer. You watch it your self, see if you have anything to say?”

(I saw the mirror had its own thought, quickly change scenes for XXX eating mint, white fox and other rare species, and the scene that he hired gang killer in behind to kill the person who exposed him.)

XXX without a voice, for a while, he said, “I do not admit these crimes. You could have made up these scenes. Without the words from my mouth, you cannot judge me for the crimes.”

At this moment, one of the assistant judges shouted, “Bring the witness!”
I saw a middle-aged man quickly entered the hall from one of the doors. He must have waited for a long time. The man has a deep cut on his neck, even can see his throat. Ai, I stop describe, so the readers will not feel uncomfortable.

The middle-aged man kneeled down, spoke to chief of judge in sob, “Wish chief of judge give me a fair judgment, I wrote an anonymous letter to expose all the evil actions of XXX. I could not believe that the person in that department, who read the letter I wrote, was his close friend. His close friend showed him my letter. He then hired an inspector and found me. He was afraid that I will go to higher level to expose him again, so he hired a killer to kill me, and dump my body in the wild, even the police could not found. Now I still stay in the city of undeserved death. I will not reborn unless he get executed.”

Chief judge ask the witness to step down, then he ask the soul of sin with angry voice, “Aren't you going to plead guilty?!”

The soul of sin was so XX, said, “I don't know this person!” The witness was so angry that he was shaking!

Chief judge laugh for a long time, “Fine!! You just said, only you plead guilty, then we can judge you, do you still remember what you have just said?”

The soul of sin said, “Of course! I XXX say the words that are good enough to support the heaven and earth!”

Chief judge said, “Fine!” Then he took out a small jar from his pocket, and took out a little pill from the jar, and asked the guard to take it and make the soul of sin swallow it.

The soul of sin thought that pill is a poison. He was shouting and swearing, refuse to take it. Two of four guards holding his hands, one opened his mouth, another one force the pill into his mouth and make him swallow.

After a few minutes, he still seemed normal.

I thought, what kind of pill is this? The reaction was too slow! At that moment, the chief judge asked,“XXX, Are the scenes displayed in the mirror all true?”

XXX answered with angry face, “Yes!!!”

Hold it! Did I heard it right? His face showed anger, but he said, yes?!!

Not only I was surprised, that XXX was surprised too! He wanted to say, “That wasn't me! Who was talking?” But the words came out as, “I admit all crimes shown in the mirror!”

Oh my God, this pill was so magical!! The Fifth King of Hell said with pride, “This pill called 'the pill of true thought'. It is especially for those cunning criminals that are determined not to admit their guilt! It took me 20 years of research to invent it! It helps many judges solve problems during the trials!”

Wow, Fifth King of Hell, I am really impressed with you!

At that moment, the chief judge said, “XXX you had just swallowed 'the pill of true thought', if you want to argue speciously. Then for one sentence of argument, you will speak one sentence of truth. Do you understand?”

XXX lower his head with depressed voice said, “I know, I admit everything. It is up to you to punish me!”

Chief judge said, “Dare XXX listen to the judgment. Your four great sins have been established. You are sentenced to enter the fourth level of the hell for lock up, be punished everyday for all your sins, until all sins are expiated!

The XXX government officer was like a deflated ball; let four guards took him away.

I was too, like a deflated ball, laid flat on the VIP seat, and lost conscious.
During my past out, I heard vaguely from these ten Kings of Hells screaming,
“Oh no, Little Fortune has passed out. Was she too tired?”

Call the doctor immediately!”

No need for the doctor, send her back immediately, she had been here too long this time, we weren't noticed, it was out fault!”

I do not remember what they say afterwards.

I only know when I return to the office, my whole body felt hurt, and lost all power. When I checked the lotus ready to bring the medicine for my teacher, I found one more bottle of medicine; I think it was given by the Fifth King of Hell to heal my body, so I keep it in safe place.

No good man standing in front of Mirror of Sin (part 2)

I kept thinking of a question today, if someday I publish this 'New Jade Calendar Treasury Script' for circulation, and my parents know that I am the author. I wonder how would they think? Ha, ha!

Although, we live under the same roof everyday, but everybody is so busy, my parents have absolutely no idea about my little extraordinary power. Even they know about it later on, they would think of something must had gone wrong with me, they might send me to hospital for 'treatment', ha, ha!

It is right that, the Buddha said: “People on earth are ignorant, most of them only believe in what their eyes can see.”

I think I am not in the level of ignorance. It is understandable to have doubt on what you cannot see. Before, I did not believe the existence of hell. But now, I go down everyday, sometimes more than once a day, and been good friends with Kings of Hells. It is so unbelievable.

OK, after so much talking, I have to go down. There is someone waiting for me down there already.

I quickly flew toward the grand door of hell. Today all Kings of Hells were busy, no time to take me for the trip in hell. Today I will visit the fourth level of Nine Spring Hell where the government official yesterday stayed.

I have a question. People used to say, “Wish someone rest in peace in the Nine Spring.” But why Nine Spring is a prison? I don't really get it. How can people be peaceful in a prison of hell called Nine Spring?

While I was pondering, I had reached the hell. Today the person who greeted me was a complete stranger to me. He is short, red hair, with smell of wine, seemed in old age, holding a cane, with a bottle of wine hang on his cane. He smile at me while half drunk, seems very kind and cute! I think he is the Deity of Earth, so I asked, “Are you the Deity of Earth?”

He nodded his head and say, “Yes, Little Fortune, do you still remember me?”

I said, “I don't recall..., temporally. I don't remember all things in my past lives.”

Deity of Earth seems little disappointed, he said: “Before, you often came to my house to watch me playing chess with your teacher. I adore you so much, gave you lots of peanuts. Ai, why do they block your memory, ai, they...”

I see this old man mumbling so much. If we don't change the conversation to the main topic, I don't know how long it would take him to go on, so I said: “They called me this afternoon to visit the prison in the Nine Spring Hell!”

Deity of Earth smack his head said, “Ha, ha, I drank some wine, and my head is not functioning well, ha, ha, I almost forgot, I...” Then he talked many words.....

I said, “Let's go, hurry, Deity of Earth, my time is limited, I cannot stay down here for too long.”

Deity of Earth became serious, said. “OK, Little Fortune, come with me.”

He brought me to the entrance of a cave, and asked the guard to open the door. It seemed very complicated inside, and the lighting is not so good. It relies on the torches to light up the place.

I was confused, said, “Isn't the technology very advance down here, how could some place still using torch?”

Deity of Earth said, “There are many daemons that try to escape prison. Don't underestimate on these torches, they are not ordinary fire, and not just for lighting purpose. Have you seen anything inside the red flame?”

I took a look carefully. There is a blue solid object inside the red flame, which does not melt by the high temperature. I asked, “What is that blue object?”

Deity of Earth twisted with his beard and said, “The blue small object is call the 'Soul Tracing Eye'. Even the daemons had escaped from hell. When they are in the state of nervous, they will not pay attention to the monitoring device inside the torch. This device contains all information of working officers on each day. For the passing person who is not registered in the data, it will record the figure of that person and shoot an unnoticeable dot on that the person. Wherever they go, they can be found. These devices connect directly to the main security room. Once the main security room notices such situation has occurred. It will turn off the power of the torches immediately. Normally the escaped soul of sins will not move further when the light went off. Then we will send guards to catch them, and send them back easily. All the soul of sins with marks by the Soul Tracing Eye will be guarded closely. The Soul Tracing Eye will automatically tracing the mark on their body everyday, to check if they have been properly punished. Do you understand?”

I replied, “I understood.” Although, the Deity of Earth talks a lot, but with his help, now I can describe the function of 'Soul Tracing Eye' to the readers.

We kept walked toward inside of the cave, found many splits. I kept up with Deity of Earth closely. I knew once I got lost, even I am not the soul of sin, but not on the list of guards on duty of the 'Soul Tracing Eye'. I will be marked. I don't want to be traced by others every day, without freedom!

We walked for about 15 minutes (each road of the cave was full of stone columns, very hard to fly. I figure that it is set up to prevent soul of sins to escape so it was built like a super maze. I really impress Deity of Earth. With such old age, he does not get dizzy from walking on this jolted road. I change my point of view on him). We walked to the front of a door, not a big door, with full of torches on both sides. There was a plate on top of the door, written, 'Nine Spring XX area, section one' (I could not understand those two words, excuse me).

Deity of Earth took out a jar, and drank a lot of wine from inside.

I was really not amused, and said, “Good old man, why are you still drinking? I am in a hurry. It took long time to reach here, and we don't know how long it will take to watch the punishment.”

He held the wine in his mouth, unable to talk. He used his eyes to ask me watch how he was done. I shut my mouth, and saw him, 'pu, pu, pu, pu'. He spit the wine on the door with a word on it, vaguely (I do not recognize this word either). The door seems to have magic power; it made the sound “Si, si, si, si” and sucked the word that spit by Deity of Earth, and disappeared.

Suddenly there appeared a screen. It showed the image of Deity of Earth and me. There was an electronic voice came out, “Please stand still, don't move.”

I stood still nervously, didn't know what will happen. Then, there is a series of blue circle light covering from our heads to toes, just like the scenes in American science fiction moves.

I asked, “What is this?”

Deity of Earth replied, “It is recording the people who access to this place”.

I asked, “Did you spit the wine on it to activate this device?”

He replied, “Not entirely, that device was to identify me, and today it only allows me to bring you in. Normally the guards who work inside do not come out. If they want to come out, they have to apply a few months in advance. Since all the tools and rules for punishment are very important, need to keep secret. It normally does not allow anyone to enter. Little Fortune, you are very special!”

At that moment, the electronic recognition system has complete the process, and said “Recording complete, Deity of Earth Yan and XXXX may enter (my real identity, I guess the system has not changed after I went up to the mortal world. It still kept my original identity, and put my figure in the memory. Today I returned, the system still called my default name). Then we entered.

It is such a different world, the color of sky is not the same, some part is red burning clouds; some part is dark blue; some part is depressing brown… I saw nine streams, but it differ from the ones on earth, it flow from bottom to top. I saw the spring water kept flowing, each spring has different color, there are many objects swimming inside the springs. I asked, “What is inside the spring?”

Deity of Earth had waited long time to do the introduction, once he heard my question, he immediately replied, “There are souls inside, nine spring is the convey belt to transport souls in the underworld.

I said, “It will be so easy for me to escape. I just hide inside the spring, then I can escape!”

Deity of Earth said, “Ha, ha, ha, ha! Little Fortune, your thinking is so simple. There are numerous souls who think of every possible means to escape from this place! How can it be so easy to escape? You take a closer look on the direction of the spring flows.”

I walked toward the blue spring, and found it flowed from bottom to top, until the sky. I saw the side of each spring; there was an equal high super tall building. They look ancient, with different design. I took a closer look; there were many openings on the spring. There are openings on the side of the building. There are guards on each floor catching something.

Deity of Earth said, “There are many guards inside the spring also. They are been fixed inside, wearing protection armor, so they will not get washed to other place, and the force of splash will not hurt their body. The soul of sins that come here, have already been categorized, and they wear different color of prisoner uniforms. The guards inside the spring will throw these prisons to the according floor of guards based on the color of the uniforms. Do you understand?”

I thought, how could they throw soul of sins in the air, I would like to see how they are transported, so I asked Deity of Earth to bring me to the fourth floor that the officer was locked yesterday. He brought me straight to the fourth floor. I watched the officers catching soul of sins on the receiving dock on fourth floor.

I had not noticed that there was transparent convey belt between each floor and the spring. I saw these soul of sins seemed been drugged. Each laid quietly on the convey belt been transported to each floor. I asked, “How big is fourth floor? What kind of prisoners are been locked here?”

Deity of Earth replied, “Fourth floor is a special lock up for all corrupted officers. From ancient time until now, they all have been locked here. The one you saw on trial is locked in 1086XX prison. Do you want to see?”

I replied, “Yes!” Immediately.

We circled around for a long time, and my head was dizzy, we finally found that prison. The location of this prison is near the edge, without good lighting, with smell of mold. The prison cells are very noisy. The air is the mix of blood and bad smell, which remind me the chamber of punishment.

I asked, “How come the prisoners here not been punished in the chamber of punishment of previous hell?”

Deity of earth replied, “These are the corrupted officers who had high social status, and committed more serious sins. Their small sins had been punished before, large sins need to be reviewed by the judge to put in record, even they got reborn again, they will be monitored. I asked, “What kind of punishment do they receive? Where do they get punished?”

Deity of Earth disregard my question, just ask the guard on the prison gate, “Where is XXX”

The guard replied, “He went to X section XX floor for punishment.”

Deity of Earth, “Fine, Little Fortune, follow me to watch the punishment.”

I said, “Fine!” I thought, I finally gets to see the 'Eighteen Tools for Punishment' that I was told by the Kings of Hell yesterday (in fact they are more than 18 of them!). I followed Deity of Earth went down this building to the 15th floor of the other building. When the door of 15 floor opened, the scene I saw shocked me. Although since yesterday I told myself, don't be afraid; don't be afraid, I still got shocked today. There were many limbs and heads inside!!!! What kind of punishment was that? Can anyone survive?!! Before I recovered by the shock, another shock came. I saw a round object rolling toward my feet. Since it was dark, and that object felt hairy, so I tried to move it away with my hand.

“Hold on! Do not touch it, that is a head!!”

I heard a voice in urgency. I took a look, that is the chief of this chamber (it shows on his name tag). I raised my body immediately. I thought, luckily, or else I will feel so discussed. I asked, “Is this floor for punishing the serious sinners?”

That handsome chief of chamber said, “No, this is for people who kills animals and corrupted.”

I said, “Oh, is XXX (the government official yesterday) on this floor?”

Chief of chamber, “He just came here from the chamber of punishment for fornication, he is over there ready for the punishment. We had prepared all tools of punishment, you came and watch.”

So we went to the corner of this chamber (this chamber is very big, without many partitions). There was a plate on the corner written, “Punishment for Murder” I said, “How are you going to punish him?”

Chief of Chamber asked his subordinates to demonstrate, so the guards brought XXX up.

Oh my God! I could not recognize him!! He had been beat up without a human figure. I suddenly felt pity for him, if he did not do these things, be a clean government official, how nice would it be! At that moment, I saw many hell guards brought up many tools for punishment.

Chief of Chamber said, “We are using electric chain saw now, but since Little Fortune is here, we brought up many ancient tools of punishment for your reference of writing.”

I replied, “Thank you!” Then I watched them start the punishing process.
The first tool is 'Dog Head Chopper', I asked, “Isn't Dog Head Chopper used to chop ordinary citizens?”

Chief of Chamber laugh continuously, said, “You have been influenced by the TV serious 'Blue Sky Judge Bao'. For murderer and corrupted officials all use this knife, no such detail difference. After his sentence, he asked hell guard start the punishment. This is for punishing his sin of murder.

I guess the knife was too dull. XXX had been held down by four big men who pushed the knife down hard for a long time, still not see his head got cut off, only heard the noise of 'ke-chi ke-chi' the sound of breaking neck bones. His head still not come down. I felt quite pity when I watched, and felt like puking, since his blood flow down to his feet, and some yellowish thing, don't know what that was.

I asked “Why is this Dog Head Chopper so dull?”

Deity of Earth had been left out by me for a long time, he could not wait to interrupt, “It is not dull, the chopper was designed like that. Although it is sharp and heavy, but with four big men holding it, with well controlled force, not to let it cut immediately. The soul of sins will not lose their heads easily. He killed a man, so he has to endure such punishment which makes life worse than death.”

I was very impressed. The tongue of XXX had stock out, eyes popped out, face turned black. I saw the knife had stopped up to the point that one fifth of his neck still intact.

The Chief of Chamber waved his hand and said, “Stop, that's fine.” Guards put him down. XXX's head was connected to his body by a layer of skin dangling on his shoulder. His angry eyes staring at me, I felt quite horrible!

I turned to the Chief of Chamber, “How come the head does not come off?”

He replied, “He hired someone to commit murder, the method of punishment has slight difference than the ones who did it themselves.” Then he asked the guards to bring up the second tool, a long and thin metallic rod.

Chief of Chamber said, “This is an Omni Rod that goes thru heaven and hell. Although it has a good name of Omni Rod, in fact it is used to stick in his stomach, to make all the rare animals that he ate during his lifetime to come out.

Deity of Earth and I both nodded the heads.

I said, All rare animals he ate had already been digested, how could…? Before I complete this sentence, Chief of Chamber had already order the guards to execute.

I saw them holding the XXX's head still. They stick this thin rod directly from his neck until stomach. Then his stomach magically became transparent. I saw some vague images of animals in his stomach. After awhile XXX became very painful and started to shiver. I saw the guard took out something like a balm from his pocket. He took out the Omni Rod, then brush the balm between his head and neck, the head and neck reconnected again.

XXX can start talking. He kept asking for forgiveness, “I swear I would not kill and eat animals!! I beg you, let me go. How much money do you want, I can ask my family give you money in their dreams!!! I beg you! I know I was wrong!!!”

Chief of Chamber and the rest looked at him without compassion. I had my mouth wide-open, but without a word. I saw him shiver violently, and then his mouth opened wide! There were many rabbits, wild chickens, white foxes, and armadillos came out of his mouth! A hell guard took out a bag, and collected all these animals, and hand over to another guard, and said something on his ear, and then that guard ran out of the door with the bag.

I asked, “What are you going to do with the souls of these animals? Weren't they already dead, they should had been here long time ago?”

Chief of Chamber said, “There is difference for the animal been eaten, if they had hatred, they would not go with the Envoy of Death. If the animals could say something acceptable to us, we will record their figure and promise to give them a specific time to follow the man who ate them to come to the Nine Spring for distribution.”

I said, “That is how it is…” There is something I still not understand completely. But the purpose for today's trip is not to watch animals, so I kept this question in my mind, and make it clear on the next trip.

Chief of chamber shouted, “My men, bring the steel bed!” After the order of Chief of Chamber 8 hell guards carry a steel bed that is full of rust and bloodstain.

Hell guard asked, “XXX, You want to laid down by yourself or you need our assistance?”

XXX spoke with slight shaking voice, “I go up by myself, I go up by myself.” Then he laid down on the steel bed, and surprisingly, there was no harm at all.
I saw the guard press a button on the steel bed, suddenly two metallic straps flew from both sides of the bed, one tide up his body, and the other tide up his two feet.

Immediately, XXX started getting nervous, he had not thought that he was going to be tied up again.

Chief of Chamber said, “OK, begin.”

Hell guard step on the metallic paddle similar to the one in piano, that located on the lower right side of the steel bed.

At that moment the two metallic straps tied up even further, XXX's face was warped, only air come out, no air breath in. I saw him in such pain, felt quite pity, didn't want to watch, so I turned my head.

Deity of Earth turned back my head, and said, “Little Fortune, you must watched this punishment completely, since you carry a mission to be here, you cannot change your action according to your thought.”

So I continue to watch reluctantly. Only saw the steel bed grew four feet from the bottom, and these four feet kept rising at fast speed almost reach the ceiling. These four feet suddenly contracted and the steel bed turned over. XXX's body became facing down! That is nothing! The scary thing is that there were many sharp wooden cones rose from the flat ground. The steel bed suddenly accelerated, within one second 'Pong!!!' It smashed on the sharp cones. I screamed with shock.

Deity of Dearth comforted me said, “Don't worry, this is his last punishment of the day, don't be afraid, just look at the result then you can leave.”

I didn't have the nerve to watch the 'Result!' I said, “I won't look; I won't

Hell guards went up pull off the steel bed away from the sharp wooden cone, then turn up the bed to put it in front of us. I used ten fingers to cover my face, but I still could not hold on my curiosity and took a peek at XXX from between my fingers. Oh, oh, oh, oh, he became a beehive. Even more than a beehive!

Hell guards pull him out of the steel bed, his entire body covered with all sizes of holes, he was not breathing at all. But everybody else seemed quite comfort as usual, not surprise at all. A hell guard at the side spill a bucket of green water on his body, then he stopped bleeding, and the holes became smaller.

I wanted to ask, why would they want to stick his head back.

Before I opened my mouth, Deity of Earth said, “The purpose for us to set up this punishment chamber was not to torture them to death, but to let them know the result of killing and corruption. Of course we will not kill them! Like XXX, he will receive four types of punishment (there was one on the floor below, please don't ask me to watch it, I guess it was similar) for the duration of 92 years. He was supposed to receive 59 years of sentence, but he was so stubborn, and refuses to confess, so he got many years more. If he could have been more truthful, he will be in much better condition now.

I saw the face of XXX started to return to normal, hell guards came up and took him away. There were mixed of feelings in my heart.

At that moment, the Chief of Chamber told Deity of Earth, “Teacher Yan, the time for visiting has ended, please bring Fortune away from here, I greet for your departure!”

Deity of Earth happily accepted and played with his beard, then he took me out of Hell of Nine Spring. I really didn't want to stay any further, and didn't want to say anything else. At the door of hell I thanked Deity of Earth and return to the mortal world.

Bus to Hell

At 3 PM, the ghost envoy came to pick me up to watch Hooking Souls (actually it called pick up the soul, people usually call them Soul Hookers, then let's call it Envoy of Soul Hooker, actually it is the same) I started getting impatient at 1 PM. After lunch, with more energy, so many online friends waiting, I must do something. So I asked Second King of Hell send ghost envoy to pick me up right away.

Second King of Hell said, “Ai ya, Little Fortune, please do not give me trouble. Yesterday you did not attend the meeting. We ten Kings of Hell still hold the meeting. We all wish you not to come to hell temporary. Do you still want to live?”

I said, “It would be wonderful to die early, so I can accompany all of you every day, ha, ha!”

King of Hell said, “Fine, fine, now I send the other two Envoy of Soul Hookers to accompany you, the original two that was scheduled are too busy now. If they have to come back to accompany you, then they will have to delay few tasks, understand?

I said, “Understood.” So I said good bye to the King of Hell and return home, waiting for the Envoy of Soul Hooker to pick me up.

In few moments, I heard the sound of bell ringing 'Dang, dang, dang, dang' A huge luxury bus stop in front of me. The door opened, and two people came up, one tall man, and one short woman, their age were about in the 30s. They were not bullhead and horse face, nor black and white envoys; they looked just like ordinary people. They ware white rough cloth, with two legs tide with same type of cloth, left one small section of leg exposed. They wear iron shoes (not necessary iron, they were some short of metal, which make loud noise when walking, sounds very horrible)

When they saw me, they immediately ran towards me, and bowed to me said, “Greeting to XXXX, we are little 7 and little 5, we come to pick you up to watch soul hooking today, please get in the bus!”

I thanked them and walked toward the bus. How do I describe, this is a bus, but actually not a bus, since its four corner have four oil lamps, not electricity, still use fire. The four tires are the same as the ones we have. In front of the bus, there was no horn, but a bundle of bells. So I guess when it starts, it makes the sound 'Dang, dang, dang, dang'. At the side of the bus, there was no number sign, but a hand written sign ‘Going to City of Death’. The front face of the clear windshield of the bus has a small plate written, 'today pick up 58 people'. In below, there were the detail list of these people, their addresses and names. I glanced thru it, around 60, so the list is the address for the people we are going to pick up today.

I got on the bus immediately.

The bus has been separated into two sections. The front has seats for 8 people, it has two rows, and each row has four seats. The back has seats for 150 people the maximum, and the sears were very tight. So the 58 people we are going to pick up is not too many. I thought, 'The City of Death will be full of this type of bus in its parking lot, they will pick up people without stopping, each bus has to pick up so many people, then how many people have to die every day?!”

I said, “You pick up people every day, it is a tough job, right?

That lady envoy said, “Not too tire, we have used to it. Today you will accompany us to pick up 3 people then return, is it OK? King of Hell gave order that you cannot stay too long, so please do not give us trouble.”

How could King of Hell acting like a nanny? Although I thought like that, but I felt touched, so I gave positive reply, “Fine”

The bus started immediately. (I forgot to introduce the driver, his age is around 50, never said a word, I guess he is a mute driver that they specially picked, so he will not disclose the important pick up arranged by hell, so I did not go forward to ask him)

The bus seemed enter a time machine, the space suddenly twisted like a whirl, the bus was traveling in a dark space turning 360 degree, I felt dizzy. I was impressed with the intelligence of the King of Hell! “Luckily he only let me watch 3 today, if I have to watch all 58 of them, I will become the 59th person, Ami Buddha!”

Very soon, the bus stop in front of the door of a hospital, I took a look, that hospital was very familiar to me? Just like the one I saw on a Taiwan TV serious!

The male envoy said, “XXXX, this is Taiwan XX private hospital, we are going down the bus, to pick a woman.”

I said, “OK!” Then went down the bus and followed their footsteps. This hospital was very well furnished. It looks like the hospital for rich people, the nurses were young and beautiful, and doctors were from different countries. The patients waiting on the line were well dressed. I saw many souls of hatred hanging around inside the hospital. Some doctors were followed by dozens of souls, quite scary!

I asked the female envoy, “Why don't you care about these souls of hatred?”

Female envoy said, “These were the debt collectors of the hospital workers, some were treated to death by mediocre doctors. They applied in hell to follow the doctors, and they will leave after a period of time. Of course, there were some souls with much severe hatred; they wanted to follow the doctors for many lives to come. So being a bad doctor is a great sin!”

The male envoy took out a stack of information, the one on the top is the X section of this hospital, X floor, room 10X, bed XX, a female patient name XXX, cause of death is 'late stage of lung cancer'.

We walked until the outside of the door, did not hear the sound of crying. I felt strangled, so I was the first to 'fly' in. I saw a female patient on bed XX in deep sleep, not yet die. Her daughter next to her was around 8 years old. She was slicing off the skin of an apple. I felt bad inside. This woman only in her 30s, came from a rich family, and she had good job, divorced with her husband because they did not get together well. When she was sick, she spent lots of money in treatment, many close friends and relatives seldom came to visit her, now only her daughter accompany her most of the time. I don't know how the future would be for this little girl, whether if her father will take good care of her and treat her well!!

At that moment, the male envoy came forward; throw out a metallic hook to hook the soul of the lady. When the hook pull her soul half way away from her body, the lady immediately know what will happen, she shouted, “Wait, wait!”

The male envoy seems quite familiar with such situation, just pretend he did not hear, then he started read the information sheet in his hand, “XXX, your are 3X years old, born in rich family, father XX, mother XXX, both died in car accident at your age of 12; you inherited the fortune of your parents; you went abroad for study at age of 20; you returned at age of 26 and got married; gave birth to a girl at age 28; divorced with your husband XXX at age 30; found you got cancer at age 32, it was at medium stage, it had been going for 4 years. Today is your day to die, do you know?”

The lady nodded her and agreed.

The female envoy was much more compassion, “Do you have any wish to say? We can write it down.”

The tears of the lady falling like pearls. (I saw her soul, there was an empty space at her chest, seems quite dark). She said, “I have a daughter, I don't know what will happen to her, please give me some time to prepare for her, OK?”

Female envoy ask, “The day of death cannot be delayed, how much time do you need to arrange your stuff and your daughter?”

The lady replied very sincerely, “I will call my ex-husband over here, I will complete everything by the end of tonight, please, let me see my daughter again!”

I turned my head to see these two envoys, they both showed indecisive. I didn't know if it was because of my present, they should had follow the rule or give her a break.

I said, “You come over again tonight, is it OK? Was there any previous incident before?”

Female envoy said, “This type of situation often occur, we often gave them a little more time, if the time cannot be delayed for more than 24 hours, the boss would not blame on us. But it depends on the character of the envoy, like XXX (the famous ghost envoy), he always do it by the book, never delay.”

The male envoy talked to the lady said, “Fine, we come back again at 10 PM tonight. At that time, no matter if you had completed your matters, we will take you, understand?

The lady reply with joy said, “I understand!”

The male envoy continues, “Do not tell anyone that we came here, and more importantly the time of your death. Do you understand?”

The lady kept nodding her head, “I will certain tell no one!” Then the male envoy raised his hand, the hook made the noise 'Shua…Ding!' It retreated.

The soul of the lady returned to her body, and her body woke up immediately. I saw her raised her body in difficulty, she looked at her daughter with great sympathy, her eyes showed love, pity, and sadness, very complicated. She extended her hand to hold her daughter and caress her hands continuously, but she did not speak a word. My tear felt, I thought, this is the greatest and the most unselfish love of mother.

Male envoy said, “XXXX, we must go to the next stop immediately, please get on the bus!”

So we walked fast toward the door of the hospital. The image of mother looking at her daughter kept running thru my mind, made me thought of my busy mother, she must have deep love for me, there were many mixed of feelings in my mind, I could not describe.

The next stop was a farmhouse in XX province. We were going to pick up an old man at the age of 8X. The bus still kept turning. At the end, there was a light shine in front of my eyes. We stopped at an ordinary square house. The house was built in mountain area, with trees surrounding. The air was very fresh. I praised, “No wonder this old man lives for so long”

The male and female envoy had no time to look around the surrounding scenery. They already entered the farmhouse, so I followed them into the house.

We saw an old man living alone in that house, only with chair, bed, and table made of wood. T old man curled on the bed, his dull eyes look at the ceiling. When we walked toward his bed, he talked with XX voice, “You are finally here!”

I was very surprised, and ask the male envoy, “He can see us?”

Male envoy said, “Actually many people before they die, without using the soul hook, they can see us. Before they die, we would send another team 7 to 30 days earlier to visit them, let them know that the day for their death is near. As long as people with moderate sixth sense, they all know the day for their death.”

No wonder! Before my uncle and grandfather die, both of them said two people come to pick them up! So there is something called “Foretell”. I suddenly remembered that many people said before their relative died, they would see their relatives that passed away came to visit.

I asked male envoy, “Would the pass away relatives came to pick them up?”

Male envoy said, “In normal condition, if the person about to die was a good person, or their pass away relatives done very well down there, and very miss this person, they will be permitted to visit that person before he dies. But for the actual pick at the moment of death, mostly will use envoys like us to pick up. Some people who practice Buddhism in very high level, when they die, they will be picked up by Buddha or Bodhisattva, but that situation is very, very rare!”

I said, “That is how it is!”

At that moment I suddenly realize that we took too long on the conversation, and ignored the job to pick up the old man, so I asked, “Old man, do you have any wish?”

Old man said, “I do not have any wish, take me away, and hurry!” His tears rolled down from the edge of his eye.

The female envoy made a sigh, hand me over the information of this old man. I took a look, felt a sudden sorrow!! This old man had 6 children, he and his wife who passed away 6 years ago, they sent four sons to the city for study, now all 4 children were working in the big cities, with their family, but none of them wanted to bring their parents to live with them. They even felt ashamed that their parents were born in the mountain area, and their neighbors might look them down. Those two daughters did not receive much education, and hated their parents for only favor the boys and neglect the girls, so one went out for working and married a rich man, and dress herself as a modern woman; one married to the XX of neighbor village, she has not returned home after having a child.

The male envoy took out a suction cup that looks like the one that fix the toilet bowl (seems like there are different tools for different way of dying) which immediately suck up the soul of the old man, and throw it into the bus. The body of the old man closed his eyes, dying peacefully, but I would never forget the bitter and regretful tears in his eye.

On the bus, I ask the female curiously asked the female envoy, “You had been hooking souls for so long, have you ever made mistake?”

The face of the female envoy turned red, she whispered to me, “For making mistake, it really happened, but not two of us. Once there was a new careless envoy, went into a hospital, hooking one's soul without saying a word, and without making the proper identity verification process! Is he such a fool! Luckily, another envoy verified the information and found out that mistake, and returned that mistaken soul immediately, then hook the correct one back, to make up the mistake. The family of the mistaken soul had already cried so hard in the hospital. Later, that person came back from the dead, which scared his mother and fainted! Ai, that new envoy was punished with 40 big wood slaps, now he works very carefully on the detail!”

I said, “So this is the real reason for people come back from dead?!?”

“Shuu!” The female envoy asked me to lower the voice nervously, because that male envoy had already turned backs his head and look at us with strange expression, ha ha~

At that moment the bus had already stop at the first floor of a community housing.

Male envoy said, “Let's go, we are going to the 30X unit, section X of this community to make a pick up.”

I said “OK!” Then walked down the bus and enter the house.

Just entered the door, we had already heard the loud crying! I saw the body of a boy laying on the bed, his soul already floating in midair. His relatives, including his four grandparents and parents, surrounded him. They all cried uncontrollably.

Female envoy said, “This boy was not careful when he was playing, felt from high floor, his rear head hit the ground. The ambulance came and announce his death, the family of the boy would not let the boy to lay on the icy morgue, so insisted to take him home.”

That boy laughing in the midair, and said to us, “They are so funny, I was just made a fall and now sleeping, they already cry like that, it is so funny! I never see my parents cry. It is so funny! Ha, ha, ha, ha”

I said, “You are already dead, do you understand?”

That boy was in shock and said, “What? I am not dead, what are you talking about”

The male envoy said, “You will come with us; your 12 years life on earth has ended.”

Seemed like that boy did not understand the meaning of “Life on earth”, still looked at us without expression in the midair.

Female envoy went to catch his hand, said, “Let's go, and let's get on the bus”

The boy said, “My parents said I cannot go with strangers, you let me go!!” That boy was very emotional, started kinking the female envoy.

The male envoy said, “Bad boy, do not be disrespect!” then he went up to chain up the boy, and draw him away.

The boy shouted, “You bad people, where are you bringing me? I want my parents, I want my parents!!!”

The female envoy sighted, “Now a day many kids don't know the meaning of 'death', they are so spoiled and ignorant, the education from the parents is less than before.” I nodded my head, and left with two envoys and the boy.

In the bus, the boy still crying and shouting. Female envoy took out something like a candy, asked the boy, “Do you want to eat? This is very delicious”.

The boy took the candy immediately and put in his mouth, and then he felt asleep after awhile.

The bus return to its quiet state, and started to go forward with the noise 'dang, dang, dang, dang'. The bell ring hit the bottom of my heart, I suddenly felt like listening to the countdown of life. Human life is bitter and short; do not know what will happen in the next second. So, don't we have to cherish every second of our lives? When the soul was hooked, thinking about the past, and start regretting, then realized that there was nothing been accomplished in the whole life, isn't that a tragedy?

Male envoy said, “XXXX, we have reached your home, please go and take a rest, we still have to continue to make the pick ups!” I go down the bus, and greeted farewell to two envoys.

Returned home, I felt the time is very urgent. If everyone has the chance to see the scene of soul hooking, I believe there will be much less people who waste their lives for doing nothing!!!

Big repayment for releasing animals

Before, I wrote too much sin, and punishment, so everybody got scare of 'hell', 'Kings of Hells'. Ai, it was because I had not described the entire picture, not everybody makes mistake shall endure bitterness in hell. If each person makes small mistakes shall receive such hard punishment. That would be too harsh!

At first, I have to make addendum, why some people made mistake no need to go to hell, but some must receive harsh punishment? It has tight relationship with the 'First Trial' in hell for people just died.

What is 'First Trial'? It is the roughest and most lenient way of judging. During the examining process, it will list our biggest mistake and sin, at that time, the judge will ask you, how many good deeds have you done? What type of good deeds are they? If you had really done many good deeds, and told the truth, the judge will immediately verify that information, and give the fairest trial. If the amount of good deeds were much less than the mistakes, then it would accord to the way you die, send to different city in hell. All the good and bad things you had done in your life, all will be recorded, and been repay on the next life. Is that clear?

However, if you had not done much good deed during your lifetime, when the judge ask you, and there are many hell guards lining up on both sides, the atmosphere is very intense. You must have hard time to answer, so you tongue might get stock. The judge will give example on the good deeds you had done (he will give everyone the same opportunity). If you still could not answer, or get caught for lying, then your repayment on bad deeds will due right away. No need to push forward to next life. There will be two hell guards come forward, these hell guards are very strong, they are very good at picking people up and throw into hell. When the souls of sins enter hell, they will be categorized accordingly, and the hell guards will bring you to various hells for punishment.

So, do you understand? Why until today I let you know that not everyone goes to hell? It is because we have to do good deeds!!

This time, I visited the chief of “bureau of good deeds statistic” to ask him the repayment on good deeds. This time was to visit the repayment on 'releasing animals'.

I entered hell. The chief of bureau has been waiting.

I enter the bureau with chief. After we sat down, we started the conversation.
I said, “Greeting, this time I received order to make inquiry on the repayment on the 'releasing animals'.

The chief showed smile on his face, deep thinking for a while, then brought me to a secret archive room, said “If you want to ask the repayment on releasing animals, I show you the real examples, it is the best proof.”

Chief of bureau found several books contain real examples on releasing animals (it is only a very small fraction of the repayment), he read to me while flipping thru the pages.

This case was in X dynasty. One student, who had not passed the exam for many times, on the fourth year, he was staying in a hotel ready to go to the capital for the exam. He felt asleep after a long study, he dream of a rabbit, its whole body covered with blood, came up asking for his help, and said he will repay. So he asked where is the location of the rabbit. The rabbit reply, he and many other wild animals were locked in a dungeon under a floor plate of his hotel.

After he woke up, he still had doubt. After he thought for a while, decided to take a look. So he waited while all the clerks were in deep sleep, he went to the first floor and found that floor plate. He knocked on it, and found that there was really a dungeon. He removed the floor plate quietly, and walked into the dungeon. He took a look, there were many small animals been locked in there. He thought that these animals must be the source of food, and he eats these foods also. He suddenly felt ashamed, so he immediately released these small animals in the dungeon. All the small animals ran and flew away, with only an injured rabbit left. The student thought it must have been shot at. He felt pity for it, so he packed all his stuffs and took the rabbit, then hit the road in the night, no more staying in that hotel…”

I was very into the story, and asked, “What happen next? How about the rabbit?”

Chief of bureau said, “You read it yourself!”

I took over the casebook and continuous reading. When the student brought the rabbit and rest under a tree, the sky suddenly descend a female deity (better not release the name), the female deity was very pretty. She waved her hand; the rabbit returned to her immediately, its blood and wounds were disappeared. The student thought there is a problem with his eyes, kept hitting his own face, to make himself wake up.

The female deity laughed, she talked to the student, “Do not have doubt on your eyes, everything you see is real. This time I thank you for saving my pat. I will punish it in the palace later, for descending to the earth without permission. Young man, although you don't have much knowledge than others, but you have a good heart that treasures lives, I like it. I will assist you to achieve your goal on study. Remember, after you become a high ranking officials, you must warn all people and students to release animals, don't forget, understand?”

Student does not know if it is in a dream, he kept nodding his head. Female deity then disappears in the dark. Student would not think too much, he went to sleep in another hotel.

On the coming exam, the student was third on the exam. Even though he was not number one, but the government gave him big responsibility, and his position kept rising. The student suddenly realized that what happened in that night was not a dream!! So he ordered all people in his family to release animals with him, and taught students to become vegetarians, and he has done it persistently for many years. At the age of 54, he became the prime minister of the country. He felt his power is limited, although he had persuaded many people to release animal and become vegetarians, but many people in the government and the anarchies did not agree with his action. He felt sad and decided to quit and return home. He lived in the mountain, spent all his savings on giving shelters to animals without homes, and fed them until they die.

One day at his age 76, he saw that rabbit again, that rabbit ran to the front of his window and took a look at his ill body and said, “Good brother, I come to pick you up. Thank you for saving my life and so many lives!”

That man knew his death tow has arrived, but he thought that he had not completed the duty of persuading all students and common people to become vegetarian and releasing animals, his tears felt continuously (when I read until this part, my eyes were wet also). He said, “I felt ashamed to face you and the princess!”

Little rabbit kindly lay on his waist said, “Look, who is here?” He raised his body, look out his window, and saw a shocking scene. Outside the door, there were numerous animals in various sizes and types that he had released during his lifetime!!!

Little rabbit said, “You had done so many good deeds in your life, and the XX deity in heaven is very touched. He wants you to be his assistant, would you agree? Or give you 30 more years to live, which one would you choose?”

The man was tear with joy, said, “30 years is too short, I have very limited power. I would like to assist XX deity, help him save all the souls! To complete the wish that I had not accomplished during this lifetime!” Then he closes his eyes, and fly to the heavenly palace with jade rabbit…

Big repayment for releasing animals Case 2

A modern case

It occurred in 19X9 in Shan X province (no need to guess which province and which year, the purpose is not to deviate from the main point) A family that has been butchers for one generation. XX Zhang, male, age 25, parents died early, with a 17 years old sister. Sister has weak body, unable to perform farm duties. Only XX Zhang and his sister support the family.

Zhang kills pigs everyday (In fact when he was young, he against killing pigs, and would not kill the pig by himself, but his parents said that the family only has one man, he must continue the family business, so he started practice killing pigs. When he reached the age of 25, he was known as “pig scare” the fast action butcher). The number of pigs he had killed cannot be counted. If you must count the numbers, it probably has to line up from the beginning of the village to the end of neighboring village.

You might felt strange, why would the repayment on releasing animals have to do with a butcher? I felt strange also, let's continue.

One day, there was old lady came over, she beg Mr. Zhang for two live pigs. She said, “If you can give me two live pigs, I promise you will gain several times the money than killing these two pigs. Mr. Zhang felt this old lady quite strange, and felt she has problem in her head, so he did not care about this old lady. That old lady started talking to herself, “Ai, XX Zhang, your parents died early, your sister has weak body, how long can you kill the pigs. I am offering you an opportunity, why don't you listen?”

Mr. Zhang was very surprised! He thought, “Seems like this old lady is very special. I only give her two pigs, which is no big deal! I really want to know what opportunity she has to offer!” So he immediately drag two fat pigs with big ears to the old lady, that old lady did not say anything, and did not say anything to him, just brought these two pigs and gong. Mr. Zhang was speechless, didn't know what to say, he was afraid of making this special person angry.

After the old lady walked for a distance, she turn back and say to Mr. Zhang, “I will be back tomorrow.”

Mr. Zhang did not take her words seriously, second day still killing pigs. With surprise, the old lady came again, she said, “XX Zhang, give me four pigs.”

Mr. Zhang was angry, said, “Why are you so greedy? You use your little power to scam on people.”

Old lady seemed not herd the criticism of Mr. Zhang, and show no anger, she continued ask Mr. Zhang, “Give me four pigs.”

Mr. Zhang started get angry, said, “Hei! Old lady, what have you done with those two pigs I gave you yesterday?”

Old lady said, “I released them.”

Mr. Zhang was so angry! “Do you know how much these two pig worth? You really make me angry!! That is one month of my earning!!!”

Old lady spoke with calmness, “Do you know why I ask pigs from you? Do you know why I asked those two pigs from you yesterday?”

Mr. Zhang shouted, “Why should I care what have you done with them! Those two pigs were pigs, what else could they be?”

Suddenly, the old lady rise up to midair, change to Guan-Yin Bodhisattva! Mr. Zhang was shocked, did now know to kneel down and bow. Although he was not a Buddhist, but seen the appearance of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva, he still awe with respect. Before he return to normal, Guan-Yin Bodhisattva spoke, “XX Zhang, for the two pigs yesterday, if I did not ask from you, you would have kill your parents, do you know that?”

Mr. Zhang had no idea what Guan-Yin Bodhisattva was saying, he asked, “My parents died long time ago, what does it has to do with the pigs you took?”

Guan-Yin Bodhisattva use the leaf of willow took out a little bit of deity water from a jade jar, and spread it in the midair, the sky suddenly appear a foggy screen. In fact, the parents of Mr. Zhang killed numerous of pigs in their lives, they were been punished hardly in hell after their death, and been punished to become pigs, and reborn as pigs in Mr. Zhang's pig farm. Guan-Yin Bodhisattva waved her hands; the pigs she took yesterday appeared in front of Zhang’s eyes. Guan-Yin Bodhisattva touched them lightly, two pigs suddenly appeared as Zhang's parents, only that they do not have any memories. After one second, they re-appeared as pigs again.

Mr. Zhang realized that he almost killed his parents. He dropped the butcher knife on the ground with shock.

Guan-Yin Bodhisattva continues, “XX Zhang, the reason for your parents died early was because they killed too many lives, without any repayment of releasing animals. Now you are still young, you had already killed so many lives, do you know your sin?”

Mr. Zhang suddenly kneeled to the ground; ask Guan-Yin Bodhisattva how to make up his mistakes with tears.

Guan-Yin Bodhisattva said, “The remaining of your life is limited because you killed too many lives. Start from today, you shall not kill anymore. For the pigs in your farm, you must feed them until they die. The first pig that die at old age, will point you the direction for your future, so you don't have to worry about your future. Further, after you get rich, you must release 10 million animals, in order to erase your sins for killing. You keep it in mind.” Guan-Yin Bodhisattva then disappeared as green smoke after she finished the sentence.

Mr. Zhang was confused, he thought it is fine for him to feed the pigs until they die, but his family is not so wealthy, how could he release 10 million pigs? Once he thought of himself, and the repayments of his parents, he started crying. Then he recalled that Guan-Yin Bodhisattva told him not to hurry, so he put his efforts on feeding the pigs. After awhile, the words of Mr. Zhang stop killing pigs started spreading around the village. Mr. Zhang was an honest person, he did not tell others about the appearance of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva. He only warned other butchers stop using their knives.

After a few years, one of the pigs in his farm is about to die. After Mr. Zhang feed it for so many years, he had feeling for it, so he accompany by its side. He thought that he had killed so many pigs, felt quite bitter in his heart, his tears felt. The pig lying on the ground, its mouth kept digging at one spot. But for pig to repeat one action is quite a strange thing. So he raised the mouth of the pig to see what it was digging about.

After this move, Mr. Zhang is getting rich! Because few meters under the place that the pig digging before it died, has oil! The smelling sense of pig is very sharp; it can smell the oil under, so it was digging. Mr. Zhang asked professionals to conduct survey. They said there is an oil field under his pig farm. So they gave him tens of thousands of dollar as reward, and ask him to move to other place. So Mr. Zhang used the money to do business, and make lots of money. He sent people to the market to buy live animals for releasing. After 50 years, it finally reached 10 million.

At the age of 78, his family already became extremely wealthy. Mr. Zhang thank for the guidance of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva. Without the merits of releasing animals to make up his sins, not only he would have killed the reincarnation of his parents, but also has to suffer in hell after death!

Until here, I was amazed by the good fortune of repayment from 'releasing animals! So the direct good fortune of repayment is having 'Long Life'! No wonder many old ladies often went to release animals.

But Chief of Bureau said, “releasing animals depends on the will, if the will is to wish all livings relief from suffering, then the merit is enormous. If the purpose of releasing animals is just to lengthen the lives of self or others, then the merit will be discounted; even though, the repayment on releasing animals still very fruitful! If one pray to go to peaceful land, persistent in practice Buddhism and releasing animals, then after his death, he will go to peaceful land; for ones even carry with many sins, they persistent release many animals, and do it with Buddhist heart, then those sins can be erased, many of them will go to heaven or peaceful land. So the repayment for releasing animals has such wide and deep effect, and can even benefit their descendents!!”

Chief of Bureau ask me to urge all Buddhists on earth, no matter where they are, even the condition of living is harsh, shall persist releasing animals, to make it as a practicing habit. Then all the Buddha and Bodhisattva will be happy, and the hell will forgive the sins. The force of congregate merits can make countries peaceful and no natural disasters. The life of a person who vow to persist in 'releasing animals', will decide where he will go after he dies.

I thanked the Chief of Bureau. Returned home, I decided to release animals tomorrow, the birthday of Buddha

The myth of Meng-Po Soup

Introduction: It is a myth. There is a mythical soup that it can make you forget all the worry, all love and hate. When you leave this world before enter to another place, the soup is in the hand of Meng-Po on the Bridge of Despair. People live in this world that is full of bitterness and suffering, but after drinking this soup, they feel the relief, and make a complete separation from everything happened in the previous lives. After the Meng-Po Soup flows down the throat, the people they loved, the things that they unable to put down, all the earthy tangles will gradually disappear and frozen on the Bridge of Despair, with speechless words, full of tears and a glance to the past. Is it because they reluctant to release, or a decision to cut off completely? It is not important anymore; since they all forgot everything one by one, then everything is gone.

In the 'Kings of Hells Scripture', it describes, after all souls had been punished in all hall of hells in order, at the end will be sent to the tenth hall. The tenth hall is in charge of the rebirth of souls. All souls ready to be rebirth, will send to the Platform of Forgetfulness that is managed by Meng-Po, to be forced to drink a soup, to let them forget their previous lives.

The secret formula to make the Meng-Po Soup was mixed with the souls that were ready to be reborn, plus all sorts of medical herbs, to make it as a soup that tasted like wine, with sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, and salty five different flavors. For all the souls going to be reborn shall drink the soup of Meng-Po. If some sly souls that refuse to drink, there will be iron hook appear from the ground to tide their feet, and there will be sharp copper pipe pinch thru their throats, to force them to drink. No souls shall be exempted.

The above is the mythical definition of Meng-Po Soup and how it is made.

In fact, there is such soup that make people forget things in hell, but the one who commands the soup is deity of dream, not Meng-Po. Since the ancient time there were many people went down to visit hell from earth. When they return, they told people on earth that the person in charge of the soup was 'Deity of Dream'. Since her age is old, so the people down there called her “Meng-Po (Granny Meng)”. Since the word Meng (dream) has the same pronunciation as the family name Meng, so people mistakenly used the wrong word.

So what exactly does the Deity of Dream do? This time, Little Fortune will go down to visit the Deity of Dream personally.

The age of Deity of Dream is about 60 (to estimate in the age of people on earth). Her temper is a little bid , when she is happy, she is kind and easy to talk with; when she gets angry, she would not care about anyone. She belongs to the jurisdiction of Tenth King of Hell. The actual name of Tenth King of Hell is not called King of Reincarnation. Just because he is in charge of affairs in reborn, so he received a respectful title of King of Reincarnation.

The duty of Deity of Dream in fact not to give people soup, she is in charge of 'Dream'. Some deceased people want to talk with their relatives on earth or ask people on earth to do something, will come to register in Deity of Dream. They ask Deity of Dream to arrange a proper time to deliver the message to people on earth. So many people said, “I dream of XX talked to me, the result has been proven!” They thought their relatives really talked to them. Actually most of them were 'pre-recorded' in underworld, then 'play back' in their dream. Of course, there were many rare occasion, that the deceased relatives took 'break' or 'holiday' to come up, must deliver the message in person; or become ghost, floating around, so they can meet with people on earth in their dream. This is part of 'Dream'.

Deity of Dream also in charge of 'Foretell Dream', this kind of dream usually not carry by ordinary souls in hell. Administrators of hell noticed most of coming events in advance. Under the circumstance of not disobey the rule or Karma and Reincarnation. The subordinates of Deity of Dream will send the message to the medians and fortune-tellers around the world. To let them speak out foretell to warn people. Most of the 'major disaster foretell’ that carried out by the fortune-tellers would not be realized. Since it has been spoken, many background causes will change, and caused the result to change. So the fortune-tellers do not know that they actually see the incoming event. This the reason why fortune-tellers loose the accuracy in their predictions. Many incidents were ended like the above situation.

The Deity of Dream lived in the most outer place of hell, there connect between hell and earth, it is an important 'exit' in hell. If someone wants to enter the mortal world on earth, shall receive the stamped approval from King of Hell, and drink the soup, plus screening process, then pass the gate to be reborn. It is similar to the frontier in the ancient time. The Deity of Dream is the general of that station at the frontier. So don't just think that she is an old lady that only makes soup! Many souls escaped to earth while the guards change shift. Most them have been caught, only very few times, that the souls escape without drinking the soup, and spoke the secret of the hell. All the guards on that shift were severely punished. But this kind of incident only happens once in several hundred years, since these souls does not have the stamp of King of Hell, so they do not reborn thru normal process, so it did not spread among people.

So, does the mythical 'Meng-Po Soup' really exist? The answer is, half correct.

There is in fact a soup that can make people loose their memory, but not “Meng-Po Soup”. It was not drunk before on the Bridge of Despair. They all drink long time before got on the Bridge of Despair. Since the reaction of the soup does not take effect that fast.

I went to the 'Soup work shop' in the house of Dream Deity, since these days are so busy, many people were transferred to help other matters, and the remaining personnel were working double the amount. It was embarrassing to disturb their work, so I just watch the making process of the soup.

That was a place that looked like the mix of drug store and kitchen. There was very dense smell of medicine, but it felt quite refreshing, it seemed like it could make me feel so light that I could almost fly to the cloud. I was asking question to hundreds of ladies who are mixing the soup, but they seemed unable to hear my question, neither could they talk. I guess that was meant to be like that so the secret ingredients of the soup will not be released! So I won't bother them. There were several dozen big jars, all boiling. These women kept putting in one thing, that herb were written in words, called Herb of Forgetting Worry. It has very strange appealing, a very big leaf, each separate into five , almost transparent, the color will change with temperature to red, yellow, blue, black, purple five different colors. This five-color leaf means to forget different emotions, angry, happy, sad, disparate, sorrow. The water temperature in each big jar was different, seems like the leaf will produce different effect in different temperature of water. After putting the Herb of Forgetting Worry, women put many different spice into it, so people would not distinguish the original appearance and fragrance of Herb of Forgetting Worry. So the soup that contains almost 20 herbs, in fact the one that really makes it work was Herb of Forgetting Worry.

At this time, Deity of Dream ran to me, and greet to me far away. She said, Fortune, “I was too busy, so I come until now, please don't blame me!”

Before I could react, she pulled me to outside, said, “Let's go, I show you the scene of reborn!”

I was , asked, “I came to reveal the Meng-Po Soup! I had not see clearly, how could I leave?”

Deity of Dream laugh, and said, “Stupid, what Meng-Po Soup? It is just to make them forget everything before they reborn. The most important thing is to make forget the location of hell and secrets.”

I said, “Ah? Is it suppose to forget happy, angry, sad, love, and the previous life?”

She laugh, “Ha ha. How could they forget everything but only remember punishment in hell? Of course forget them all together. It would be great if all people remember all the bad things they had done in the previous life and the punishment they received after. So they will not make the same mistake again in this lifetime. But it is impossible to produce something to make selective memory lost. All of them before reborn, all their good and bad repayment will be written on the sealed books which they hold in their hands, they could not see it. But with such arrangement, the soup will have no need to make them remember anything; all shall follow the repayment of karma. Do you understand?

I replied, “Understood” She pulled my hand to see reborn, I guess it was no harm to take a look; I have to write it soon or later.

But after we walked a few steps, there was a judge with big beard stop in front of us, and shouted, “Meng-Po, why didn't you say that you were leaving, we have not complete our discussion! There were many people died over there. You come and see, also discuss with Kings of Hells and judges, see if we can reach the local medians, so they can find the remaining survivors! You come with me, hurry! You can see reborn any day you want?”

Deity of Dream thought a while, and ran with the judge. forgot about me and left me standing there, alone.

After I returned home, I thought of today's trip to hell was so un-smooth. The character input program on my computer did not work; I could not log on to the blog; the transmission device kept turning off; the articles I wrote disappeared. I felt that demons are afraid of the publishing of my journey to hells. I suddenly felt the heavy responsibility on my shoulder.

